
pfm Picture A Week (PAW) 2008 part III

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Still working through the Tokyo rolls.

Most people go to Tsujiki fish market early in the morning, when it's busy. I decided to go at night, when it isn't.


Mamiya 6, 75/3.5, Tri-X @ 3200.

-- Ian
The first few downloaded from my trip to France over the last 10 days:




Artistic and technical views/tips/comments welcomed.

Leica M8, Noctilux lens
Liked the street name/sign. Not so sure about the hidden message though
(Hong Kong Day 1)
Excellent, Simon - love the parallels between the hogweed and the pylon.

To contine on the flora theme...

Tradescantia - been meaning to take a pic of this amazing leaf for a while

A chance reflection of sunlight on this single hazel leaf caught my eye just now...

I'm jealous, the furthest I ever get sent for work is Birmingham.

-- Ian

Yeah, the good news is that its a public holiday today (Monday). The bad news is that my body clock it confused and I woke up at 03:30 local time, and have a breakfast meeting to go over the work we need to have completed by 09:00 tomorrow.

Well it's either that or go and photograph some Dragon Boat Racing.

I'm jealous, the furthest I ever get sent for work is Birmingham.

-- Ian

Send minions. One guy I sent to talk to some programers in Chennai, sent a "they say you're not there yet, where are you" text and got "sorry, connecting flight delayed boss, still in terminal" and this JPEG...


Talk to your offshore programmers in the dry season. Key message.
Send minions. One guy I sent to talk to some programers in Chennai, sent a "they say you're not there yet, where are you" text and got "sorry, connecting flight delayed boss, still in terminal" and this JPEG...


Talk to your offshore programmers in the dry season. Key message.

Nice - a place I used to work had a programming sweatshop in Bangalore. I never went myself but I tended to get involved in training up the guys who came across to the UK for 6 months induction. I had much fun breaking their insistence that since I was the boss I knew what they should be doing, but of course programming isn't like that.

Hard at work, I see :)

Yesterday I took a break from processing film from Tokyo and went on one of my favourite walks, a long ramble from Hastings to Rye via Pett Level and Winchelsea.


Blad + Rollei Retro.

-- Ian
It's all out of focus - if you can read this your eyes are OK but your lens is ****ed: if you can't read this...
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