
Oh Britain, what have you done (part XXII)?

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God I hate the fvckwits running this country. It feels like a hostile foreign power has invaded and taken over our politics, laws and life. The worst part of this? The people charged with defending us against them haven't got the balls to take a stand and fight them. Unbelievable. Our democracy is being destroyed right before our eyes.

One thing's for sure, if we do crash out of the EU with no deal, I'm going to do my damndest to help make sure that every last one of these imbecilic Brextremists are charged with treason for what they have done.
EU study showed what? WTO/hard Brexit was something like a 4% loss GDP over 10 year period (for UK & Ireland) ? That could be a lot of jobs, but not total darkness. Scale could be size of what you miss in growth at the moment, so just slightly lower growth ? But maybe the EU overestimates how well UK is prepared for this, few weeks April 2019 chaos can do a lot of harm.
I can see the UK going the way of Chile in the 1970s when Nixon had Allende assassinated and installed Pinochet’s evil regime. “Make the economy scream” and all that.
EU study showed what? WTO/hard Brexit was something like a 4% loss GDP over 10 year period (for UK & Ireland) ? That could be a lot of jobs, but not total darkness. Scale could be size of what you miss in growth at the moment, so just slightly lower growth ? But maybe the EU overestimates how well UK is prepared for this, few weeks April 2019 chaos can do a lot of harm.

I wouldn't minimize the impact of -4% GDP over 10 years.
You know that film Speed with Keanu Reeves with the bus that cannot be stopped? Well, Brexit is like that.

Brexit cannot be stopped. If they try and stop Brexit, the Conservative Party blows up. Like the bus in Speed.

The Will of the People™... Coming to a cinema near you (in March 2019).

Given the border situation in Ireland the Father Ted version is nearer to the truth, DD being more stupid and much more unpleasant than Dougal.

Half of what UK lost over last 10 years?? And UK unemployment is even lower now than 10 years ago ? Are you heading towards communism maybe :)
Parliament has already had its say, voting by a large majority to trigger Article 50, earlier this year.
The opportunity to debate and vote on this "deal", relates to any agreement reached with the EU regarding the terms of the UK's departure from the EU on the 19th March 2019.
This may or may not include the "future relationship" ....and it's looking increasingly likely that it may not, looking at the available timescale.

It's very straightforward.
If no agreement is reached with the EU, there will be nothing for parliament to debate and vote on.
If an agreement is reached with the EU, a rejection of that agreement by parliament will effectively mean we will leave without a deal.

There would be b*gger all chance of going back to the EU to try and get a better deal; notwithstanding that the other 27 member States will also be required to vote on whether or not to accept the agreement.
If any of the 27 vote against the "deal", it will be dead in the water anyway.
If all 27 vote in favour of the "deal" and the UK parliament rejects it, it'll be rather academic as not only would the chances of the EU being prepared to renegotiate be extremely slim, but I think it very likely that a firm position will be taken that the 27 have made their decision.

If any agreement between the EU and the UK is reached at the "eleventh hour", or even after the 19th March 2019, it will either be too late for parliament to vote before that date, or the UK will have already ceased to be a member of the EU.

Whatever is agreed between the EU and UK, if anything at all, that will be it ...and realistically, parliament will only have a take it or leave it choice.
That's not a Tory position, but practical reality. Any other UK government taking us through Brexit would find themselves in the same position, whether they liked it or not.

Good post. One of the things I have picked up on is that in amongst the hundreds of amendments and the bill to-ing and fro-ing between the HoC and the HoL is that somewhere along the line a third option could be thrown into the mix by way of amendment to the bill, whereby MP's could elect that Article 50 is extended (there are numerous ways an extension could be applied) instead of the "take it or leave it" binary choice that DD is blathering on about. The suggestion seems to be that this would actually give the MP's vote some meaning - which at present, it doesn't have. Apparently it's just beginning to dawn on MP's what it is they've actually done by voting for Art. 50 to be triggered. Absolute dumbos - but if they're copping on now and intend to try and do something about it then there may be a slim chance we could avoid no deal.

As an aside, I do feel there has been a slight change in tone from leavers. They're getting a bit desperate and I say that because the amount of "there will be civil unrest/riots/trouble" type responses and commentary I am seeing lately has ramped up significantly.
Would be quite entertaining to see thousands of old age pensioners rioting on the streets. I guess Zimmer frames and walking sticks would make good weapons against the police. And the mass wheelchair charges against police lines would be a sight to behold. Cancel Brexit and bring it on, I say.
Would be quite entertaining to see thousands of old age pensioners rioting on the streets. I guess Zimmer frames and walking sticks would make good weapons against the police. And the mass wheelchair charges against police lines would be a sight to behold. Cancel Brexit and bring it on, I say.

Take back control- bladders first then fresh produce at Morrisons.
Meantime in Dutch parliament the new Dutch government defended having to lower some business related taxes to keep the big 4 anglo-dutch companies inside the Netherlands. The big four apparently threatened to relocate headquarters to UK. Big companies always win :)
Half of what UK lost over last 10 years?? And UK unemployment is even lower now than 10 years ago ? Are you heading towards communism maybe :)
How do you get to that result? The Great Recession lasted 4 quarters, successively -0.7%, -1.6%, -2.2%, -1.6% before returning to slow growth in 2009. How is -4% impact over 10 years half of that?
When we get our fishing back will they also stop lying about the fish being fresh?
Not bloody likely. The Seafish Industry Authority has an official statement defending the use of the word "fresh" to describe fish that has been previously frozen. Apparently "it indicates a state of wholesomeness and is not necessarily a description of previous storage conditions".
I'm not making this up.
The 2019 food crisis. That is what will cause the Government to fall.

Here we see how it begins.

Not bloody likely. The Seafish Industry Authority has an official statement defending the use of the word "fresh" to describe fish that has been previously frozen. Apparently "it indicates a state of wholesomeness and is not necessarily a description of previous storage conditions".
I'm not making this up.
Yes, I know, my father was a director at Roach Brothers in Hull for many years. He told me not to say anything as they supplied Morrisons and Morrisons would get very upset if the media got wind of it.

Howcome the EU did not intervene and protect us poor consumers from this hogwash, please?
This will continue as the retailers run to the end of their fixed price contracts and can no longer take currency hits on the chin. Margins in food are tiny at the best of times, tins of beans at 25p. milk at £1 for 4 pints, loaves of sliced bread at 40p, etc. are not the price of the raw materials. Most flour is imported, the £/$ slide will see those prices shifting.
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