
PFM's Picture a Week 2024

I had this little cutie all to myself at Lakenheath Fen just now. The persistence and patience has paid off at last.

I must say Tony your recent bird photos have come on leaps and bounds, nice backgrounds, atmosphere, love the swan, little wren, bittern as well good job old chap - I can say that now you have retired! ;)
I must say Tony your recent bird photos have come on leaps and bounds, nice backgrounds, atmosphere, love the swan, little wren, bittern as well good job old chap - I can say that now you have retired! ;)
Thank you. The key is, I suppose, I’m really enjoying it. Alarm set for 3.30 this morning, chuckled at the silliness of that, but it paid off. I’ll be editing soon, just clearing space on my lappy’s drive. 50Gb on one bird is ridiculous!
Courtesy of my wife, hiking in Scotland

Thank you. The key is, I suppose, I’m really enjoying it. Alarm set for 3.30 this morning, chuckled at the silliness of that, but it paid off. I’ll be editing soon, just clearing space on my lappy’s drive. 50Gb on one bird is ridiculous!
I love Kingfishers such beautiful little birds, it always gives me a buzz when I occasionally see one - some birds are worth the effort!...I would be well chuffed if I had shot these....
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Tony you need to get a Flickr page set up and share these images with a wider audience, their too good not to shown wider.
Thank you.
Tried it, and I’m afraid it’s not for me. If anything I’m trying to reduce me socialz, and reduce the self-induced pressure to perform.

Maybe one day.

