
Speeches in parliament over anti-semitic activities.

Corbyn is currently in the Middle East, and as always he's sticking to his principles:

Corbyn: Labour government would quickly recognize Palestine
Yippee!! That's going to go down a treat with the British electorate.
Like it or lump it, the Palestinians are associated with terrorism, and quite rightly so.
The Tory spin machine will pick this up and milk it for all it is worth.
Jeremy Corbyn...the gift that keeps on giving.

A question to the experts here:
Will Corbyn, if elected, quickly recognize Palestine of the West Bank or Palestine of Gaza Strip?

Don't answer quickly, try to learn what is going on first.

A question to the experts here:
Will Corbyn, if elected, quickly recognize Palestine of the West Bank or Palestine of Gaza Strip?

Don't answer quickly, try to learn what is going on first.

I doubt there will be a distinction, it will be the Palestine that lies beyond Israel’s internationally agreed borders on all sides. Netanyahu, Likud and the American evangelical far-right may have other definitions!
Yippee!! That's going to go down a treat with the British electorate.
Like it or lump it, the Palestinians are associated with terrorism, and quite rightly so.
The Tory spin machine will pick this up and milk it for all it is worth.
Jeremy Corbyn...the gift that keeps on giving.

Quick question: how do you think you and yours would be affected by a (Corbyn) Labour government?
Quick question: how do you think you and yours would be affected by a (Corbyn) Labour government?

The welfare state and NHS will be properly funded, as will education and all of the other services which the Tories have deliberately run down in an effort to pay little tax and privatize everything.

Labour will turn the housing situation around and actually build enough council properties, which will no longer be sold off cheaply.

The UK will start to make sound foreign policy decisions under Corbyn, instead of slavering over the current American dickhead President and going into yet another war against Muslims.

The only questionable thing is what they will do about Brexit. I think they are biding their time until it falls apart one way or another.

Corbyn said prior to the Referendum that the UK was better off staying in the EU and I reckon he still believes that. He's not turncoat Theresa May after all.

I doubt there will be a distinction, it will be the Palestine that lies beyond Israel’s internationally agreed borders on all sides. Netanyahu, Likud and the American evangelical far-right may have other definitions!
There is a dispute between Abu Mazen and the Hamas. Abu Mazen prevents salaries to the Hamas' officials, prevents budgets, he insists of taking control on Gaza but the Hamas refuses. No one sees Gaza and the WB as one. The WB and Gaza are two separate actors.
And there is the Israeli demand that solution must be achieved in direct negotiation which Europe with its unbalanced behavior pushes Abu Mazen to refuse to.
These days Abu Mazen refuses to meet the American delegation that tries to achieve basis to agreement.

Since 1948, when the Palestinians refused to the partition decision, they destroyed every opportunity to achieve agreement. What Corbyn suggests will make the situation worse.


BTW - the American with Saudi Arabia and with Qatar are trying to aid the Palestinians in Gaza with Big projects like establishing a huge solar farm in Sinai to supply electricity to Gaza, a little port in El Arish and more. The money will come from SA and Qatar. The one and only body that made serious planes that are now a base to establish such projects is the IDF. The only one!
Corbyn said prior to the Referendum that the UK was better off staying in the EU and I reckon he still believes that. He's not turncoat Theresa May after all.

He and May are like two peas in a pod, both having reversed their position on EU at some stage.
The welfare state and NHS will be properly funded, as will education and all of the other services which the Tories have deliberately run down in an effort to pay little tax and privatize everything.

Labour will turn the housing situation around and actually build enough council properties, which will no longer be sold off cheaply.

The UK will start to make sound foreign policy decisions under Corbyn, instead of slavering over the current American dickhead President and going into yet another war against Muslims.

The only questionable thing is what they will do about Brexit. I think they are biding their time until it falls apart one way or another.

Corbyn said prior to the Referendum that the UK was better off staying in the EU and I reckon he still believes that. He's not turncoat Theresa May after all.

And how is this cornucopia of riches to be funded?
Well?.. Do Ya?.. Punk?


From those extra taxes you’re so afraid of. The calculation really is whether you’ll get more than your money’s worth. Depends whether any of you and yours will need the services that are likely to do better under Labour. So, do you feel lucky?
If push comes to shove, I'll just leave the country. Corbyn can rot in hell before he gets his hands on any of my cash.

Yippee!! That's going to go down a treat with the British electorate.
The British electorate already know Corbyn's position wrt Israel/Palestine.

So his statement is largely irrelevant in terms of the British electorate.

Like it or lump it, the Palestinians are associated with terrorism, and quite rightly so.
The Palestinians are associated with oppression, dispossession and victimisation. They are the oppressed and dispossessed victims of Israeli state terror, illegal colonisation and Apartheid.

The Tory spin machine will pick this up and milk it for all it is worth.
Jeremy Corbyn...the gift that keeps on giving.

The Tory's public position - while quite clearly as fake as that of Labour Friends of Israel, as both are fully supportive of Israeli terror and criminality - is support for the two state solution, just like Corbyn's Labour, so what exactly are they going to milk?

You really ought to pause and think a little, before making self-congratulating troll posts that could be debunked by a toddler.
The British electorate already know Corbyn's position wrt Israel/Palestine.

So his statement is largely irrelevant in terms of the British electorate.

The Palestinians are associated with oppression, dispossession and victimisation. They are the oppressed and dispossessed victims of Israeli state terror, illegal colonisation and Apartheid.

The Tory's public position - while quite clearly as fake as that of Labour Friends of Israel, as both are fully supportive of Israeli terror and criminality - is support for the two state solution, just like Corbyn's Labour, so what exactly are they going to milk?

You really ought to pause and think a little, before making self-congratulating troll posts that could be debunked by a toddler.
I doubt whether 5% of the British electorate are aware of Corbyn's position on Israel/Palestine, and of those 5%, 4.9% will already be true believers.
And the public perception of the Palestinians are that they are mainly associated with suicide bombers, rocket attacks and a burning desire to see Israel driven into the sea.
As soon as the Tory spin machine goes to work on Corbyn's position, he will be perceived as a rabid supporter of terrorism, and reverting to type as an ingrained anti-Semite.
A not far off the mark perception, IMHO.

I think you are simply wrong on that. Most people take the plight of the Palestinians as a given and are sympathetic to their cause. They associate them more with the harsh conditions they are forced to live under than anything else.
As soon as the Tory spin machine goes to work on Corbyn's position, he will be perceived as a rabid supporter of terrorism, and reverting to type as an ingrained anti-Semite.

It will be interesting to see if that is sufficient to distract from the Tories idiotic Brexit debacle and the economic ruin that it is bringing to the country.


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