
So that's the climate f****d then

Just to put Paul's comments into perspective, he was fine with the average global temperature plot when it showed a pause — no further increase in temperature for several years running starting at about 1998 — but now that it's climbing again and broke records three years in a row (2014, 2015, 2016) it doesn't reflect reality.


MIPS may be British owned at the moment but it is an American company - it was the processing power behind SGI.

I remember them! Learnt Unix (ok then, IRIX) on them a decade and a half ago, just when everyone else learned how to make GPUs that could thrash them. I guess that's why I like macOS so much (if you like your GPUs behind the curve, like several years).
Thank God for that Sue. I don't know what the 'dinosaur killer' thing is, but I'm just glad you are ok....:)

:) the theory goes that a comet struck the Earth around 70 million years ago, wiping out the dinosaurs. The post I responded to referred to the Tories as dinosaurs. It is no more complicated than that.
People need to educate themselves about CO2, starting with how little of it is is in the atmosphere (0.038% of it is CO2), not enough to have any effect on the planet's temperature. Then move on to the fact that it doesn't actually trap heat.

Then perhaps go to the fact that the planet hasn't shown any warming in 20 years (according to satellite data), then go to indisputable facts that none of the predicted disasters that were supposed to have happened by now have actually taken place.
Trouble with facts is, they are difficult to argue against.

People never consider or look up the benefits of global warming. Climate changes all the time...the time to worry is when the world is cooling that's a far worse scenario.
Oh an article citing an economics professor and Republican Party climate sceptic advisor. Thanks.
that's a perfect example of why journalists (and other not trained in science) should not be writing articles on science -- unless they are prepared to go back to school.


Does increasing concentration of CO2 increase the rate of plant growth or not?
Yes but it also increases global warming and we don't get to realise the benefits of increased plant growth if we cut them all down through deforestation.

There's plenty of good info on the internet about global warming, you have to work a bit harder to find the kind of b0llocks you just linked to.
How about for food production. Is plant growth a natural sink for CO2?

What part of the current CO2 level is said to be man made?

How does an increase in temperature affect plant growth?

