
pfm Picture A Week (PAW) 2017

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By the fire....

[/url]Lucy_fire__01 by Ian123running, on Flickr[/img]
Vulture at the Cotswold falconry centre, Batsford.

[/url]Vulture_ by Ian123running, on Flickr[/img]

My old Nikon D80, 70-300mm VR. Taken a while ago. I'm re-processing some old raw files with Capture NX-D (which I much prefer to NX-2). Plus I now know a bit more about what I'm doing.
Very nice Mr P, but could I suggest that you are erring on the side of oversharpening.

I had been thinking this, its trying to push my 'northern gritty' effect without going overboard.

I think I'll print a couple and get them on the wall of my office, and see how they appear printed, then adjust accordingly, but thanks for the heads up.
I think it's a little like the HDR craze of a few years ago - which I still can't bloody stand to any degree - once you see it, the production dominates the perception.

Judiciously and sympathetically applied - like Lefty's Pod life - individual results can be great, no doubt of that.

A bit like seasoning really - chucking chili in everything really doesn't make you a better cook. I'm not a great fan of 'heavy processing of everything' anyway...

Very good point - well made. It's a timely reminder to me not to get carried away. When the production becomes the point of the image, then it has gone too far. The production should be a means to an end. Something to allow the artist to express his / her vision. It shouldn't be the sole purpose of the image.

Agree with you 100%

170204 Llyn Ogwen and Tryfan by Mr Perceptive X100, on Flickr

and for drummerman, that was a 10.5min exposure to remove all the traffic on the road!!!!

Wonderful image Mr P!


38 years in the making.

Oh yes - this definitely pushes my buttons. Hats off sir!

Here's the latest installment in my 'architectural, fine art' series of images. (Taken yesterday morning)

Apex by Amar Sood, on Flickr

Fuji X-T2 / XF16-55mm f2.8 / Formatt Hitech Firecrest Circular Polariser


River Adur in Sussex.
No processing. Fuji XT-1 with 35mm F2 and Velvia film simulation.
Colours from my Canon 1DSiii were more natural. So not sure about selling the Canon gear yet.
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