
pfm Picture A Week (PAW) 2023

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The joys of the Canon 5D Mk 1...

Dynamic range:
High ISO/low light:
Focusing speed: ' need it done now?'
Colours: Oh yes

Sunlight near Colby Grange by Boxertrixter, on Flickr

5D1/Shorty Forty

There is something about low pixel density sensors that is very pleasing, I'd put the Canon 5D, Nikon D700, Nikon DF, Orginal Fuji X100 and Fuji GFX in that camp. I feel priveleged to have owned 3 out of the 5, you can probably guess the ones I haven't as I don't like lenses that go on backwards 🤣
There is something about low pixel density sensors that is very pleasing, I'd put the Canon 5D, Nikon D700, Nikon DF, Orginal Fuji X100 and Fuji GFX in that camp. I feel priveleged to have owned 3 out of the 5, you can probably guess the ones I haven't as I don't like lenses that go on backwards 🤣

I'm left-handed so it feels natural to me. :D

Joking apart, I'm a big fan of cameras with LPD and would certainly agree their output has a definite 'look' which is very appealing. I was actually rather disappointed when Fuji brought out the X-T5 with its 40-or-so MP as had hoped for the same as the T3/4/Pro 3 etc.
A nutty shot of a tower block in Berlin with what looks like Egyptian hieroglyphic grafitti....

Sorry for another photo, I think this one is one of the better snaps from the trip. Shot in the evening, it was kinda dark but the Q2 can handle it, sure.... this one looking back west(ish) along the river, with the radio tower thingy in the background. We didn't go up it - felt like a bit of a touristy thing to do and in any event we didn't have time - but at least it served as a point of reference as we wandered the streets on foot.

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