
Oh Britain, what have you done (part ∞+11)?

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Although I do not agree with all your political viewpoints Harry, your assumption of this forum members rings partly true to me also. You needed to add, second homes in Europe, never done real manual graft, and have food allergies for anything that is fried, and worst of all the wearing of bamboo socks and cat lovers.


Jeez. It's even worse than I thought :)
Although I do not agree with all your political viewpoints Harry, your assumption of this forum members rings partly true to me also. You needed to add, second homes in Europe, never done real manual graft, and have food allergies for anything that is fried, and worst of all the wearing of bamboo socks and cat lovers.


I bought some bamboo socks the other day, I'd never heard of them before. My daughter tells me they are actually made of bamboo, which I can't get my head around at all. They're very comfortable. 6 pairs for a fiver at tackymax.
Although I do not agree with all your political viewpoints Harry, your assumption of this forum members rings partly true to me also. You needed to add, second homes in Europe, never done real manual graft, and have food allergies for anything that is fried, and worst of all the wearing of bamboo socks and cat lovers.

I’ve already warned Swampthing that he is likely to get the back of a coal shovel to the head from a horny handed son of toil sooner or later, though his cat/ second home/immunological disorder and capacity for manual labour status is unknown to me.
Farage is unquestionably far-right, Rees-Mogg much the same. Why is the Labour party allowing its MPs to share a platform with this scum? The whip needs removing IMHO.

Fair point. Personally, I wouldn't object to this. Perhaps the leadership think it's not worth the aggro as (touch wood) these jokers might well be deselected by their CLP anyway (which would be easier to defend as party democracy in action rather than a "hard-left" leader targeting his political opponents). Either way they're an irrelevance as far as the vast majority of members are concerned.
Please can you supply the source for this information? Does this include the preparation time necessary to change our currency to the Euro (which would be one of the terms for rejoining?) And which shade of government will initiate this? If we are going to be out for under ten years it is going to have to be the winners of the next election that make it a manifesto pledge.
Educated guess based on people experiencing what life outside the EU is really like for a few years + demographic shift. Obviously, I can't see into the future (although if I were you I'd take extra care in the shower tomorrow morning).
I bought some bamboo socks the other day, I'd never heard of them before. My daughter tells me they are actually made of bamboo, which I can't get my head around at all. They're very comfortable. 6 pairs for a fiver at tackymax.

That's handy to know. I usually get mine from a company in the west country.

But the existing, very favourable, membership deal (exemptions from this and that: Schengen, Eurozone, rebate, etc.) will be gone forever.
I agree we have an excellent deal now and almost certainly won't get the same terms if we rejoin. However the current rebate is time-limited anyway it so it might not have been renewed anyway (if we don't leave after all this nonsense, I wouldn't blame the EU at all if they knocked the rebate on the head when it was up for reconsideration).

Eurozone... dunno but if it were an absolute sticking point for the UK, I doubt the EU would insist on it (+ who knows where the EU itself would be with its Eurozone reforms by then?). Schengen, I'm not so sure about - maybe we would have to swallow that one (not that I think it's a bad idea anyway).
Educated guess based on people experiencing what life outside the EU is really like for a few years + demographic shift. Obviously, I can't see into the future (although if I were you I'd take extra care in the shower tomorrow morning).

Thanks, I will. Can you tell me if the bathroom will be any warmer tomorrow morning?

But I repeat - on your timeline negotiations will have to start in the next few years. Ergo rejoining will have to be a manifesto pledge at the next election. Given the current shit-scared-of-defying-Brexiteers-for-fear-we-won’t-be-elected position of both them and the other lot, which one do you see making that pledge in 1-4 years time?
I agree we have an excellent deal now and almost certainly won't get the same terms if we rejoin. However the current rebate is time-limited anyway it so it might not have been renewed anyway (if we don't leave after all this nonsense, I wouldn't blame the EU at all if they knocked the rebate on the head when it was up for reconsideration).

Eurozone... dunno but if it were an absolute sticking point for the UK, I doubt the EU would insist on it (+ who knows where the EU itself would be with its Eurozone reforms by then?). Schengen, I'm not so sure about - maybe we would have to swallow that one (not that I think it's a bad idea anyway).
OK, maybe. How about these other ones:
Justice/Home Affairs (UK can currently opt in to just the bits it likes)?
EU Charter of Fundamental Human Rights (ECJ can't find UK law incompatible with this)?
Banking Union?
I’ve already warned Swampthing that he is likely to get the back of a coal shovel to the head from a horny handed son of toil sooner or later, though his cat/ second home/immunological disorder and capacity for manual labour status is unknown to me.

That's enough to sentence him.

I’ve never tried them but I might now as I’m quite suggestable reading pfm. I gather you can get bamboo fibre drawers as well.

Bamboo fibre in socks or drawers are great if you are prone to sweatiness in those areas or anywhere else. Great for running or any athletic pursuit apart from swimming. So ideal for you Dec.
I bought some bamboo socks the other day, I'd never heard of them before. My daughter tells me they are actually made of bamboo, which I can't get my head around at all. They're very comfortable. 6 pairs for a fiver at tackymax.

Cool (not in the trendy sense obvs) and comfy, but not very hard wearing - who cares at 6 pairs for a fiver!
Bamboo fibre in socks or drawers are great if you are prone to sweatiness in those areas or anywhere else. Great for running or any athletic pursuit apart from swimming. So ideal for you Dec.

With the added attraction that any pandas you come across will adore you.
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