
Post-Trump: III (decline, further tantrums, legal proceedings, book deals etc)

And yet they will still vote for tax breaks and protectionism.
I like the comment attributed to Nikita Khruschev - when it would come time for him to hang the last capitalist, the capitalist would sell him the rope.

It also betrays a disturbing reality, they, not Congress, are really running the country.
You say that as though it hasn't been known for decades.
It now seems particularly blatant, and, like Trump, very much in your face. The FT's "swamp notes" newsletter addresses the question today, and this was one point made in response to to Rana Foroohar's comments:

What many in American business have decided is not, as you suggest, cluelessness or cynicism, I don’t think. It is a bet that, for all its dangerous authoritarianism, another four years of Trumpism is better for their business than the aggressively anti-corporate Biden administration. You and I may think that’s misguided. But Biden’s record certainly gives executives reason to be hostile to his re-election.
Sorry, I thought it was a link I could share - clearly not. Anyway, here's the gist:

Biden should assume the polls are right, not wrong

The president’s approval rating hovers around 38 percent, and the picture is worse in swing states.

President Biden has a polling problem, and he needs to admit it.
The president trails presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump by an average of around 1 percentage point, according to the site FiveThirtyEight, which aggregates and weights dozens of polls. Mr. Biden’s approval rating hovers around 38 percent — one of the lowest for a sitting president in decades. The picture is worse in swing states, with Mr. Biden trailing in five of the six that he won in 2020. In a recent New York Times-Siena College survey, Mr. Trump was leading Mr. Biden by 12 percent in Nevada and 10 percent in Georgia.

...Despite some past misses, poll aggregates such as FiveThirtyEight’s still provide the most reliable information about the state of public opinion. Even in the surprising 2016 election, Nate Silver’s model, based in large part on polling figures, gave Mr. Trump a roughly 30 percent chance of winning — a substantial shot that should not have been discounted.
Yet Hillary Clinton campaign officials were overconfident, having already persuaded themselves that there was no way Americans would vote for a candidate as unpredictable, unqualified and outright dangerous as Mr. Trump. What was clear to partisans was, apparently, unclear to a great many Americans.

I know polls can get it badly wrong, but in such a close and vitally important race with so much at stake for the USA and the world as a whole, Biden should take note.
I know polls can get it badly wrong, but in such a close and vitally important race with so much at stake for the USA and the world as a whole, Biden should take note.

In a click driven media world I’m not sure there is much interest in things that don’t scare people. The recommendation that Biden acts generally, irrespective of polls, like he is behind - is pretty sound advice whatever the situation. Christ it’s even good advice for Starmer!

The other aspect of this, is that a huge part of Trump’s campaign is to try and foster a forgone conclusion inevitability narrative by claiming to be winning in situations where he isn’t. A lot of that is supported by client media. The public there are not going to engage on mass this far from the polls, short of some major development. Taking note is different from scaring everyone shitless that they have no agency when a vote is still a way off and so much will happen before then.

Let’s see if Trump bottles the debate, the base will never move from their cult hero. But he needs a lot more than that.
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It is looking increasingly likely America will fail its last election for a very long dark time.

Trump in the US and Le Pen in France. Can't wait.

Latest review of US House legislation shows GOP proposals to:
Require US Treasury to print $500 bills with Trump's portrait
Rename Dulles Airport in Virginia after Trump
Rename US coastal economic zones after Trump
Award Trump a Congressional Gold Medal

