
Show off your 2014 builds what plans for 2015?

Once you master soldering, it's quite repetitive - one joint after the other. It can be quite theraputic. I built one of the World Audio Designs valve amps a few years back, but haven't done any since, feel like doing something else now, but I couldn't track them down online. Search results are hogged by installation kits for Chrysler Voyager ....

Does anyone have a direct link to them?

Most of the guys from the old World Audio site hang out here.

I think that World Audio was taken over a few years ago but the new company still do some of the kits such as the lovely phono stage and headphone amp. I also think that they supply the Kel84 kit which I have and love (kills the leak stereo 20 IMHO) so maybe a trip over to the above link may give a better idea of what’s happening.

Good hunting.:cool:
Sorry, I wasn't awake when I wrote that - the thread was referring to Voyager amplifier kits, and I meant I couldn't find them (not World Audio) because the search results were clogged with installation kits intended for things to go in Chrysler Voyager cars....
Only build this year was prompted by Shoom's VBE group buy. Two were fitted into my mono HackerNaps. They were good enough to prompt me to finish off the other two boards and get on with finishing building two more HackerNaps to take my SBLs active again. I'm well on with them so they could just get into 2014. Pics soon.
I have to say that when you see these speaker builds it makes stuffing a few boards and sticking them in a box seem like small beer. I'm deffo going to have a go at some wood spoiling next year :D
I have to say that when you see these speaker builds it makes stuffing a few boards and sticking them in a box seem like small beer. I'm deffo going to have a go at some wood spoiling next year :D

You should!

I'm happy to say that the super purple colour of the speakers (it's purple heart hardwood, not die or stain) has mellowed considerably and now looks really elegant. Those pictures were taken after just after being oiled and the purple really popped!

df_genius, holy smokes you were busy!
Although not music (the TT was my only HiFi related build) I am catching up on my builds this holiday and blotting out the enforced festivities while I complete the Cloptronic 2.0 a much more more advanced weaponised audio experimentation interface containing four samplers a Rpio supercollider modular interface with DAC breakout, three microprocessor synths (including a wavetable oscillator) and some chaotic nonlinear circuits that do batshit crazy things. This is a machine that does what it wants when it wants, how I want it...

Closing up on my Backlog by c-g., on Flickr

And of course DAS blinkenlichts, these were built a month ago. elegance in the control interfaces is important.

DIY Arc 4 copy meets Monome 128 Grid Kit by c-g., on Flickr

I am almost there with the last 8 modules (UPOL metal etch priming today yes I have masks and hazmat gear) and then I start on two self oscillating chaotic alien artefact instruments based around a rungler circuit that produces some truly messed up sound, for this I am using the enigmatic CARET interface language for the control surface which is an appropriatelya covered up alien technology, if it's not fake the TSA will be all over it.

This year I got to grips with TSSOP surface mount and frankly I do not want to go back to through hole ever again. SOIC, 0805 1206 and SOT223 are all fine by me. Far fewer fubars.

There.... by c-g., on Flickr

Also a lot of digital electronics simply does not come in any form other than SMD these days which makes building projects based around microprocessors like Arduino teensy and raspberry Pi a mix of old and new but I am glad I worked ou how to do these tiny chips. 25W iron, flux pen solder braid. Jeweller's loop. That's all, nothing fancy.
Forgot to say that in 2014 I finished my boxes

and, at someone´s suggestion, in 2015 I shall try to use them without their crossovers, a la Dynaco A25 - after all, the bass-mids is the same cone, the box is aperiodic (internally) and the tweeter is supposed to be quite good. Any betting men out there ?
2014 was a good year. I finished these:








They're powered by a HackerNAP:



In 2015 I plan to build an active crossover and another 2 HackerNAPs to go fully active :)

Really quality stuff.:eek:
Thanks Robert. Not as tidy as some builds but these are only protos. I've just replaced the toroids for larger ones but not had much chance to do any serious listening.
I'm a bit late to the Teddy picnic but let's see if there's any lemonade and buns left for me:


Should be completed and fitted by the end of 2014. Let listening commence in early 2015 to see what all the Teddy fuss is about.
Trashed a board last night, I was working on three at a time loading TL074s in SOIC and misaligned pins to vias, I should have hot air re flowed it but tried with braid. Lost a trace on pin 12 and 13 and a via under pin 5 was trashed... As it was the beginning of the build I threw out the board and ordered another, SMD work needs a very very gentle touch but I prefer it over through hole any time.

Built three (through hole) modules these past three days though... Need more knobs

1song module fitted by c-g., on Flickr
Thanks. Transformers are from a group buy I did a while ago from a company in India called Shilchar
I must say there are some lovely builds here, I'm embarrassed that I have nothing physical to show this year.
Hopefully some of my hair brain ideas will come to fruition next year.

