
So that's the climate f****d then


I thought so, too. I've really gained an appreciation for data visualization beyond simple charts and graphs.

Courtesy of Ed Hawkins: On 18th August 1778, James Cook reached 70°44'N between Alaska & Russia on his Arctic voyage (roughly the orange line). His ship encountered sea ice which "was quite impenetrable & extended as far as the eye could reach". On 18th August 2018 there was no ice in the same location


More bad news — a positive feedback loop that could accelerate the already quickly melting Arctic sea ice.

This is what worries me. The Earth and its climate are a complex system, and knocking it out of whack by a couple of degrees unleashes a whole host of other changes that tend to reinforce each other instead of limit the rising global temperature.

Has your home town become warmer since your birth? Find out.


If nuclear fusion doesn't arrive pdq then unless there is a rapid change in the amount we consume it's likely that there will be a massive economic shock as large areas of the planet become unsuitable for humans and they start moving to cooler places, likely leading to large scale conflict as people fight over scarce resources, as lifeforms usually do.
I think this is the only image you really need.

And, actually, it would be a pretty good loudspeaker frequency response graph. If maybe a wee bit peaky in the upper mids and treble.

Not so good when you see it's Arctic ice.

Some of you have a lot more faith in mankind than I do. It's mankind that's out of control. There needs to be an all powerful higher form of intelligence to control (or eradicate) it.
Some of you have a lot more faith in mankind than I do. It's mankind that's out of control. There needs to be an all powerful higher form of intelligence to control (or eradicate) it.

I'm sure we will eradicate ourselves in due course...just hope some other species are able to survive and prosper..
After growing up in urban/city areas, and living mostly in the same, I moved to a country hamlet with a population of 5000 people spread over enough rural area to have no sense of crowding. One of the things I really liked about it were the areas left wild. There was a lot of relatively untamed growth situated between homes, farms and orchards.

Then the little secret got out, and due to an unquenchable thirst for revenue, the county declared a swath of growth areas which included mine. In 15 years the population tripled. Housing developments have cropped like weeds in rain.

Seeing trash alongside roadways and sitting in traffic that never before existed is certainly off-putting, but what I really SMH at is how these new arrivals, in their pilgrimage to a country way of life, park cookie-cutter SUVs (mostly 4 shades of grey) in front of neatly manicured putting greens provided by lawn maintenance services that patrol the roads like sentinels in hunt to eradicate 3" blades of grass.

Most interesting is that the newbies rarely venture outside the confines of their 400k+ stick boxes set on tiny lots running heat pump clusters 24/7 without the aide of those air-conditioned SUVs. Climate change - who me?
Same here I've just been walking and wondering why I'm paying so much more council tax when most of the maintenance they used to carry out hasn't been on the agenda for a decade or so.

The pursuit of wealth and power sadly overrules the pursuit of longevity.
Same here I've just been walking and wondering why I'm paying so much more council tax when most of the maintenance they used to carry out hasn't been on the agenda for a decade or so.

The pursuit of wealth and power sadly overrules the pursuit of longevity.

One big problem locally are the incentives given to business to set up shop. Municipalities have made competing for how much of your money they'll spend for jobs the new normal. It's not only Amazon warehouses in play, but just about any business promising impressive employment numbers get breaks. People cheer this turn of events as if they're not paying for it!

Another f-all to taxpayers is how an area's cost of living becomes self-perpetuating: areas with higher costs of living and more educated citizens will attract technical and professional jobs, and that increases real estate prices and development. In turn, gentrification becomes a vicious cycle pricing people of lesser means out. In turn, poorer areas, who don't have any incentives to give, become locked into a cycle of good job scarcity that is impossible to break. And since there are only so many lower paying service jobs, if people stay in those jobs it compels younger people to relocate .. and there goes what little commerce the area has. Soon a big box store will get those incentives and now most of the community is lining up to make minimum wage with no protections.

Like you say, wealth and power over longevity. Capitalist governments never cared for self-sustainable communities with self-reliant peoples, true family values, subsistence farming, or anything else related to sound and sane.
The BBC continues to disgrace itself on this topic.

Newsnight led on today's UN report. Guess who the first person they interviewed about it was: a hardcore Trumpist climate change denier (or "pro-energy" advocate, as he referred to himself).

No wonder the ignorance of the electorate is so great, and so few people see the urgent need to address climate change.
Nuclear is the obvious solution, but the IPCC prefers to keep itself relevant by apposing a clear solution.

All new power plants worldwide should be 4th gen Nuclear with subsidies for poorer nations to build them with oversight by the UN. In fact it should be mandatory with strict sanctions for non-compliance.
Shome mishtake shurely...."Renewables" not nuclear. Unless you mean fusion. Nuclear is a clusterfluck happened, happening and waiting to happen.

