
Post-Trump: III (decline, further tantrums, legal proceedings, book deals etc)

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Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ Infowars media empire will be shut down and sold off, a bankruptcy court-appointed trustee said in an emergency court filing Sunday, signalling the end of the notorious far-right outlet that Jones has used to spread dangerous misinformation and lies.” CNN

Happy ‘InfoWars STFU Day’ to all that celebrate.

A quote from today's Robert Reich newsletter:

A few days ago I was talking with a young conservative who admitted that Trump was an “odious thug,” in his words, but argued that America and the world had become such a mess that we need an odious thug as president.

“Think of Putin, Xi, Kim, Ali Khamenei, Netanyahu — they’re all odious thugs,” he said. “We need our own odious thug to stand up to them.”

I said that direct confrontation could lead to more bloodshed, even nuclear war.

He continued: “We need an odious thug to shake up Washington, stir up all the ossified bureaucracies now destroying America, do all the things no one has had the balls to do.” I winced. He charged: “We need someone to take control!”

As soon as he uttered those last words, he and I both knew the conversation was over. He had spilled the beans. He was impatient with the messiness and slowness of democracy. He wanted a dictator.

My worry is the same as that Reich expressed for the forthcoming debate - that people will mistake Trump's stridency and pugnacity as a sign of strength and vigour, and look past the utter nonsense that he routinely spouts.

Most Conservatives like a 'strong man'. The price they are willing to pay to get one includes turning a blind eye to the "utter nonsense." See the evangelicals.
Most Conservatives like a 'strong man'. The price they are willing to pay to get one includes turning a blind eye to the "utter nonsense." See the evangelicals.
They, of course, see the possibility of their ridiculous agenda being enforced.
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ Infowars media empire will be shut down and sold off, a bankruptcy court-appointed trustee said in an emergency court filing Sunday, signalling the end of the notorious far-right outlet that Jones has used to spread dangerous misinformation and lies.” CNN

Happy ‘InfoWars STFU Day’ to all that celebrate.

I suppose there's always the possibility of someone with the resources to buy up the remnants of Infowars and hire Jones as their mouthpiece.
That mindset certainly isn’t going away. Selling hate and cheap food supplements to right-wing idiots is clearly a multi-$million business. Someone is going to do it.
A 90 minute CNN Presidential Debate tonight 2am UK time. No teleprompters, no contact with aids, just Biden vs. Trump under scrutiny. I’m not staying up all night for it, but will certainly have a look on YouTube tomorrow. Bound to be there somewhere. Terrifying that America has fallen to the point its future is in the hands of two elderly and exceptionally wealthy white men. Neither are fit for purpose, but Trump has real brain damage, and a form of brain damage that would be disastrous in a position of power. He is incapable of rational decision. To be honest I hope it escalates fast enough he is unable to walk or talk, or has died by November. A brain-damaged authoritarian narcissist is not what we want here.
A 90 minute CNN Presidential Debate tonight 2am UK time. No teleprompters, no contact with aids, just Biden vs. Trump under scrutiny. I’m not staying up all night for it, but will certainly have a look on YouTube tomorrow. Bound to be there somewhere. Terrifying that America has fallen to the point its future is in the hands of two elderly and exceptionally wealthy white men. Neither are fit for purpose, but Trump has real brain damage, and a form of brain damage that would be disastrous in a position of power. He is incapable of rational decision. To be honest I hope it escalates fast enough he is unable to walk or talk, or has died by November. A brain-damaged authoritarian narcissist is not what we want here.
I won’t stay up either but it will be interesting. I’m pretty sure neither can manage 90 minutes without teleprompters. If I was trying to support one of those befuddled old men I’d certainly be talking to a pharmacist.
I won’t stay up either but it will be interesting. I’m pretty sure neither can manage 90 minutes without teleprompters. If I was trying to support one of those befuddled old men I’d certainly be talking to a pharmacist.

I’d expect a pharmacist to have rather better luck with Biden as there is still something there to wake up and focus, with Trump it has gone. His brain is soup. He just does word-salad.
A 90 minute CNN Presidential Debate tonight 2am UK time. No teleprompters, no contact with aids, just Biden vs. Trump under scrutiny. I’m not staying up all night for it, but will certainly have a look on YouTube tomorrow. Bound to be there somewhere. Terrifying that America has fallen to the point its future is in the hands of two elderly and exceptionally wealthy white men. Neither are fit for purpose, but Trump has real brain damage, and a form of brain damage that would be disastrous in a position of power. He is incapable of rational decision. To be honest I hope it escalates fast enough he is unable to walk or talk, or has died by November. A brain-damaged authoritarian narcissist is not what we want here.

And mic control. Let's see if it works in practise.
In an amusing (to me anyway) recent decision, the US Supreme Court denied a California lawyer's attempt to register TRUMP TOO SMALL as a trade mark in respect of clothing. The T-shirt in question had statements to the effect "Trump too small on environment, LGBTQ rights", etc. but of course it all related to the debate with Marco Rubio 4 years ago and the questioning of the size of a certain Trump bodily member (whose size or lack thererof has now, as I understand it, been confirmed by a number of ladies of Trump's acquaintance).

The Lanham Act (the US trade mark legislation) prohibits the registration of the name of a living person without their permission, and the lawyer tried to make this a violation of his First Amendment rights. I'm no Constitutional law expert, but I thought this ridiculous - the guy was not prevented from using it, only from registering it, so his First Amendment rights were not infringed. Perhaps it was who was involved, but the Supreme Court made a total dog's breakfast of the reasoning for refusal. They're simply not very good when it comes to the law of intellectual property. Actually, I don't think they're much good at any law, just a collection of political/religious apparatchiks trying to interpret a 250 year-old document in a way that takes the USA back to the Stone Age. Heaven forbid that we arrive at the 2000 election situation, where they put Bush Jr. in power.
A 90 minute CNN Presidential Debate tonight 2am UK time. No teleprompters, no contact with aids, just Biden vs. Trump under scrutiny. I’m not staying up all night for it, but will certainly have a look on YouTube tomorrow. Bound to be there somewhere. Terrifying that America has fallen to the point its future is in the hands of two elderly and exceptionally wealthy white men. Neither are fit for purpose, but Trump has real brain damage, and a form of brain damage that would be disastrous in a position of power. He is incapable of rational decision. To be honest I hope it escalates fast enough he is unable to walk or talk, or has died by November. A brain-damaged authoritarian narcissist is not what we want here.

Does Biden qualify as "exceptionally" wealthy? He seems to live quite modestly compared to Trump. No country clubs, no golf courses, no hotels or apartments with his brand upon them, no private jets, etc. etc.
Does Biden qualify as "exceptionally" wealthy? He seems to live quite modestly compared to Trump. No country clubs, no golf courses, no hotels or apartments with his brand upon them, no private jets, etc. etc.

Google suggests a wealth of $10 million, which is nothing in terms of today’s global oligarchy, but still a vast amount. Trump being a gangster/mob boss is far harder to calculate. I suspect were there a reckoning that challenged his grift he likely owes far more than his assets could pay. The whole trump empire appears to be smoke and mirrors built upon bullshit, borrowing and intimidation. Am I worth more than Trump? Honestly no idea, though I’m certainly worth a positive figure!
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