
Raven One part II

Jas what is the Boston mat like? Keith.

When i first used it, i thought it dulled the top end of my system a little bit so i left it off but after i changed a few things like TVC preamp,new tonearm and cartridge, i don't get the same impression anymore so it's staying on for the moment. I left it on mainly to aid with the VTA adjustment more than anything.

Apparently, there's a newer Boston Mat 2 out now.

Just read the review. Doesn't speak much to the sound quality though, mostly gorgeous pictures and comments on build quality and design. Some comment on Keith Jarret Koln Concert, (must have for you Raven owners), Joni and Hendrix. Really like that cartridge grid on the Dorian picture. Anyone know what it is? <Actually, upon closer inspection it appears to be the Geodisc template. Nevermind.

I got the same impression as you about the review. I was just playing a new ECM record of Koln Concert last night and it's fantastic.:)
I have a sneaking suspicion that the latest ECM pressings may be taken from digital masters. I have nothing to back this up except that there are a few cases where I have both the original issue and the latest reissue, including the Koln Concert (of which I have three LP copies, two originals and the latest reissue). The newer versions sound a little cooler, and don't have quite the sense of presence that the original pressings have - they sound closer to the CD. Or I may just be imagining this.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the latest ECM pressings may be taken from digital masters. I have nothing to back this up except that there are a few cases where I have both the original issue and the latest reissue, including the Koln Concert (of which I have three LP copies, two originals and the latest reissue). The newer versions sound a little cooler, and don't have quite the sense of presence that the original pressings have - they sound closer to the CD. Or I may just be imagining this.

I have a beaten up used copy of the Koln Concert which is far too noisy to enjoy so i got the new reissue. You could well be right regarding digital master being used for the new pressing but it's not impeding me from enjoying the performance.

Here's a link to ECM webiste about their plan to release new titles on vinyl but no information about their mastering process.
I'm thinking of getting the first 2 new releases.

My R1 sits on a Sistrum SP-1 stand, which itself sits on over a 1" thick piece of slate. The Slate was Thomas' suggestion when he came to visit. What a treat it was meeting him, and have him tweak the table a bit.

I will say this though, I did re-adjust the speed of the motor with the Adjust Plus software to a more accurate setting than what the original setup (with a stobe unit) showed.

My R1 sits on a Sistrum SP-1 stand, which itself sits on over a 1" thick piece of slate. The Slate was Thomas' suggestion when he came to visit. What a treat it was meeting him, and have him tweak the table a bit.

I will say this though, I did re-adjust the speed of the motor with the Adjust Plus software to a more accurate setting than what the original setup (with a stobe unit) showed.

Mine speed was spot on at 45 and very slightly fast on 33 as measured on KAB strobedisc
Please note: when checking the speed accuracy of any turntable with a strobe device make sure you use a separate frequency generated strobe light. Speed accuracy cannot be relied upon when using the power line frequency (i.e. mains lighting) as a strobe.

As Rob N suggests the KAB Speedstrobe is perfect for this.

All Raven-ones and Raven AC's are calibrated at the factory to within +/- 2%. For optimum results the speed should be checked and readjusted (if necessary) after every installation.
Seeing those great pictures from Audiogon, reminds me about the issue of turntable weights and clamps. I believe Graham said the early Raven ones came with a Millenium weight or clamp and mat. Has anyone had any good experiences with either weights or clamps and if so which one?
Seeing those great pictures from Audiogon, reminds me about the issue of turntable weights and clamps. I believe Graham said the early Raven ones came with a Millenium weight or clamp and mat. Has anyone had any good experiences with either weights or clamps and if so which one?

The Raven AC originally came with the option of a Millennium mat but this is now included as standard on all 2009 Raven AC's. The clamp was also an option and several people bought them but most felt it did somethings very well and other things not so good. Swings and roundabouts again.

I am not aware of anyone in the UK who has bought a Millennium mat for use on the Raven-one, but I will happily supply to anyone who might want to try one. The clamp is superbly engineered BTW.
Errhh..Linnik, I've got an LP12 and Isobariks as well at the moment & I'm quite satisfied so far.

