
Record Shops RIP ...................................

Has Eastern Bloc records in Manchester reopened?

Must plug Bookcase in Carlisle. Downstairs is a goldmine for classical and jazz. Though can be pricey!!!

Eastern Bloc was shut and being moved in August when I was last there. Haven't found the new one despite looking yet is it.

No, shut down, now an Art Gallery is it.


That's a shame, I might be around that way this weekend and was thinking of popping in. The only place I know for used records around there is a stall in the market flogging charity shop staples for a fiver a pop.
There is a record 'shop' in Brick Lane, walking north from Rough Trade it is first right turn and ( then left through a door) into a warehouse. Has quite a lot of stock but not much of it priced. Occasionally got some interesting stuff.
Report From Exeter

Martian Records appears to have shut down gone, temporary shop in its place, but I see they have a presence in Exmouth Market instead is it.

Rooster has a lot of vinyl stock, good selection of pop / rock / prog / kraut / jazz, but prices a bit fearsome, £32 for an Heldon LP, lots £20+

Reform has about 20 Drum'n'Bass records, but no-one serving.

Oxfam had records but v. mainstream selection, so no purchases made.

Left the city empty-hearted.

The shop in Swindon Market

I've been there now, it was a dis-organised heap, no categorisation, records on shelves with spines turned inwards so you could not see what there were is it. and piled in crates on the floor. I found nothing worthwhile, perhaps the Jim Reeves and Alfie Bass selection would suit the retired folk there?

The Beat Goes on - Brizzle

Yes, only open Friday and Saturday; see

I only ever go past on a Saturday and of course it's always open then!

So, I tried this one today, and it has now gone down to opening for a few hours on Saturdays only! They seem to be very keen on not selling their stock is it. Had a coffee and left the area empty hearted. Only a few 100's yards from Rise, much more vinyl as we know.

Bugger! Was going to mention that the Oxfam shop at the top of Park Street have a half-price record sale on at the moment. As well as the usual tat, there's a couple of early Boo Radley 12" singles at £1.99 each. (Well, there was on Wednesday at any rate).
I have been in there to that Oxfam in the past, and found the pickings slim is it.

It might have been the C&W section there.

Not the RIP thread - just been to a record fair in That Hull at the Station Hotel. Organised by new local shop man Gary at GJM Music...he took a gamble and got 4 big dealers over from MCR and Leeds as well as local guys and it was heaving. Vinyl only, and not just sweaty old men like me there, loadsa kids as well picking up original Floyds, Kraftwerks etc. Did the heart good. Grabbed some bits incl v nice Sun Ra. The dealer said he had sold loads of Sun Ra. The little known Hull/Sun Ra connection eh?
Bob Stanley suggested in the Times last week that HMV needed to follow he example of Selfridges and instead of having retro clothes concessions that they had concessions for small record sellers. They could rotate to keep costs down. They could host small record fairs as above ^^^.
Music promotion, DVD film and tshirts isn't necessarily the way ahead.
HMV is not exactly loved by music fans but it would be a shame to lose the last big player on the high street.
It wouldn't occur to me to go into an HMV now, as I am not in the market for what they sell is it.

Film DVDs, TV series box sets, headphones, speaker docks, paperbacks, anything else - a few high priced mainstream CDs?

It is a shame, when they let the local staff show a bit of nous and run a record outlet, like the smaller one on Oxford St it did OK. That shop is now a Disney Store, there you are.

I havent been in to HMV in nearly two years. Its quite a way to travel and Im only really going to use them when I dont want a large dvd boxset damaged in the post. They are in serious trouble.

I would love to see a local vinyl shop. We are missing that vibe. My problem is that its become a 45 mile round trip to the nearest decent record shops. There is nothing round here. Even the guy in the indoor market closed down. Weve got a magpie :( and a wh smiths...say no more
HMV's last great shot was to employ people who knew about dance music mid 1990's and stock and write up 12 inchers. Been down hill since then. I agree with DSS that there is little to invite you in. Pity through as it could thrive as a record shop and hopefully inspire people to go to other smaller record shops.
I use the old school/record shop in Rye.
when we are down there visiting the in-laws.
Early Records is closing at the end of the month. It's been a great source for most of my jazz vinyl. Shipping is pricey, but Hiroshi runs an exemplary mail order service.

shop - index
The Head record store in Belfast closed yesterday (Saturday),only leaves HMV in the city centre. Sorry for the staff,nice people and for the collectors ,many of whom for whatever reason dont use the internet.
Just saw this article on what sounds an amazing collection

Maybe someone here can help save a record store or least help save a large number of rare records being unnecessarily destroyed.

Helped him out for a bit about 16 years ago in the basement pictured. George is alright if you can ever get him to sell you a record. Friendly but very set in his ways and drives a hard bargain.

He will fight all the way and will hopefully find somewhere else if necessary. It is going to be difficult to find a suitable place with affordable rent. He does like to hoard what must now have reached half a million items.

He never really liked parting with them and would rather do you a recording. It makes a good news story but he is far from daft and must be making plans. Some have said that dealers have been cherry picking to help him out. Some of his records were very valuable but a lot of it is worthless really.

Strange but his heart is in the right place. He has probably still got the vinyl I sold him in 1995.
Some record shops don't help themselves. There's a huge shop in W Molesey in Surrey with a wide selection of second hand vinyl. But they hardly ever have a customer (at least when I've been there I've not seen another customer - which doesn't help the browsing experience either). Lack of customers is I suspect is due to their prices. If you want to charge double what you could get a record for elsewhere then the end is inevitable.

The staff are a bit sarcastic too which doesnt help! I wonder how long they'll last....

