
pfm Picture A Week (PAW) 2017

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Mr P - as usual, excellent long exposure images :)

Pete - 'Orange ICM' is excellent.

Jem - I don't know how, but you managed to turn a mundane water filter into a work of art. Nice!

Fantastic B&W/editing and I love the architectural subject.

Sophisticated as usual Amar.

Thank you Drummerman. Managed to get a bit of time tonight to go through some old images and just processed this from my trip to London in December last year:

Lines by Amar Sood, on Flickr

Fuji X-T2 / XF16-55mm f2.8 / Formatt Hitech Firecrest Circular Polariser + ND 0.6 Soft Grad

Mr P - as usual, excellent long exposure images :)

Pete - 'Orange ICM' is excellent.

Jem - I don't know how, but you managed to turn a mundane water filter into a work of art. Nice!

Thank you Drummerman. Managed to get a bit of time tonight to go through some old images and just processed this from my trip to London in December last year:

Fuji X-T2 / XF16-55mm f2.8 / Formatt Hitech Firecrest Circular Polariser + ND 0.6 Soft Grad


Very nice once again. I don't know what it is about b&w but it makes me appreciate a picture as a whole rather than the detail. I suppose it is one 'distraction' less. Having said that, there is some incredible colour photography in this thread. It makes me appreciate how much I have to learn (and looking forward to it).

Lately I am bowled over by Mr. P's landscape art too. Incredible, especially (but not exclusively) 'new brighton' just above. Me thinks that would gain entry to the top echelons of any photography contest, or at least it should.

I would love to see a bit more Street photography too. I remember Gromit's Street dance picture and thought it was amazing and I miss more of your (Amar) 'abstracts' which, in their own unique way looked beautiful imho.

Love this photo section. In some ways much more interesting than Hifi.

Thank you all.
Lately I am bowled over by Mr. P's landscape art too. Incredible.

Thanks (again), landscape is a 'real' challenge, as not only do you battle to get a decent (and perhaps original) view, but then you have the weather and light to contend with.

There are a couple of books by Peter Watson, where he puts beside the picture how long he waited for the light, sometimes its days!! revisiting a location several days in row at the the same time to get the one shot, that's dedication. I have to work the other way, by making what I think is the best use of the light available. I am very fortunate in my location (Northwich, Cheshire), that I have great opportunities in all directions, so I've become a weather stalker, and try to anticipate which direction will give me the best light when I've got a day off to go shooting, but often bad weather can produce dramatic results, even if it makes taking the photo more demanding, as long as you have the right clothes, camera protection and attitude, anything is possible.

I really enjoy the challenge, got a lot more trips planned for this year. It's a great way to see out fabulous country.


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