
pfm Picture A Week (PAW) 2017

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Thank you chaps - my first steps in a new style of photography so a little unsure. Always good to get get feedback good or bad.

Drummerman - I'm using photoshop exclusively. The steps are: channel mixer to covert to b&w, luminosity masks to make 'Soft selections' between light and dark and then paths to make 'hard selections' if shapes / forms. I then use levels, curves to adjust before making finishing touches using ACR. The whole thing took around an hour so was quite involved (defining the paths takes the most time!). However, I quite enjoy the process as it's not dissimilar to painting :)

Thank you chaps - my first steps in a new style of photography so a little unsure. Always good to get get feedback good or bad.

Drummerman - I'm using photoshop exclusively. The steps are: channel mixer to covert to b&w, luminosity masks to make 'Soft selections' between light and dark and then paths to make 'hard selections' if shapes / forms. I then use levels, curves to adjust before making finishing touches using ACR. The whole thing took around an hour so was quite involved (defining the paths takes the most time!). However, I quite enjoy the process as it's not dissimilar to painting :)


Impressive. I can see from the result that it must have taken time and skill to do.

Great stuff, thank you.
Thank you Drummerman - I spent 2 hours on an image last night and it still isn't finished. Not sure I like where that image is going so might start again! It really is more like painting than photography so appeals to me :)

Lots to learn - still taking baby steps...

That is one of the best architectural fine art photos I have seen Amar. The tones/textures are like liquid silk. I would love to see your workflow. I know you have set it out above, but it doesn't mean much to me. My PS skills are very limited.
That is one of the best architectural fine art photos I have seen Amar. The tones/textures are like liquid silk. I would love to see your workflow. I know you have set it out above, but it doesn't mean much to me. My PS skills are very limited.

Thank you for the kind words - really appreciated :) I will try and explain the work flow in a bit more detail when I'm at the computer in the evening.

The main thing which I'm still getting to grips with is using the pen tool in PS to define paths. Relatively easy on an image such as the one above with straight lines but a PITA with anything more complex! :D

Thank you for the kind words - really appreciated :) I will try and explain the work flow in a bit more detail when I'm at the computer in the evening.

The main thing which I'm still getting to grips with is using the pen tool in PS to define paths. Relatively easy on an image such as the one above with straight lines but a PITA with anything more complex! :D


Cough (cos you know I love spending your money :D)
Hahaha. Oooh - that looks tasty!

However, I'm not sure how much it would help with the pen tool as that's point to point clicking followed by dragging to define the arc between points. It's also expensive and large!

Thanks Lefty, It really was a nasty dull day in Manchester yesterday. Indoors was better - Manchester Art Gallery - where there is a great exhibition curated by Martin Parr - "Strange and Familiar" considers how international photographers from the 1930s onwards have captured the social, cultural and political identity of the UK.

170131 Descent by Mr Perceptive X100, on Flickr
[/url]Paving_ by Ian123running, on Flickr[/img]
This is SUCH a great thread.

Lefty - Pod Life is fantastic, as others have said, such quality tones.

Mr P, I love the colours in the staircase shot.

PeteMB&D I love the wall and damp handrail - a great picture of the everyday.

This is SUCH a great thread.


I love the varied styles of photography represented on this thread. Always something new to learn.

Thanks for the kind words about Pod Life. I hope to produce more images in that style over the coming weeks. It's a new style of photography that I'm keen to explore.

A couple of years or so ago I posted that I'd completely given up buying photography mags, mainly due to these threads.

One of the main reasons I try to donate to PFM whenever I can too.
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