
Oh Britain, what have you done (part XXII)?

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Cool article by DW:

Summary: the movers and shakers in Grimsby now want an exemption from the consequences of the disaster they voted to inflict on the whole country. They don't like the EU's fishing rules, you see, but it is starting to dawn on them that there may be a few problems with this Brexit thing. So they are asking London (yes, London) to grant the port of Grimsby an exemption from Brexit and make it a free zone. That way, they can continue importing EU fish without duties. Simple.

"One local member of Parliament, euroskeptic Tory Martin Vickers, said if freedom to trade freely with Europe was kept it would be "very beneficial" and a sign of post-Brexit optimism."

James O'Brien has been quick to spot the danger: "You couldn't make this up, could you?" said O'Brien, adding that the U-turn on Brexit by Grimsby's representatives was so laughable that it would "put satirists out of work."

"A laconic British presenter and scientist, Professor Brian Cox chipped in too Wednesday, tweeting: "I'm in favour of giving everyone in the country a Brexit exemption."

No laughing in the back, there. This is a serious matter.
I'm with Prof Brian Cox.

I am genuinely LOLing at this. Grimsby was in the top 10 biggest majorities for Brexit in the country, with nearby Boston and also South Holland voting similarly. They are now saying "can we not have any negative consequences?" Er, no. This one is down to you. It's like the last pint I had the other Saturday, after the bonfire party. It seemed like a great idea at the time, I felt like it was a great decision. By Sunday morning I'd changed my mind. Sadly I think that the consequences for Grimsby will be a little more lasting than a lost Sunday and an afternoon sleeping it off.

I don't wish the place any ill, I like the town, spend some time there and it deserves a better deal than it currently gets. However they are a classic case of the downtrodden voting for "change at any cost" and then when they are made aware of the cost, to them, they don't want to know. Well, sorry turkeys, but you did vote for Christmas. Here's your bread sauce.

Grimsby cannot thwart The Will of the People™

The Will of the People™ shall stand for all time. Nothing can thwart it.
Lol, they really should have spearheaded that campaign with remain voters. We always did say they were a bit stupid on the southbank. Seems we were right.
Lol, they really should have spearheaded that campaign with remain voters. We always did say they were a bit stupid on the southbank. Seems we were right.
Well not really that stupid: they are among the first to realise they have made a massive mistake. They haven't done a complete mea culpa yet though.
i wonder if there's finally a slender ray of light beginning to penetrate the fog of the brexit secretary's dim and beleaguered mind:

"Parliament to get binding vote on final Brexit deal". is it the case that finally, after all this time, after all this damage, that these idiots are starting to get an inkling, however faint, of what they are doing to this country? one can only hope.
My only concern with this is what happens if Parliament votes against the final deal?

Hard Brexit without any agreement? Not an ideal situation, surely?
i'm hoping that they are preparing the ground for a halt to the exit process? or is that too much to hope for?
Meanwhile, back in the real world:

Brexit is not going to make Britain into a wonderful capitalist exemplar, let alone a global trader, like Hong Kong was in the 1970s. Brexit is going to make today’s Britain more like Britain was in the 1970s. Ultimately, it will produce lasting economic harm to British citizens, because market economics works and global integration has benefits. The costs of some overregulation imposed by Brussels in some industries are nothing to compare with the self-imposed costs of a trading nation running away from globalisation. That’s reality.
No doubt the intentions of HairyHaggis were good, and certainly without malice.
But consider the whole going over a cliff edge metaphor - his post is of absolutely no comfort whatsoever!
Cool article by DW:

Summary: the movers and shakers in Grimsby now want an exemption from the consequences of the disaster they voted to inflict on the whole country. They don't like the EU's fishing rules, you see, but it is starting to dawn on them that there may be a few problems with this Brexit thing. So they are asking London (yes, London) to grant the port of Grimsby an exemption from Brexit and make it a free zone. That way, they can continue importing EU fish without duties. Simple.

"One local member of Parliament, euroskeptic Tory Martin Vickers, said if freedom to trade freely with Europe was kept it would be "very beneficial" and a sign of post-Brexit optimism."

James O'Brien has been quick to spot the danger: "You couldn't make this up, could you?" said O'Brien, adding that the U-turn on Brexit by Grimsby's representatives was so laughable that it would "put satirists out of work."

"A laconic British presenter and scientist, Professor Brian Cox chipped in too Wednesday, tweeting: "I'm in favour of giving everyone in the country a Brexit exemption."

No laughing in the back, there. This is a serious matter.
!!!REMAINIAC DESERTERS!!! Shoot them at dawn, make an example of them. Get the womenfolk to hand out white feathers to any defeatist loafers they see in Wetherspoons during working hours.
Keep right on to the e-end of the road, keep right on to the e-end...
i'm hoping that they are preparing the ground for a halt to the exit process? or is that too much to hope for?

I can't imagine 'The Mince' would offer this so freely. this is just a short term ruse to stop the backbench rebellion. Smoke and mirrors.
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