
Record Shops RIP ...................................

Report from Frome

Raves from The Grave have condensed from 1x vinyl and 1x CD shops in Cheap Street to just the 1 x CD shop with few crates of v. Poor charity shop style vinyl is it.

But good news, they have relocated to a new shop in Warminster. Two floors of vinyl and CD instead of three, but still a good amount of stock being sorted out. I left full hearted.


They have 40,000 LP´s in the Warminster shop apparently. And they have just opened a new shop in Bath.
That is good news, Bath needs an vinyl outlet after all the others closed is it.

I must make a return to the Warminster one,it was all a bit chaotic when I went last, in that a lot of stock was hidden away, packed up there.

Where in Bath is the store, also do you have an address for the Warminster store as well?

Definitely much needed some where to buy vinyl in Somerset apart from the ridiculously over priced place in Glastonbury.
Where in Bath is the store, also do you have an address for the Warminster store as well?

Definitely much needed some where to buy vinyl in Somerset apart from the ridiculously over priced place in Glastonbury.

Raves from the Grave is in Weymouth St Warminster, and in Middle St Frome as well (CDs mainly) is it. The Bath one is yet to be discovered there.

Anywhere still open in Nottingham by any chance? I'll be up that way house hunting on Friday and may need a record break.

2 or 3 in West End Arcade, for Show Tunes on Cd, metal, and ambitious charity shop is it , Rob's round the corner, if you can get in the door for the piles of vinyl, and 2 in Radford Road, Mushimushi for D'n'B and Dubstrp and a general s/h one whose name I can't remember.

Was a 2nd gen Fopp as well once.

A warehouse has also been reported in Langly Mill, to be followed up there.

No Selectadisc

Edit : Also OhMyGosh on Mansfield Rd, and the 2nd hand one might be called Big Apple.

I see the Raves Bath shop is Saturday only pop-pickers is it, just in case you are tempted off the M4 for the vinyl, and then leave empty hearted.

There's a place in the tented market in Swindon Town centre called "Blood on the Tracks", which has been open for about four months now.
I found it yesterday and they have quite a lot of stock: both vinyl and CD.

My first impressions were that the shop is well stocked, well-organised and tidy. The owner knows his stock and was very friendly.

I came away with a copy of XTCs White Music on vinyl, a Sandy Denny and a Diana Krall on CD.

I will be going back!
I won't be going back there, it was a complete waste of time for me. Tatty sub-jumble sale easy listening stock, haphazard categories, filed spine inwards so you couldn't see the name / artist is it.

I am happy you found something, no such joy for me, I left empty hearted.


that's a real pity, though to be honest, that doesn't sound like the same store / owner.

When were you there? As I said, this place has only been there for about four months.

This guy's records were all face outwards in alphabetical order, so you could see what he had.

There was another guy whose store fits your description. He moved out of the tented market and set up a little way away in another part of the town. He was rubbish. There was a lot of stock, but it was on industrial shelving with no support, so albums were at all sorts of odd angles so would have been badly warped. Most appeared to be spine out, but a lot weren't.

I gather he's now gone out of business.

There is also another smaller record shop in the market, which wasn't much good, though I can't remember its name.

As far as anything I put on my 'wishlist' is concerned, I will try Blood on the Tracks before anywhere else and if he comes up trumps and it's not too dear, then great.
I went in October 2011, see report upthread. It definitely in the tented market, at the end, with a sort of split level effect is it. The shelving was industrial so it could be the bad one you refer to there.

I might be tempted back, but the whole place was so dismal that I wasn't keen. This, even after going to Hull last week, with good shopping in the 3 vinyl outlets I had opportunity to go to.


ps Hi Rich!
Another one gone, this time the big multi-storey HMV in Birmingham Town Centre is it.

I had 20 mins to waste, so I thought I would see if they stock the vinyl again, but no, all floors empty, no vinyl or CD or technology or T-shirts, so I had to go to the MVE instead there.

I was on my way to Hastings this weekend and stopped in Bexhill where I found I had 20 minutes to waste, and I found a record store in the high street called Music's Not Dead, which intrigued me, so went in. It did new CDs and had a wall of new vinyl, so I went hunting.

Amazingly I found among the King Creosote and Dinosaur Jr. things like Dylan Leblanc, the new King Crimson reissues and lots of ELP. All new stock. I said to the guy behind the counter that he was brave stocking new copies of ELP and he said I must be joking, it was his biggest seller. It seems that kids in their early 20s haven't previously owned music in a tangible form and were all over vinyl and seriously into old prog. When he first provided a vinyl rack it sold immediately and he realised that he needed to expand it, so now he has a whole wall. Apparently he has got someone coming in next week to talk about stocking Rega turntables because of the demand, and all this is from a young age group. It seems that there is a backlash from downloads and kids now want what their parents grew up with. They want an artefact.

I was amazed and I came out with a few LPs and a big smile,on my face and the idea that things are looking up.
Not RIP seems there is further consolidation happening to the MVE shops in Notting Hill Gate. The upstairs of the rock/pop shop is no longer the expensive/rare rock/pop stuff, it now seems to contain pretty much all the soul/dance/reggae stuff, as the other shop was being emptied this don't look good. The exp/rare rock/pop stuff seems to have been integrated with the "average" rock/pop stuff on the ground floor. Bargain basement still in place and worth a delve.

On the up side I bagged some Pale Fountains, Stump, Win and a Creation compilation - all for £12.50.

Oh and the curry house down the road has gone. Grrrr.

