
pfm Picture A Week (PAW) 2017

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That's a superb portrait Bananahead. Love the tonality of the mid-greys and subtle fading. Top notch :)

Here's one from London, reprocessed in a Fine Art style: (apologies, it's that building again!)

20 Fenchurch Street by Amar Sood, on Flickr

Fuji X-T2 / XF16-55mm f2.8 / Formatt Hitech Firecrest Circular Polariser + 0.6 ND Soft Grad

Thank you Martin - yes, everything came together in 'Pod Life'. The lighting was spot on in that image.

I have quite a few images in the archive that might work. Trouble is finding the time to process them!

Here's another from the archives - the selections were simple for this but it still took 2.5 hours of processing! This is not easy.... :(

Tall by Amar Sood, on Flickr

Fuji X-T2 / XF16-55mm f2.8 / Formatt Hitech Firecrest Circular Polariser + 0.6 ND Soft Grad

I think I'll start a new thread for 'the rest of us' :(

I can't compete with these fine art images, yer rotten sods.
Thanks for the kind words chaps - relly appreciated. Sadly my efforts are really amateurish compared to the best in the field. Have a look at Julia Anna Gospodarou for an idea of what I am trying to achieve (and how far away I am!)

A bit 'samey' to me. I'm sure Julia isn't a one trick pony, but that slideshow makes it look that way.

I think that can be the problem with fine art architectural photography. Trying to do something original / varied can be hard. For the moment it's something that I'm interested to develop and learn more about. Time will tell of it's something I stick to!

A bit 'samey' to me. I'm sure Julia isn't a one trick pony, but that slideshow makes it look that way.

I think it's a little like the HDR craze of a few years ago - which I still can't bloody stand to any degree - once you see it, the production dominates the perception.

Judiciously and sympathetically applied - like Lefty's Pod life - individual results can be great, no doubt of that.

A bit like seasoning really - chucking chili in everything really doesn't make you a better cook. I'm not a great fan of 'heavy processing of everything' anyway...
[/url]Door_Certaldo_ by Ian123running, on Flickr[/img]
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