
Post-Trump: Biden President Elect II (Trump tantrums, riots etc)

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I doubt that could be legal anywhere.
I read in Wikipedia that 7 states, including Texas, include some religious test in their constitutions, but all these have been unenforceable since 1961, when the Supreme Court ruled that the constitutional prohibition on a federal test applied to the states too.
I read in Wikipedia that 7 states, including Texas, include some religious test in their constitutions, but all these have been unenforceable since 1961, when the Supreme Court ruled that the constitutional prohibition on a federal test applied to the states too.

According to my state's constitution, horse thievery is a capital offense. That also is unenforceable.
What's wrong with people with Russians background, why they hate Poland so much ? Russia occupied Poland for more than 160 years during last centuries, make a lot of damage in the country and now they are complaining about the country which they have created themselves educating Poles famous Russians manners.
Do not talk about country which you do not know. I would never say anything about politics in USA as I know only things from mass media.
You need to live in to understand a country. Other way it's just ignorance.

How do you know who Lem would support today as he died years ago ? Have you got any connection with him ? Say Hello from me, please :p:D.

Have you read my uncomplete list of things what Polish government did for people ? Why you keep talking about anti-communism ignoring other arguments.

Anti-Defamation League seems to be very controversial organization criticized by many Jewish authorities as well.
I know some Jewish journalist who was banned on basis because he was critical about ADL.
They seem to be like spanish inquisition, always right, no critics allowed.

>"the creeping authoritarianism and toxic nationalism" - you must be mad saying this when you nver been to Poland, go to over there and check yourself, do not base only on what newspapers supporting the opposition are saying.
That's their dirty way of playing and trying to discredit the government.

If you are on a mission of changing the world go to a polish society club in your town, be nice, talk to people, they will not bite you and if you think they need your help in understanding the world just do it with manners.
Talking like this we will not make the world better. You are not going to change one person's mind by hateful talking .

You are right, we are done. Relax and enjoy your life :cool: from now. :)
Very well.

All I can say is you have never tasted Bigos that I cook.
So many words to excuse inexcusable support for a racist, misogynist, authoritarian and putatively neo-fascist government whose only achievement has been significant democratic backsliding.

Just few words and so many indictments whiteout evidence.
Fascism has the seeds of its destruction in its embrace of hate. The aggressive cruelty of hate creates the opposition that ultimately destroys it. The only question is how soon. The longer the thing goes, the further the death toll goes up the exponential curve.
In a different but related analysis, this piece relates the history and evolution of two American religious/ideological myths: Christian Nation and Lost Cause. Once in opposition, they've been merging lately. Trump Will Rise Again!
Yep, you can't escape your history although you can lessen it's influence on the current nation. It seems the US has never really outgrown it's historic roots but rather clings to & encourages the mythology from its past. This mythologising has given rise to American exceptionalism & all the harm that creates in the world

It now seems that this mythologising has come home to roost to the extent that facts/truth are of no importance/consequence.

As the article says - how deep this is, how many are deluded & where this leads, remains to be seen
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