
New budget Naim.

That'd be the investment bankers who sold junk sub-prime products to an unsuspecting world, escaped prosecution because they worked for "too big to fail'' banks, got bailed out and paid themselves huge bonuses from the bailout money.

Doesn't matter who buys it., does it?

The green-eyed monster will still twitch & squirm.

Shame they spent the Focal investment money on this rather than something the rest of us could afford.... the problem with trickle down is that it evokes a leaking tap, drip, drip, drip... not exactly a commitment to the lower ranges is it?
Don't care about the amps tbh-Eccleston's daughter will probably buy one for her MP3 collection but do think the film is really page 1 naff, Dom, Dom, Dom, Dommm must've took ages to think of that soundtrack.

So Naim announce a new high end piece of equipment and we end up with a pile of outraged postings. For goodness sake, some of you guys need to get a life.

Paul Stephenson and his colleagues have successfully driven Naim through a recession and the company continues to flourish in an industry which is tottering.

I think they have proven they know how to run a successful hifi company far better than some of the "critics" who have mouthed off here.

There is a market for this type of equipment and 10 out of 10 for Naim in attempting to fill that demand. Much better it is done by a workforce in Salisbury than one in China.

I sometimes wonder how many of you lot have an IQ level measured in double digits. I just thank God that Paul Stephenson and co are running Naim and not you lot.

This is Naim's Concorde moment, their Bugatti Veyron. It's an exercise in creating what is possible.

They'll likely be built to order (as already suggested), have a long waiting list and they will certainly sell a few. The trickle-down to their existing ranges will be of benefit to many, many more people.

Embrace Naim for having the R&D budget and foresight to create something (potentially) truly special. We shall all benefit from its success and only Naim will suffer a little bit of tax write-off if it fails.

Good post. Especially the 'trickle down' effect, which I'd imagine will usher in a pre. and power mono's to replace the long-toothed 552 and (esp.) 500. A true successor to 135s has not emerged yet.
Oh heavens! Since the announcement my 500-Series sounds cheap.

Well said Mick, and jolly good luck to Naim. I'll probably never be able to afford one of these setups but I'm looking forward to hearing it.
If I had that kind of money to spend Naim wouldn't make my list-be a bit like opting for a 'statement' Lexus.
When folk are apparently prepared to spend €35,000 on a fleece jacket that looked like came from Bury market I saw in the window of the Hermes shop in Paris recently, a couple of hundred thousand on a big amp seems quite reasonable.
A lot of green eyes around here today... - one can easily spend 200K on a watch, in fact, a vintage Rolex Daytona just nudged $1 million at Christie's.

And that is cheap compared to collecting 20th century art, anything Warhol, limited edition Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons etc where you very quickly run in single and double digit millions - 200K amps represent, for the ultra wealthy, mere rounding errors and good luck to Naim for looking to tap into the market - hope they are successful and let's applaud their guts and desire to succeed
I like the Veyron analogy. It provokes no desire or envy, it just says nothing to me about my life. When I'm day dreaming this type of stuff would never feature, although a Warhol might. To desire such things is so outside my thinking process as to be completely alien to me.

The bit that intrigues me is how can it be so much better? In the end the thing it is reproducing (music) is not that remarkable in in the flesh. I can only think that it must do something that is better than the real thing. I'd love to see a documentary about a customer, a person's life, someone who bought one; now that would be interesting.
I like the Veyron analogy. It provokes no desire or envy, it just says nothing to me about my life. When I'm day dreaming this type of stuff would never feature, although a Warhol might. To desire such things is so outside my thinking process as to be completely alien to me.

The bit that intrigues me is how can it be so much better? In the end the thing it is reproducing (music) is not that remarkable in in the flesh. I can only think that it must do something that is better than the real thing. I'd love to see a documentary about a customer, a person's life, someone who bought one; now that would be interesting.

I can perfectly understand you.

As with uber-expensive cars, I imagine myself owning such kind of stuff, and I am thinking: WTF?

It is the music, goddamit.
I'm glad I can't afford it, as that means I don't have to make a decision. Imagine you had limitless money. Why would you buy this over anything else out there that's outrageously priced. Would you ever be happy with your decision? I think I must have the wrong mindset to be that rich.

I'm glad someone else mentioned the VW Veyron. They lose money on every one built, but as a technology platform for drip-down, I'm sure it has been invaluable. That can only be a good thing for future Naim products, but I guess they wouldn't have been able to justify the project without the team up with Focal
I like the Veyron analogy. It provokes no desire or envy, it just says nothing to me about my life. When I'm day dreaming this type of stuff would never feature, although a Warhol might. To desire such things is so outside my thinking process as to be completely alien to me.

The bit that intrigues me is how can it be so much better? In the end the thing it is reproducing (music) is not that remarkable in in the flesh. I can only think that it must do something that is better than the real thing. I'd love to see a documentary about a customer, a person's life, someone who bought one; now that would be interesting.

It's so much better because the hoi polloi cannot even aspire to own it. Simple as.

Naim, like every other competant hi-fi manufacturer produces essentially transparent kit.

This means that the only way to differentiate kit nowadays is by non sound quality parameters.

Naim are in the happy position to succesfully do this.

The reactions of the green eyed & bitter on here is EXACTLY what they are looking for.

Next stop:

Getting back to what we are good at
Core strengths
Serving dedicated customer base (if any left)

See you all in three or four years, if the French allow it.

A f-off headphone amp/dac at £5k-plus to go with some uber-cans from daddy Focal would have garnered more respect.

NB Toyota - Lexus. Can you get the cheapo Veyron in Sevenoaks, then?

The reactions of the green eyed & bitter on here is EXACTLY what they are looking for.
I doubt it. My guess is that Naim hopes to sell several of them to recoup R&D costs and to make money so they can continue to exist and employ people.

Could we put this 'trickle down' baloney to bed. As it is in the world of economics with regard to wealth then so it is with regard to technology. Improved technology may be applied in lower end models but the price of those models rises non-commensurately and, in effect, ends up subsidising the (loss-making) flagship/statement models. The little man subsidises the big man-it is never the other way round-how could it be?
Purchaser:- My statement sounds a little off........

Seller:- Ah you will be needing another upgrade, the super statement V2i
On the naim Forum Jon Honeyball has reported that the new amp makes even hackneyed dem tracks wonderful. )Note this is NOT a direct quotation)
Much like Nero above, if this music is not good to start with how cvan it be made to sound wonderful? Only by adding something else? That was not there in the original performance? perhaps Justin Bieber will record all his new material via a 'statement' and it will dramatically become wonderful music?
I remember my first listen to a six pack and big naim speakers (NBLs?) and it was a startling experience but....
Here's the spin if you are the sort to have the money in these difficult times. :)

I may have splashed out £140+k on a stereo, but I have supported British business and possibly saved British jobs by doing that and as a plus side I own the best Naim have to offer, I rather spend 140k on this than 140k extra in income tax where it would only be squandered on civil servant office paper clips and espresso machines.

