
Speeches in parliament over anti-semitic activities.




Wish BBC would stop referring to “Gaza violence” though. They mean Israeli violence.

Do you think that launching missiles to civilians' targets is not violence?
Inciting fire in large agriculture areas in Israel is not violence?
Digging tunnels under ground in order to murder citizens in Israel is not violence?
The Hamas executing Palestinians in Gaza is not violence?
The Hamas puts all its budget on weapon and destroys the life of its own citizens is not violence?
The Hamas encouraging ISIS in Sinai and murdering Egyptians is not violence?

Do you have values of what violence is or you are filtering what violence is?

BTW if this list is not long enough I can add more.

I was chatting to a Turkish chap the other day and after wandering on to the subject of politics he told me something interesting.

He said he thinks the reason Erdogan is so worried about the Kurds is that if the Yanks ever fancied a regime change (as they often do) in Turkey then they’d likely arm the Kurds and get them to do it by way of an uprising.

So they’re like a sleeping Trojan horse, in his opinion.

I’m not sure about that. But it’s interesting.

The possibility of Kurds taking over in in Turkey is non-existent. But if they can be framed as an AMERICAN threat, you'll entertain the idea that their oppression is justified.
The possibility of Kurds taking over in in Turkey is non-existent. But if they can be framed as an AMERICAN threat, you'll entertain the idea that their oppression is justified.

Read what you quoted again, which is a theory that a Turkish guy put to me, one which I said I wasn't sure about, then explain how you extrapolated from that that I support the oppression of the Kurds :rolleyes:
A sovereign government may do torture and murder as it wishes on any persons within or around it's borders. None of our business. Is that a fair restatement of your position?
Don't you see a difference between within borders and around borders?


Read what you quoted again, which is a theory that a Turkish guy put to me, one which I said I wasn't sure about, then explain how you extrapolated from that that I support the oppression of the Kurds :rolleyes:
I simply posited that you are willing to entertain the idea that such Turkish policies might be justified--when one considers the possibility of an evil AMERICAN plot. You didn't exactly say they *were* justified, and I didn't exactly say you supported oppression.
Don't you see a difference between within borders and around borders?

The key thing is I deny the 'radical freedom' often claimed for the sovereign. My feeling is that *anything* cannot be automatically OK if one is defending a border. There is more to consider.
I simply posited that you are willing to entertain the idea that such Turkish policies might be justified--when one considers the possibility of an evil AMERICAN plot. You didn't exactly say they *were* justified, and I didn't exactly say you supported oppression.


You're talking rubbish.
The cultural boycott has largely been ineffective. Most performers who want to go to Israel do.
Probably the largest band in the world, Radiohead, recently played in Tel Aviv.
My wife and son went (from the UK) and said it was absolutely amazing.
Them Yorke politely told Rogers Waters to F*** off.


Post (to someone or other’s Twitter feed) deleted. Lazy link spamming is not welcome here. If a poster has something to add to a thread they should articulate it in their own words offering external citations if needed, i.e. any post should at least have some original content.
Israel's internal security policies are Israel's alone. None of our business.


If you take your narrow view, then not really as Israel is operating outside of its legally defined borders. In the bigger picture, if you cannot see that Israels behaviour in risking a conflict with Iran and helping destabilise the ME just so a bunch of religious nut jobs can live somewhere they have no legal right to be does affect you, then I am afraid that shows a lack of reasoning on your own part.
If you take your narrow view, then not really as Israel is operating outside of its legally defined borders. In the bigger picture, if you cannot see that Israels behaviour in risking a conflict with Iran and helping destabilise the ME just so a bunch of religious nut jobs can live somewhere they have no legal right to be does affect you, then I am afraid that shows a lack of reasoning on your own part.

Israel risking conflict with Iran? That is your understanding of the ME?

Iran supports Hamas and Hezbollah. Iran is responsible for mass murder in Syria. Iran runs terror groups in Africa. Iran was involved - and maybe still - with terror in south America. Iran wants to gain the hegmony in the ME which puts it in conflict with Saudi Arabia. And you are saying that Israel risking the stabilation in the Me? I think that you should learn a little more about the ME.

The Guardian's cartoonist Steve Bell has had one of his drawings spiked by editor Katherine Vine for being antisemitic. Personally I think it is pretty ridiculous and so do a number of my mates who work in the media. You'll have to look at the cartoon for yourself in this Huffpost article:

"In two emails sent to journalists in The Guardian’s newsroom seen by HuffPost UK, Bell claimed he had been “unfairly traduced and censored”.

"His cartoon featured Theresa May sitting alongside Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu in front of a fire, in which Palestinian medic Razan al-Najjar is burning. The 21-year-old was shot and killed by an Israeli soldier on June 4.

"Bell said: “I cannot for the life of me begin to understand criticism of the cartoon that begins by dragging in ‘wood-burning stoves’, ‘ovens’, ‘holocaust’, or any other nazi-related nonsense. That was the last thing on my mind when I drew it, I had no intention of conflating the issues of the mass murder of European Jews and Gaza."

Unfortunately it seem like some extremists want to kill off satire.

Arye, Pew is generally respected. I see no reason whatsoever to dismiss the Pew survey.
I was surprised to read yesterday that few newspapers in Israel distorted surveys regarding Jewish Arabs relations. One of them, Israel Hayom was forced
to expose it by the Press Committee in Israel because the paper is a member of the committee. I don't know the others.

But I still don't feel that the survey reflects the reality.

In Haifa, many residents of several religions are living peacefully together. Unfortunately, as I visit several hospitals and seeing many doctors, I get treatments from Muslim doctors, Muslim nurses, Muslim administrators.
In all restaurants in Haifa you meet Jews and Muslims and Christians and Achmeds and Bahas and Druz.

I asked few friends from Tel Aviv and they have the same feeling of meging.

Antisemitic tropes are indeed pervasive in the media and in society but this ain’t one. Not helpful.
Israel started the Six Day War and invaded in order to take more Arab land, but the narrative is Israel was attacked by seven massive Arab armies wanting to 'throw the Jews into the sea'.

Israel has actually destroyed the Palestinian state, but the narrative is the Palestinians want to destroy Israel.

Israel partakes in mass-murder of innocents, but the narrative says the Palestinians made them do it in order to score a public relations victory.

Israel agitates for the destruction of non-friendly neighbouring countries via its immensely powerful lobby, but the narrative blames the governments of said countries for the ensuing regime change wars.

And Israel, together with the U.S. wants total military dominance of the region, but the narrative is Iran is causing all the problems, and seeking hegemony.

Just take the Israeli narrative and invert it, if you want to know the truth.

