
Raven One part II

Can anyone in the US tell me what the price is for a raven one? Plus a suitable tonearm? It would be replacing a vintage lp12 w/ittok and dyna17d3 (which i greatly enjoy). i've had my current deck for nearly 20 years, knowing that there is better equipment out there, but satisfied that it is "good enough". Now all the buzz about the raven one has got me thinking...and wondering what i might be missing.


Can anyone in the US tell me what the price is for a raven one? Plus a suitable tonearm? It would be replacing a vintage lp12 w/ittok and dyna17d3 (which i greatly enjoy). i've had my current deck for nearly 20 years, knowing that there is better equipment out there, but satisfied that it is "good enough". Now all the buzz about the raven one has got me thinking...and wondering what i might be missing.

Contact Jeffrey Catalano at Highwater Sound (Tel: 212 608 8841) for US pricing.

Jeffrey is the US importer for TW Acustic.
Originally Posted by jaspert
Not likely to change.

I'm actually a little surprised to find this big thread on TW Acustic Raven 1 here. Kind of an anomaly among lots of thread on Sondek, Rega, Naim... And quite a few people who generated some of the buzz back in 2007/08 has since disappeared.
Maybe they have ended up with one and now spend their time listening to music rather than writing on Forums.

hi there

i am back - heard your call ;)

i WAS listening to music but also to the screams of a 10 months old daughter. now have settled (she's almost "run in") and i have more time again.

things have changed a bit hifi-wise:

i kept the raven (sure thing).
i got a 13" inch ortofon (the s not the d).
i upgraded the shelter 301 which i still love (but wrecked the cantilever) into a shelter 501 (which is perhaps better but also more neutral in the whole frequency range and not as magical in the mids/lower treble).
amplification still 202/200 but... i am tempted to buy a stan klyne 6 LE/P pre amp which comes with a very very very good phono section that will eat my quasar for breakfast.

speakers are still audio note Js.

hello everyone! i see there are quite a few new owners of this nice turntable.

I want a Raven Black Night. Can anyone tell me how I can make enough money to afford one? I suppose I could sell my entire system and raise enough money to afford it, and just listen to it on headphones, but what fun would that be?

Oh well, I'll just have to keep subjecting my ears to the lowly performance of Thomas' little disposable model One now sitting on a Halcyoncs platform. Woe is me.


this is a temporary setup until I get a proper super rigid stand, which is required for an active platform.


Who makes the nice copper mat you have sitting on your Raven One platter?

hi there

i am back - heard your call ;)

i WAS listening to music but also to the screams of a 10 months old daughter. now have settled (she's almost "run in") and i have more time again.

things have changed a bit hifi-wise:

i kept the raven (sure thing).
i got a 13" inch ortofon (the s not the d).
i upgraded the shelter 301 which i still love (but wrecked the cantilever) into a shelter 501 (which is perhaps better but also more neutral in the whole frequency range and not as magical in the mids/lower treble).
amplification still 202/200 but... i am tempted to buy a stan klyne 6 LE/P pre amp which comes with a very very very good phono section that will eat my quasar for breakfast.

speakers are still audio note Js.

hello everyone! i see there are quite a few new owners of this nice turntable.


Congrats on the fatherhood and yeah, you life's priorities need some rejuggling once you become one. You "run in" daughter will get better until she hits the "terrible 2" stage.:D

Any updated pics of your system,especially the Audio Note speakers?
If anyone is interested, the Stereo Mojo internet site has a review of weight and platter upgrades to the Raven One. I'm not advocating using them, just a site of interest. REVIEW/TTWEIGHTSREVIEW.htm

If anyone decide to get the peripheral ring, go for the heavy 2 piece one as reviewed in the Stereomojo as the medium weight ring (600gram) is not massy enough for some warped 180-200gram records.
I really like my lp12 with Ittok/Skala, Though the more I read about the Raven, and I did speak to the US dealer, he said a lot of "Linnies" really liked the Raven.

thanks for having such a big thread on this turntable, was able to gather a feel for things.
I was wondering has anyone put a Koetsu cartridge on one of these.


I really like my lp12 with Ittok/Skala, Though the more I read about the Raven, and I did speak to the US dealer, he said a lot of "Linnies" really liked the Raven.

thanks for having such a big thread on this turntable, was able to gather a feel for things.
I was wondering has anyone put a Koetsu cartridge on one of these.



Yes Mark. A Koetsu Jade and a rare Bloodstone. Both sounded very good indeed - they were both mounted on different customers AC's.
@ Blackforest

Hi Christian, nice to see you back! But how do you know it's "run in" and not just your ears getting accustomed to the new sound? :)

@ emailists,

I understand the big boxy thing is the halcyonics platform, but who makes the thing with the spikes between the raven one and the halcyonics?


