
pfm Picture A Week (PAW) 2017

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Gromit's lovely colours and fantasy like imaging, Mr Perceptive's masterful play with shadows, light and angles.

+1 to Cranwell Woods - beautiful image. I'd love to find photogenic local woodland that I can go to when it's misty like that. Congrats on the 'Explore' - very well deserved :)

Liking 'Cold' Drummerman - lovely detail in that shot.

Mr P - Love the lighting on Vertical Climb. Stunning image

Thanks Amar :)

I messed up every take very early this morning due to low light (even my Zen breathing technique didn't help :D) - Thought the ice be all gone on the way back but luckily there was still some there.
Superb John - I wouldn't even know where to begin to take a picture like that! Presumably an underwater housing for the camera?

Superb John - I wouldn't even know where to begin to take a picture like that! Presumably an underwater housing for the camera?

Thank you. I'm not sure I would trust an underwater housing, and as it was an activities week with canoeing and kayaking we bought the little Nikon S33 to cover them all. Within it's limitations it's been great, although the ratio of discards to keeps is large it has a high fun factor especially for videos
The lads also took it white water rafting last summer where it was perfect
For serious use I would probably go for one of the Olympus TGs
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