But I'm reading this thread every now & then and catch a glimpse across the fence as I think there are quite interesting things going on here.

And I don't see *that* much sense in popping up here to tell the lot to forget about the raven or any other stuff they might prefer ?

It's kind of unlikely they will... ?

It's also remarkable that not even a single person popped into my *fruitbox* thread last year to tell me to bin the lot and buy a raven.
Some might have smiled silently, but hey...that's ok by me. :)

And that's the pfm flavour I like...
Errhh..Linnik, I've got an LP12 and Isobariks as well at the moment & I'm quite satisfied so far.

But I'm reading this thread every now & then and catch a glimpse across the fence as I think there are quite interesting things going on here.

And I don't see *that* much sense in popping up here to tell the lot to forget about the raven or any other stuff they might prefer ?

It's kind of unlikely they will... ?

It's also remarkable that not even a single person popped into my *fruitbox* thread last year to tell me to bin the lot and buy a raven.
Some might have smiled silently, but hey...that's ok by me. :)

And that's the pfm flavour I like...

Peace was merely a joke both on Linn's behalf and at Linn's expense. Linn were literally correct in what they said, but I personally disagree with the inference that speed regulation automatically produces bad results. Anyone out there, even with an out of tune Sondek, will be enjoying their music in what feels like an unsurpassable way I can assure you, but I do believe the Raven represents a genuine upgrade - and I haven't even finished tweaking it yet!
Just witness what the Raven can do for extremely complex and dynamic material. Nice to finish back on Thread !

Cheers..... :D
Ok...maybe I was a bit out of context, but I felt reminded to some other forum where many non green lighted items are getting stoned rather quickly...& I simply don't like this kind of behavior.

So, anyway...have fun ! :D
Errhh..Linnik, I've got an LP12 and Isobariks as well at the moment & I'm quite satisfied so far.

But I'm reading this thread every now & then and catch a glimpse across the fence as I think there are quite interesting things going on here.

And I don't see *that* much sense in popping up here to tell the lot to forget about the raven or any other stuff they might prefer ?

It's kind of unlikely they will... ?

It's also remarkable that not even a single person popped into my *fruitbox* thread last year to tell me to bin the lot and buy a raven.
Some might have smiled silently, but hey...that's ok by me. :)

And that's the pfm flavour I like...

Not likely to change.:D

I'm actually a little surprised to find this big thread on TW Acustic Raven 1 here. Kind of an anomaly among lots of thread on Sondek, Rega, Naim... And quite a few people who generated some of the buzz back in 2007/08 has since disappeared.
Ok...maybe I was a bit out of context, but I felt reminded to some other forum where many non green lighted items are getting stoned rather quickly...& I simply don't like this kind of behavior.

So, anyway...have fun ! :D

Hi Torstoi,
I understand what you mean :) .....

It's nice to have amicable discussions with fellow analogue enthusiasts. I'm always greatly encouraged by the sheer diversity of Turntable sources out there. It proves there's a healthy market.:D

When Turntables get to this kind of level the differences between them become less and less dramatic (law of diminishing returns) but we can sometimes over-enthuse :D (I include myself in that category!)

The LP12 has been around for nearly 40 years and the sheer longevity of the product speaks volumes for it. Looking back over hifi milestones the first two that stand out for me were the Quad ESL57, and the early LInn/Naim/Isobarik DMS system which both set the public imagination alight. (I can only go on reports of the Quad because I'm too young, so it was many years after it's inception that I heard it but I was witness to Ivor T touring with the other, in the early 70s :D )
All the best............:D
Not likely to change.:D

I'm actually a little surprised to find this big thread on TW Acustic Raven 1 here. Kind of an anomaly among lots of thread on Sondek, Rega, Naim... And quite a few people who generated some of the buzz back in 2007/08 has since disappeared.

Maybe they have ended up with one and now spend their time listening to music rather than writing on Forums. ;)

