
So that's the climate f****d then

People like short, sharp, bit-sized approach to facts now. They also don’t like the truth, especially when it’s backed up by cogent argument and facts.

I do agree, though, long-winded = read first and last paragraph and guess the rest for many. Incredulity, more amazement in some cases. I try not to denounce, merely point out a few insistencies, but, once every x months a statement is made that makes your jaw drop. No names, no packdrill.

Then again, it’s controversy that adds to the ‘fun’ of forums. I’m only glad that I wasn’t stupid anough to volunteer to run one.

Yeah, I'm committed now to keeping it short. I likely wouldn't read me either.

It's not many forums that bother with an OT sub. And if they do it often leads to massive defection by flounce, and then the drama people get up in arms over but can't keep their eyes from stops and more people leave.

Funny you should mention Mothra.

I spotted a "mothra" (Hyalophora cecropia) a few years ago when I was out running some errands. It was on a parking lot and likely to be run over, so I took it home, where I later took several pictures of it including one of Mothra on my daughter's head, before letting it go that night. They're nocturnal, so flying away during the day was unlikely.

Anyway, it's huge — the wingspan is nearly seven inches, tip to tip. I'm gonna go out on a limb that that alone precludes it from being up anyone's bum.




I'm reminded of a thing I have not thought of in decades--saw one of those being carted around in a glass box when I was in kindergarten--one of the school staff had successfully hatched it. Cercropia moth they called it, I remember that (though not the spelling of course). Just another thing in a world full of new things, at that time. Don't recall the bits of lovely orange....

It's a fascinating moth. When the adults emerge they live for just a week or two and during that time they have one purpose — finding a mate to start the cycle again. Another interesting thing — the adults don't eat because they can't. They have no digestive system and a non-functioning mouth.

Cecropia moths aren't endangered, but in a world where climate is changing rapidly I wonder if kids in a 100 years will ever see one. I'm sure we'll have lots of flies, cockroaches and mosquitos, though, so not a complete loss.


It's a fascinating moth. When the adults emerge they live for just a week or two and during that time they have one purpose — finding a mate to start the cycle again. Another interesting thing — the adults don't eat because they can't. They have no digestive system and a non-functioning mouth.

Cecropia moths aren't endangered, but in a world where climate is changing rapidly I wonder if kids in a 100 years will ever see one. I'm sure we'll have lots of flies, cockroaches and mosquitos, though, so not a complete loss.


An example of evolution producing pure art.
I suppose when you only live for a week tops you don't worry too much about predators (birds ? lizards ?). Or does that bright red actually work as camoflage ?

They're nocturnal, so are mostly inactive during the day. In the woods they're much harder to spot.


Sadly, there is nothing in the capitalist system that can save the planet. OK, the Guardian tries, but this piece of Nero fiddling is typical.

Apart from the destruction of more species, you would think the spill would be manageable. However, the companies involved are busy washing their hands, so nothing will happen until the courst settle the issue. As it happens, the Australian government is sending help after a request from the islanders, but that isn’t the point.

Various environmental agencies have been recommending for years that measures be put in place to avoid just what is happening now. Yes, bauxite or whatever will be a lot more expensive, so what? I’d rather paytriple to fly somewhere than have this happen.

There is a lot more information about this incident onthe web if you search. Personally, I believe the assets of the companies concerned should be seized, the directors jailed for life and the shareholders fined, but ket’s face the truth. The environment makes heart rending news, but our society has never had the will to cope.

T.S Eliot had it right.
There is a lot more information about this incident onthe web if you search. Personally, I believe the assets of the companies concerned should be seized, the directors jailed for life and the shareholders fined, but ket’s face the truth. The environment makes heart rending news, but our society has never had the will to cope.

T.S Eliot had it right.


It's too easy to leave the problem to insurers; the ship shouldn't even have been allowed to park there.
Whatever the right idea is, I'm pretty sure a vigilante army isn't it. If you try to use violence as a tool to influence policy, you will influence it all right, but not in any good way....
The Climate Change Paper So Depressing It's Sending People to Therapy
I followed the link, followed a link there "to the paper," and found the link there to actually download the paper. At first scan, of both the site where I got the paper and the paper itself, my initial opinion is the creators of this have made a strong, intelligent effort to scare as many readers as possible, as much as possible.

Open questions:

1. Is it indeed going to be really bad? Just how really bad, and how soon, really?
2. Are the authors just trying to give us the bad news as straight up as they can, or are they scaremongering in order to try to get something to happen that they want?
3. In any case, what is to be done?

I'm going to give this paper a closer look, first off....

link to PDF of the paper “Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy”

