
Oh Britain, what have you done (part ∞+11)?

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Bamboo fibre in socks or drawers are great if you are prone to sweatiness in those areas or anywhere else. Great for running or any athletic pursuit apart from swimming. So ideal for you Dec.

I do not rate them as they do not do soft top socks. I tried on a free sample they sent me and they cut off my blood supply. Horrible things.

Unlike you, I only do personal insults on a face to face basis. Those who do it on line are nothing more than worthless keyboard warriors.
No, just the usual passive-aggressive stuff at which you excel. And "plonker" as a personal insult? Perlease.

Happy to take your bet.
Good enough. Like I said, £50 from you to Headway if and when I win the bet. £50 from me to your charity if Labour under Corbyn or a similar lefty non-Blairite PM, overall maj, no coalitions, so fulfilling the requirements of a "true socialist Labour government", for a GE in 2019 (as is almost inevitable). Swamp Thing, are you happy to hold?
I do not rate them as they do not do soft top socks. I tried on a free sample they sent me and they cut off my blood supply. Horrible things.

There must be upmarket versions with soft tops suited to the more refined sensibilities of the typical pfm member, surely?
Shorn of Brussels and with this lot in charge, we're not going to thrive. We're going to sink.

Too true. Reducing the ability of some of the crazies in Westminster to cause serious harm - and they are bound to get a taste of power every decade or so under our ‘all power goes to the left, then all power goes to the right’ system was one of my main reasons for wanting to remain in the EU.
Here's why Brussels went so badly:

"According to officials briefed on the meeting, the prime minister made three demands on how to "soften" the backstop for MPs in the House of Commons.

Brexit Britain: Small, boring and stupid

Britain’s imperial history and 45 years of membership in the EU — where London was a dominant voice — is why it is struggling to conduct diplomacy as the middling power it is now becoming. Accustomed to issuing colonial diktats or throwing its medium-sized weight around a medium-sized pond, the U.K. simply doesn’t seem to know how to play the game of give and take needed to negotiate with a far larger partner.
No, just the usual passive-aggressive stuff at which you excel. And "plonker" as a personal insult? Perlease.

Good enough. Like I said, £50 from you to Headway if and when I win the bet. £50 from me to your charity if Labour under Corbyn or a similar lefty non-Blairite PM, overall maj, no coalitions, so fulfilling the requirements of a "true socialist Labour government", for a GE in 2019 (as is almost inevitable). Swamp Thing, are you happy to hold?

As I expected from someone whose debating skills are limited to personal insults and who can't even negotiate the curtain market, you seem to be backtracking.

I accepted your bet but clarified the terms. Either you can't read or you are worried about losing £50.
For clarity

"Yes, I'm more than happy to take that bet.

To be clear "Labour form the next government". £50 bet. Not to charity. I'll have it.

You OK with that or would you prefer to lob your earlier personal insult that got deleted?"

That's the deal. Take it or leave it.
Rudd. Calling for a national consensus, cross party. What a shameless spiv. Didn't hear her calling too hard 2 years ago when the tories reckoned they could get this all their own way. The hypocrisy is.... Just what you'd expect from this shower of incompetents
I particularly like the Brexiteer argument that we shouldn't worry about 'no deal' as China (you know, that unique manufacturing superpower with 1.4 billion people) sells more to the EU than we do. I am not convinced.

I am also not very convinced by the plan of the Tory 'moderates' (in other words, not the nationalist nutcases) which seems to be relying on Mrs May turning up to Parliament one day very soon and saying "Sorry, I got my Brexit tactics wrong. Let's try something different..."
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