
Post-Trump: III (decline, further tantrums, legal proceedings, book deals etc)

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I can’t bring myself to watch it, I’m happy to trust the views of people here on how bad it was.

My cautious optimism is gradually slipping away. Buckle up, we are in for one hell of a ride and not in a good way.
I really hope Trump is beaten and consigned to the rubbish bin. But to make sure that happens there needs to be a change now. Biden needs to step down. Two deranged old white men in the thrall of their own egos competing for the most important job on the planet. You could not make it up.
Can someone unpack for me the reason pundits seem to think no Biden replacement could win?

Or should I tune into Katty and Mooch from last night and come back with more in my brain?
Full debate here:

I’m just starting it now, though I suspect I know exactly what a train-wreck I’m in for thanks to Jon Stewart above and Vaush (who’s clearly been reading Derek Guy on Twitter) below:

Can someone unpack for me the reason pundits seem to think no Biden replacement could win?

Or should I tune into Katty and Mooch from last night and come back with more in my brain?

It would be a test of the “nobody wants either candidate” narrative for sure. The lack of fact checking during this debate was only ever going to benefit one candidate, where Biden failed was the lack of energy and speed of thought to do that himself.
Can someone unpack for me the reason pundits seem to think no Biden replacement could win?

Or should I tune into Katty and Mooch from last night and come back with more in my brain?
I fail to understand that too. Also as the old saying goes ‘the graveyard is full of indispensable people’ and both of those men have one foot in it already.
Biden has looked like someone on a day trip from a care home for quite a while, I don't understand why they have let it get so far down the road before panicking about it.
Biden has looked like someone on a day trip from a care home for quite a while, I don't understand why they have let it get so far down the road before panicking about it.

They have to find a way to medically remove him now. This is not the defence against fascism America needs right now. Trump is lying with every word he says, literally everything he says is a lie, yet Biden seems so frail, bewildered and lost. He is not fit for this fight. There has to be time to get someone else in.

I had no idea how far Biden had decayed since the State Of The Nation speech. He can’t do this.

PS Some fact checking here:

I didn't watch it, but, when the Financial Times has headlines like this:

you know you have problems. Putin must be beside himself with glee - all he has to do is hang on a bit longer and the Democrats will give him everything he wants on a plate.
I hear Biden can only step down voluntarily at this stage. He'll need to be persuaded.

One would hope showing him the debate footage was enough. I’ve never thought of Biden as a bad or deluded man. He should be able to see he is not up to this job. No idea who is next in line, but there has to be someone.
One would hope showing him the debate footage was enough. I’ve never thought of Biden as a bad or deluded man. He should be able to see he is not up to this job. No idea who is next in line, but there has to be someone.

Next in line is Harris.
Is that the process at this stage, basically pick her a VP candidate?
So far as I am aware, there is no obligation to select Harris as either a presidential of VP candidate. She's not popular, so perhaps a clean slate is necessary, and ASAP. This is where both Biden and Harris need to put country before party or personal ambition.
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