
Oh Britain, what have you done (part ∞+11)?

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I could come up with many others.

Such as.

Crippling shortage of doctors and nurses (Racist May doesn't want foreigners)
Social care almost a basket case
Prisons in total chaos
Probation Services privatised to the point they're almost worthless
More rough sleepers
More families in temporary accommodation.

Rug and curtain sales are up though ;-)
This government have recently introduced their latest benefits scam...erm… I mean help for those in desperate need, it's a doozy, ready for it, it goes something like this, anyone currently claiming ESA will be receiving a nice shiny new form through their mail box, this form will allow claimants the offer of potentially more funds, mmmm, tempting, nice i hear you say, how kind & considerate, all they need to do is follow the instructions & return the form, simple, if they currently claim contribution based ESA, they may be able to claim more money if they are entitled to income related ESA also,

...….There is one very small glitch in the system with this kind offer of support, anyone currently claiming contributory based ESA will not be placed on the upcoming universal credit but those claiming income related ESA will unfortunately be transferred, immediately, I need say very little else.
A precedent has been set. You go back with your Tardis and change the previous ref to needing a supermajority, and I'd be good with that being the position for the next one.
In the absence of Doctorly intervention though, fairness demands the same conditions for Ratifying Ref/Peoples Vote.
Incidentally, those objecting to the nomenclature "Peoples Vote" (perhaps because they perhaps don't consider themselves people?) could always boycott it.
If many are willing to take the risk, then far be it from me to say any more on the subject, I don't really care either way at this point, the country is f^cked with or without Brexit as we stand.

Is this intelligible enough or should I clarify further....;)
I think you have to be careful with the term "far right" as most people take it to mean fascist/nazi which doesn't apply to Farage or Rees-Mogg who are both very right wing conservatives with a layer of racism in Farage's case. They do both believe in democracy and the rule of law though and are not threatening authoritarian takeovers or rioting in the streets.

And even though it pains me to defend Farage he did at least quit UKIP when they appointed Stephen C***ly-Racist because he was "far right".

Nigel Farage said:
...if they don't deliver this Brexit, that I spent 25 years of my life working for, then I will be forced to don khaki, pick up a rifle, and head for the front line.

That sounds pretty much like an incitement to violence to all his UKIP supporters to me.
I knew someone would make that point. Yes he does have a history of this sort of thing but I think it's mostly part of his bar room bore schtick than anything.

Given his connections with Trump, the alt-right, dodgy Russians, and with funding coming from who-knows-where, then I wouldn't be too convinced that he's as much of a fan of democracy as you think Matthew. He is dangerous, because he's not as obviously thuggish as the far-right idiots like 'Tommy Robinson', but more sly and subtle.
I knew someone would make that point. Yes he does have a history of this sort of thing but I think it's mostly part of his bar room bore schtick than anything.
Setting out the foundations for a new right-wing party that will harbour Tory refugees like Grease-Mop and the Bo-Jo?
And feature a radical use of commas! Not so much Oxford as the whole of SE England.
The grammar gang, only at large when nothing else to criticise.
I have been correcting a few spelling mistakes here recently when replying, oh the irony.
Like Aladdin sort of thing

Very nostalgic around this time of year. We had c. 3 of their paraffin heaters and I can always remember the smell! Used to be sent off in the 60's to the "Ironmongers" to collect a gallon. Anyone remember the advert - "Boom Boom Boom Boom, Esso Blue"!!! Yes, its been a long day Xmas shopping.

Given his connections with Trump, the alt-right, dodgy Russians, and with funding coming from who-knows-where, then I wouldn't be too convinced that he's as much of a fan of democracy as you think Matthew. He is dangerous, because he's not as obviously thuggish as the far-right idiots like 'Tommy Robinson', but more sly and subtle.

Yeah, fair point.
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