
Post-Trump: III (decline, further tantrums, legal proceedings, book deals etc)

Some signs of convictions cutting through and other good advice for the Dems in terms of how to campaign. Stop taking spoons to a knife fight. These guys do get into Trump’s head.

Polls and some inconsistencies. Perhaps they make more sense to people here than they do to the guys analysing them. Caution of course, but some of these do seem vary hard to reconcile.

According to The Economist, Trump's re-election is highly likely:

It would appear that incumbency is not what it used to be.

The Trump supporters (big business, "evangelicals") know full well that he's a half-wit (apparently the business leaders who met him earlier this week said as much), but he is, in the phrase attributed to Lenin, a "useful idiot", a way to get what they want, "Christian" values foisted on everyone in the country, plus permission to make as much money, tax-free, and cause as much environmental devastation as they want.

Perhaps the NYT's Brett Stephens is correct:

According to The Economist, Trump's re-election is highly likely:

It would appear that incumbency is not what it used to be.

The Trump supporters (big business, "evangelicals") know full well that he's a half-wit (apparently the business leaders who met him earlier this week said as much), but he is, in the phrase attributed to Lenin, a "useful idiot", a way to get what they want, "Christian" values foisted on everyone in the country, plus permission to make as much money, tax-free, and cause as much environmental devastation as they want.

Perhaps the NYT's Brett Stephens is correct:

And yet these actual elections still….

I read it as 'We need to be pragmatic on the abortion pills, but we can throw a bone to the base here.'

Was the abortion pills verdict just a bit of campaign protection for Trump? Presumably the thinking being that if he won, he could remove availability under some other mechanism like directing FDA oversight.

