
Oh Britain, what have you done (part XXIII)?

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I’ll keep it simple for you as that seems best.

The EU have said from day, and repeat it ad nauseum, that any deal the UK gets outside the EU will, and must be, inferior to the deal we had inside the EU. Dodgy Davis and your far right nutter mates keep going on about a mythical wonder deal that will never exist. All damage to the UK is self-inflicted. It’s really is that simple.

Well...we'll see won't we.
I find it incredulous, that you find it incredulous that anybody could think that Cameron had talent and was a good honest PM.

Best description of Cameron was that he thought long term planning was how to make it through Monday afternoon on Monday morning.
Best description of Cameron was that he thought long term planning was how to make it through Monday afternoon on Monday morning.

Yep, he was good at delivering pre-canned put-downs of Milliband and Corbyn and could, to some extent, think on his feet during PMQs.

But he was brain-dead when it came to long term vision and strategic planning - hence the catastrophic failure of his EU referendum gamble.

He is the worst Prime Minister in living memory.
Yep, he was good at delivering pre-canned put-downs of Milliband and Corbyn and could, to some extent, think on his feet during PMQs.

But he was brain-dead when it came to long term vision and strategic planning - hence the catastrophic failure of his EU referendum gamble.

He is the worst Prime Minister in living memory.

Oh I dunno, I think May is seriously challenging for that title.
Oh I dunno, I think May is seriously challenging for that title.

It's a strong challenge to be sure. In the end I think May probably does have a sense of duty and, at some level, feels obliged to see Brexit though, even though she is utterly humiliated. Not that I have much sympathy for her.

In contrast Cameron has always struck me as a moral and intellectual void. He seems to have become PM simply because it's the sort of thing chaps like him who went to Eton did, and he probably thought it would be fun. Once the fun stopped he ran.

Cameron is despicable; May is merely inept.
Cameron was very good at PMQs. There you go, he must have attended the Oxford debating societies before going down the Bullingdon to set fire to 50 quid notes and putting his penis in a pig's head.
It's a strong challenge to be sure. In the end I think May probably does have a sense of duty and, at some level, feels obliged to see Brexit though, even though she is utterly humiliated. Not that I have much sympathy for her.

In contrast Cameron has always struck me as a moral and intellectual void. He seems to have become PM simply because it's the sort of thing chaps like him who went to Eton did, and he probably thought it would be fun. Once the fun stopped he ran.

Cameron is despicable; May is merely inept.

Which current politician do you think has intellect and proper morals?
Don’t agree, Drood. May is every bit as despicable as Cameron, in a different way. Remember the “immigrants go home” vans when she was Home Secretary? Lying to the house thatsomeone wasn’t deported because he had a pet cat? She has appointed Liam Fox and Boris Johnson to key posts, despite the fact that Fox was forced to resign as a minister previously, and Johnson has been sacked twice for lying. She had the despicable Nick Timothy as her spad - responsible for the citizens of nowhere speech- and appointed James Slack from the Daily Mail *after* he had written his piece on judges as enemies of the people. She wasted public funds fighting the Miller case to avoid a vote in Parliament on triggering Article 50. And so on. She’s not just incompetent.
Which current politician do you think has intellect and proper morals?

Good question.

I think morals are easier to come by, especially on the Labour side of the house. Like him or loathe him, Corbyn clearly has moral fibre, but I wouldn't describe him as an intellectual, although he has a sharper campaigning brain than many of his critics gave him credit for. Many other Labout MPs are clearly compassionate, decent human beings, without necessarily being intellectuals (which isn't to say they're stupid, of course). On the Labour front bench, Barry Gardiner comes across as having a very sharp mind, and he takes no bullsh*t from interviewers.

Among the Tories, the likes of Sarah Wollaston, Heid Allen and a few others have all shown signs of humanity. I thin Rory Stewart is highly intelligent (he lectured at harvard for a while) and has led a diverse and interesting life.
Don’t agree, Drood. May is every bit as despicable as Cameron, in a different way. Remember the “immigrants go home” vans when she was Home Secretary? Lying to the house thatsomeone wasn’t deported because he had a pet cat? She has appointed Liam Fox and Boris Johnson to key posts, despite the fact that Fox was forced to resign as a minister previously, and Johnson has been sacked twice for lying. She had the despicable Nick Timothy as her spad - responsible for the citizens of nowhere speech- and appointed James Slack from the Daily Mail *after* he had written his piece on judges as enemies of the people. She wasted public funds fighting the Miller case to avoid a vote in Parliament on triggering Article 50. And so on. She’s not just incompetent.

Thanks for the reminders! The last thing I want to do is to defend Theresa may. I just find the hollowness of Cameron especially repellent.
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