
Oh Britain, what have you done (part ∞+9)?

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I agree with your concerns about the far right. It is worth asking yourself what factors have stimulated this.

That's a difficult question...

I bet on these:

unregulated market economy (right-wing/liberal policies);

public over-spending (left-wing policies);

private over-spending;

rich getting richer, poor getting poorer;

degradation of public services;

unrealistic expectations regarding school-level education;

fake news;

extinction of good honest politicians and busyness leaders;


et cetera...
Because of their vast lobbying power within the corridors of Brussels, VW effectively framed the rules within which they were able to conduct the fraud. The EU failed, explicitly so.
No they didn't. VW went out of their way to break the law, just like various companies do. The fact that VW execs are in prison underklines this. If VW had made the laws as you suggest then like Amazon, Ebay and all the others dodging tax laws they would remain at liberty.

There are more burglaries every day because the police don't investigate them. That in itself may be a symptom of many things (yes, cutbacks), but it remains a failure.
Whatever is happening to the burglary rate, it's hardly a failure of the law, is it? Nobody is saying there is a problem with the way the Theft Act is written.

I was encouraged to see that the police are now responding to the recent fashion for moped-based robbery by mowing the culprits down with their cars. There has apparently been a sharp fall in the number of moped crimes.
You are Rodrigo Duterte and I claim my £5.
eternumviti said:
Because of their vast lobbying power within the corridors of Brussels, VW effectively framed the rules within which they were able to conduct the fraud. The EU failed, explicitly so.

How about this one?

“Because of their vast lobbying power within the corridors of Tory Westminster, intensive meat producers were able to unleash BSE and its human consequence, CJD on the British public, masked by political denials. It fell to the EU to confront the malpractice and introduce measures to protect the wider EU population from British malpractice”.
VW eh?
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With you all the way. Westminster is as packed with lobbyists as the other lot, two sides of the same coin.

So, how many layers of corruption and malpractice do we really need?

Which one do we have some chance of dealing with by using the ballot box?
After you tell me where you get your fantasies about Labour's plans. Labour's manifesto is clear. A moderate democratic socialist agenda. Your portrayal as Labour as some sort of anti-democratic proto authoritarian 'one party state' mission is more applicable to the present right.

Yes, I've read it, and its a beautiful thing.
And another thing. If the EU is really the neo-con conspiracy you claim it to be, why are our current right wing neo con politicians so keen to leave it?
And you haven't yet answered my question as to why you think Corbyn are somehow old style Stalinist Commies.
Well I never! who'd have thought that the last minute Spanish objection could be overcome? Must be a blooming rollercoaster for our negotiators. Mind you I wouldn't want to be in their trousers, every objection they put up we robustly overcome.
Oh, I must have missed the question.

I don't think I ever said they were.

Maybe a tiny bit, but mainly so that a Labour government circumvent EU restrictions in order to carry out a true socialist agenda, you know, state aid for failing industries, nationalisation of private companies, expropriation of private and commercial property, that kind of thing. I thought that was what you wanted.

Well, I guess the fact that he patently does.

That's not what I think. That is what you think.
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