
So that's the climate f****d then

The first thing I think of when Trump speaks on Climate Change while his supporters lap it up is how the same group pumped out Baghdad Bob memes at a furious pace for laughs.
What do you mean? I've found out about this meme, just don't get your point.
possibly SOME appeal for the general public in not sitting with that particular view? I wouldn't mind if it were NE of me by 50 miles.

Sorry only had 5 minutes to research. If I get a chance I'll have a go at no.2 again... No success so far, there must be a renewables mafia out there.

Unfortunately it takes a bit more than five minutes of research to prove reactor technology viable. PV solar is here and following the well worn path of cost reduction semiconductor devices travel. If perovskite PV comes of age, which is looking increasingly likely, then PV will see another step drop in price. If you want to go nuclear, go fusion.
Unfortunately it takes a bit more than five minutes of research to prove reactor technology viable. PV solar is here and following the well worn path of cost reduction semiconductor devices travel. If perovskite PV comes of age, which is looking increasingly likely, then PV will see another step drop in price. If you want to go nuclear, go fusion.
Interesting, I wasn't aware of these developments. Living in the North West I'd always thought solar PV was not viable as it stands (too far north, too much cloud, so not enough insolation) but this could change that. My thought was that typical PV cells were around 15% efficient, so for this to make economic sense, the cost would have to halve, and the efficiency approach double that, to make sense round these parts. This could be that game-changer.
USA Hurricanes are getting angrier in this Yes/No to Climate Change era. But there's always a silver lining - in this case, caption-able photos are plentiful!

Three things spring to mind viewing this one: they don't make plywood like they used to; even money says someone is ticketed parking in that spot; looting is apparently a tentative proposition in Trump states.

Interesting, I wasn't aware of these developments. Living in the North West I'd always thought solar PV was not viable as it stands (too far north, too much cloud, so not enough insolation) but this could change that. My thought was that typical PV cells were around 15% efficient, so for this to make economic sense, the cost would have to halve, and the efficiency approach double that, to make sense round these parts. This could be that game-changer.

One of my friends in the NW has solar panels, payback period is about seven years, even here in Sweden, admittedly southern Sweden, the payback time is about ten and that is with a one to one feed in, ie when you put something in when you are running a surplus, you can take the same amount out when you are running a deficit, if you run a surplus over a year then you get a much lower rate on the difference between what you use and what you put in.
I may have posted this interactive feature before — I likely have, but the memory is the first thing that goes — but it is worth repeat viewing.

What's warming the Earth

The animation extends only to 2014 and since then we've have three record-breaking hottest years ever.

One of my friends in the NW has solar panels, payback period is about seven years, even here in Sweden, admittedly southern Sweden, the payback time is about ten
Interesting, thanks. Viable perhaps if you have the square meterage available.
Interesting, thanks. Viable perhaps if you have the square meterage available.

I think there is no compensation for latitude in the FiT regs so you'll be allowed the same setup in North and South.

Optimum angle varies by latitude and the seasonal profile will change slightly.

I've got mine at almost ideal angle and live in the sunniest part of UK so we're often flagged up by error detection for overclaims.
I may have posted this interactive feature before — I likely have, but the memory is the first thing that goes — but it is worth repeat viewing.

What's warming the Earth

The animation extends only to 2014 and since then we've have three record-breaking hottest years ever.


That's a good start to explaining it to a lot of the deniers. Sort of like how Trump's staff allegedly distills his briefs and reports into short illustrated bullet point presentations so he doesn't drift to banging his fork and mumbling "lock her up!" Trouble is, you eventually do have to include words totaling up to paragraphs ... and that's when tl;dr sets in and the whole thing fails and it's back to trolling comment boards with how scientists and the UN are on the take and whatever because cycles.
A friend was pointing out last night that anatomically modern humans have roamed the earth for 30,000 to 50,000 years and it's only taking 300 years, post industrial revolution, to destroy its environment. Impressive.
The Bible? Yes, that's all totally true.

Climate change? Hoax!

"US President Donald Trump has accused climate change scientists of having a "political agenda" as he cast doubt on whether humans were responsible for the earth's rising temperatures."

The sort of thinking that probably dooms us.

Saturday was the warmest late October day in the UK since records began. Sweden has also just recorded its warmest ever October day.

"As a planet, we are coursing along a trajectory that brings us north of four degrees by the end of the century. The IPCC is right that two degrees marks a world of climate catastrophe. Four degrees is twice as bad as that. And that is where we are headed, at present — a climate hell twice as hellish as the one the IPCC says, rightly, we must avoid at all costs. But the real meaning of the report is not “climate change is much worse than you think,” because anyone who knows the state of the research will find nothing surprising in it. The real meaning is, “you now have permission to freak out.”"
The Donald says that he can't go along with the recommendations because it's going to hurt the US economy and cost huge amounts of money and jobs.

He put his point across very clearly.
If everything was equal worldwide...

Has anyone ever done the maths to figure out what standard of living one could expect worldwide if the world was run in a sustainable fashion with all wealth equally distributed?
From Trump’s 60 Minutes interview.

Asked if he thinks climate change is a hoax, Trump said, "I think something's happening. Something's changing, and it'll change back again. I don't think it's a hoax, I think there's probably a difference. But I don't know that it's man-made. I will say this. I don't want to give trillions and trillions of dollars. I don't want to lose millions and millions of jobs. I don't want to be put at a disadvantage."

Trump added that he is not denying climate change, "But it could very well go back. You know, we're talking about over a million ... years. They say that we had hurricanes that were far worse than what we just had with Michael."

Pressed about scientists who have said climate change is worse than ever, Trump said, "You'd have to show me the scientists because they have a very big political agenda.

The Bible? Yes, that's all totally true.

Climate change? Hoax!

That's the nutshell of it.

This is the depth of thought many people possess. Another good example is the blowback people receive who abstain from voting in the USA two-party stranglehold. It runs the gamut from not doing one's civic duty to versions of "if you don't stand for something you stand for nothing." I've heard that one myself. But then if you vote for a 3rd party or write-in a candidate you're throwing your vote away or you're complicit in electing a really bad guy and you should've voted for the ... wait for it ... Lesser of two evils. It's absolutely no wonder to me then that the sum of our existence is to have wasted this planet.
Funny how scientists have big political agendas unlike politicians who seek truth, understanding and predictive power.


