
Raven One part II

Well I will be spending my time listening to music in exactly 1 week when, hopefully, my Raven finally flies in .... 8 years without vinyl has been too long...
You have chosen an excellent deck to return to vinyl playback i might add. ;)
Fun time ahead i hope. What tonearm and cartridge are you going to use with it?
Hi All,
I see GT has featured the Raven Black Knight in his product portfolio now....

I got the impression TW was going to be working on this for a lot longer...?
Cartridge conundrum :
With a view to further equipping my Raven One does anyone remember the web address of a German multi-test which involved most of the major cartridges on the market, and its resultant "league table"? Most of the ones at the top end of the table I recall were, oddly enough, of German origin e.g. Allaerts, Contrapunkt B, Clearaudio....although the ZYX Yatra and possibly another ZYX model was there or thereabouts too....

Cartridges aren't the easiest things to get hold of and audition personally so your views and feedback are much appreciated. :)
of German origin e.g. Allaerts, Contrapunkt B, Clearaudio....

Your overhang and offset must be off by a couple of hundred miles.

Allaerts is very much Belgian.

Ortofon Kontrapunkts hail from Denmark.

Clearaudio, yes, they are very German, although their MMs and the Talisman have Japanese innards.
...or is this for the purpose of advance orders....?

The Black Night is now in production (well the initial batch) and the first ones will be rolling off the line very shortly. Due to the fact that TW Acustic is a small, highly specialised company all tables have to be ordered in advance anyway.
Your overhang and offset must be off by a couple of hundred miles.

Thanks for that Werner, my media suspicion - not necessarily against Germans - was showing there...

A close German hifi friend would have been horrified by that howler concerning Allaerts !! :D
(Thankfully I did know the origins of Ortofon :D )

No help on the question itself then ?

I see a Raven AC has just appeared on Fleabay. Someone doesnt like them!

The one on Fleabay has a starting price of £7000.

Can someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they used to sell new for £6500 this time last year - ie before the pound got devalued against the Euro?
The one on Fleabay has a starting price of £7000.

Can someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they used to sell new for £6500 this time last year - ie before the pound got devalued against the Euro?


I was think that as well. £9000 is a big jump in price.

So what is the price of this deck new?

The one on Fleabay has a starting price of £7000.

Can someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they used to sell new for £6500 this time last year - ie before the pound got devalued against the Euro?

Apart from price rise/currency exchange issue, I think the one that was on fleabay is a Raven AC-3 which is dearer than Raven AC due to the 2 extra motors.
Apart from price rise/currency exchange issue, I think the one that was on fleabay is a Raven AC-3 which is dearer than Raven AC due to the 2 extra motors.

The one on eBay is not a Raven AC with 3 motors. It has just one motor mounted at the rear which makes for a very neat profile. This particular AC was supplied in June 2006 and has the latest motor supply and early Stillpoint feet.

BTW there is no such model name as AC-3, this was just used in the US to describe an AC with 3 motors. It is described in the price list as an Raven AC with 3 motor drive.

The current EU price for a new Raven AC is €10300. The 3 motor drive is an additional €2995.
I want a Raven Black Night. Can anyone tell me how I can make enough money to afford one? I suppose I could sell my entire system and raise enough money to afford it, and just listen to it on headphones, but what fun would that be?

Oh well, I'll just have to keep subjecting my ears to the lowly performance of Thomas' little disposable model One now sitting on a Halcyoncs platform. Woe is me.


this is a temporary setup until I get a proper super rigid stand, which is required for an active platform.

