
Speed limiters, driver monitors to become mandatory in EU

There's loads of petrol heads here, quite a few for whom 300bhp is a tad on the sedate side of things (unless it's in something weighing less than a ton).

But none of your points make much sense.

In terms of the first but, glad to hear it! In terms of your last sentence, please clarify, and I'll gladly reciprocate. So are the resident petrol heads happy with this new legislation?

Quite a few of us on here have competed and raced, and I am always amazed when a car thread starts at some of the classic/performance/race vehicles the blokes on here own.

Nice one. So what do you think of the control being imposed on your driving habits with this new legislation?

More than you'll guess at. Until two years ago I had a 911 with 345bhp. Had a few quickish cars over the years, but began to realise that, apart from the cost of running a fast car, I was taking one or two too many chances. I have great memories of it all, but it has almost no place in the modern world. And WTF are middle eastern multimillionaires doing in London with their exotica if not just rubbing people's noses in it?

Ah, I thought I remembered reading your (very enjoyable) threads here about taking your Porsche touring, and some of the lovely scenery you posted! So what are you driving now, and in some ways do you miss your 911?

When you say "modern world", Tony. that very much depends on where. Not all of us live in the south of the country or around London. When I live, in North Wales, the "modern world" hasn't really moved on much in the last 20 years - and life is all the better for it!

Much less stress, for starters....

Every time I go 'darn sarf', and leave the M54 to join the M6 at Birmingham, my heart sinks, in term of the levels of traffic congestion I'm met with, which progressively gets worse, the nearer I get to the M25...

No wonder folks there don't see the point in driving a performance car!

Nice one. So what do you think of the control being imposed on your driving habits with this new legislation?


To be honest I'm against any nanny state regs that are brought in across the board, as opposed to hammering idiots who abuse the freedoms they have. As usual it's the genuine enthusiasts who suffer whilst the dickheads will just continue as before.

Having said that I do cringe when I see a quickish car being ragged on a public highway for 200 metres then the anchors slammed on then blasting off again. Looks a bit daft really and I'm not sure true enthusiasts appreciate it.
Hi Tony,

It's the 'shove' you get when accelerating quickly, especially from a standing start, in a car with 300bhp (or more), plus the engine roar from a fat-assed sports exhaust! It can be rather grin-inducing:D

Are there any car enthusiasts/petrol heads here, or just folks who see them as a means from getting from A to B, as slowly, cheaply (and boringly) as possible, lol?:p


I think you'll find most serious petrolheads outgrow the novelty of the standing-start acceleration thing in road-cars fairly early in the development phase Marco :cool:
It's the 'shove' you get when accelerating quickly, especially from a standing start, in a car with 300bhp (or more), plus the engine roar from a fat-assed sports exhaust! It can be rather grin-inducing:D


Anything but grin-inducing for others.
As I've mentioned before there is an absolute plague of twatish vehicles which throb, pop and bang, round our way. It is really tiresome hearing one of these every few minutes, on nice days. It also about as impressive as botox.
(All 30 & 40MPH limits near us).
Hi Tony,

It's the 'shove' you get when accelerating quickly, especially from a standing start, in a car with 300bhp (or more), plus the engine roar from a fat-assed sports exhaust! It can be rather grin-inducing:D

Are there any car enthusiasts/petrol heads here, or just folks who see them as a means from getting from A to B as slowly, cheaply (and boringly) as possible, lol?:p


I want to look after the environment and get to where I’m going safely.
You don’t need 300 bhp for that.
I think you'll find most serious petrolheads outgrow the novelty of the standing-start acceleration thing in road-cars fairly early in the development phase Marco :cool:

Sure, but it's still more fun than driving a car completely without that ability.

Anything but grin-inducing for others.
As I've mentioned before there is an absolute plague of twatish vehicles which throb, pop and bang, round our way. It is really tiresome hearing one of these every few minutes, on nice days. It also about as impressive as botox.
(All 30 & 40MPH limits near us).

I completely agree [we get some of that round here, too], but that's not what I'm talking about, and my own car sounds nothing like that. Thank goodness!

It's dead easy, folks... Just don't buy a new car after 2021, and instead drive used cars from before that period (of which the choice will be vast), thus avoiding the government's odious and surreptitious, nanny-state, mind-control...:mad:

That's certainly what I'll be doing, as the 'powers that be' are *desperate* to suck all the fun out of motoring (have been for years), and force us to bend to 'the system'. Well, this fiercely independent, rebellious anti-establishment free-thinker, who lives in an area where roads are still relatively uncrowded (often empty), and who enjoys driving a nice car, simply isn't having it!

In any case, there's no need to break speed limits (and I don't, especially in built-up areas), because in the right car, on the right roads/conditions, plenty of fun can be still had from 0-70mph, and I intend to continue smiling behind the wheel until I'm forced to swap my car for a zimmer frame;)

Feck this electric car bollox, too!

Marco [a 'petrol head' for life].

I assume the non speed limited ones will have to have black boxes in them. Most cars by then will already have the tech inside for limiting and GPS. My 2017 car has.

Speaking of speed. Goodness, those new Nissan Leafs can’t half accelerate quickly.

Marco - I didn't mean you unless you do have one of those cars, which seem to be more about "look at me" than driver enjoyment.

Most of these cars seem to be modern, expensive and bling. There's an AMG Merc round here with 6 exhaust pipes, makes me think of:

To protect people like me from drivers like you? Not that I go Wales...

I assume the non speed limited ones will have to have black boxes in them. Most cars by then will already have the tech inside for limiting and GPS. My 2017 car has.

Speaking of speed. Goodness, those new Nissan Leafs can’t half accelerate quickly.


Hi Stephen,

If your assumption is correct, then they really are taking the piss! Can anyone confirm?

If you're right, I'd rather drive a vintage car, pre any kind of 'tech' whatsoever than succumb to that nonsense. Black boxes? What next, introducing a curfew and only allow driving during the day? They'll be inserting chips in your head next!:eek:

Surely one see the bigger picture and where all this is going?

Marco - I didn't mean you unless you do have one of those cars, which seem to be more about "look at me" than driver enjoyment.

Most of these cars seem to be modern, expensive and bling. There's an AMG Merc round here with 6 exhaust pipes, makes me think of:


Ha - that's funny! No problem, I understand exactly where you're coming from. These are the quad exhausts I have on my car:

Makes a nice healthy 'deep growl', but only under hard acceleration, not constantly, and a nice 'rasp', when idling:cool:

Hi Stephen,

If your assumption is correct, then they really are taking the piss! Can anyone confirm?

If you're right, I'd rather drive a vintage car, pre any kind of 'tech' whatsoever than succumb to that nonsense. Black boxes? What next, introducing a curfew and only allow driving during the day? They'll be inserting chips in your head next!:eek:

Surely one see the bigger picture and where all this is going?


It’s surmise. But vintage cars can be fitted with black boxes too. They may not be able to adjust your speed, but they can still let the authorities know if you break the law.

I think once new cars have this tech you won’t be able to drive without.

The era of the car as we know it is coming to an end I think. To be honest, I’m amazed it’s taken this long. Sad in many ways. I love cars but understand their impact on the environment is unsustainable.


