
pfm Picture A Week (PAW) 2008 part II

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Not Drowning But Waving

Probably, but lacking a wee lawnmower, or some really obvious cloning, WYSIWYG. But I've become a dab hand at knocking out chewing gum, my new pet hate.
you could have moved the injured party up the street a couple of yards.

in any case, i know know what to get you for xmas.

My very own pixie grass barber?

I could, but for me, half the fun of photography is the thrill of serendipity. I'm happy to kick a few leaves or whatever out of the way, but once you start that kind of radical rearranging, you might as well stage or recreate the whole thing under studio lighting.
concrete, the mood/light effect is very nice in the 1st shot. the cheap/messy objects on the left could use removal or burning in and i think a more conventional ratio gives it the cinematic feel the shot deserves...


one more thing. although i'm not normally bothered by this sort of thing, i suspect matthew will be along shortly to tell you that the wide angle lens has distorted her features in an unflattering way.

concrete, the mood/light effect is very nice in the 1st shot. the cheap/messy objects on the left could use removal or burning in and i think a more conventional ratio gives it the cinematic feel the shot deserves...

I'm not sure what your definition of cheap/messy objects is, but isn't that a skeleton that you've burnt in?

have i violated a pagan rule?

it looks like an ugly, neglected plant.

(although i'm not keen on the vulgar, middle-class/hippie practice of plants--or animals--inside a house, it's not the fact that it's a plant per se that's the problem but that it looks like a messy dark thing which adds nothing to the picture but a bit of mess and distraction)

Lets hope that is true, for your sake...

Come'on guys, this is a very narrow and boring view of beauty, not to mention that I love long noses (a clear case of narcissism).


PS Vuk please tell me you love your men with long noses.
concrete, the mood/light effect is very nice in the 1st shot. the cheap/messy objects on the left could use removal or burning in and i think a more conventional ratio gives it the cinematic feel the shot deserves...

<shocked that Vuk doesn't recognise the Bush TR82 radio as the iconic piece of design it is>

Nice specimen, let me just add - you'll have to add a new category, put me and Arye Gur in it, call it "The blessed ones".

please feel free to book a northern vacation when you like. i will also want to do a helmut newton style full frontal. another good idea would be to have arye surrounded by all of his ex-wives, but i'm not sure i have a wide enough lens.

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