
New budget Naim.

i'd love to know how many amps circa $200k have sold to date, additionally how may of these naim hopes to sell and what the break even point is.
"There are numerous ways to design an audiophile volume control, each with their own advantages and setbacks. The stepped attenuator can sound great but it does, however, come with one disadvantage in that the sound tends to be uneven during volume change. The new Naim DVC includes a chip volume control that is used while changing volume to allow a smooth progression of change. The millisecond the volume is fixed the electronic volume control switches completely out of circuit back to the now set stepped attenuator."

As a user of a stepped attenuator pre that cost £290, I'm not really that interested in how it sounds while I'm changing the volume. This is, to echo what others have said, ****ery of the highest order. Speaking as a Naim user of some 15 years, from a Nait to a 52/135s, I will not be going back at this rate. But then I guess I'm missing the point if I think this stuff is aimed at me.
What should I do about keeping the deleterious affects of the Brawn away from the Brain in my sistem perhaps a second and third new Fraim Dais will be proffered.

"It'll all be OK...that's just my two cents worth."
Remember that Dynaudio have been selling the Arbiter pre power for a decade or more at $300k.
It would have been a fundamentally good idea to have launched the Nait Junior, perhaps manufactured in the Far East at a £400 price point, half width casing, etc, to counterbalance this. Convertible into a preamp to match NAP100, etc. This is what people have been waiting for Naim to do for the best part of two decades. So do it.
There is nothing to buy yet. When there is, allow another 6 months of user testing, and another 6 months of development following the early buyer feedback by which time the price will have doubled...
The vid for those who dream big, disparage big, envy big and take the piss, you guessed it, big.

There, something for everyone.


The vid for those who dream big, disparage big, envy big and take the piss, you guessed it, big.

There, something for everyone.



That's Skynet building the first Terminator - we all know what happens next...
It would have been a fundamentally good idea to have launched the Nait Junior, perhaps manufactured in the Far East at a £400 price point, half width casing, etc, to counterbalance this. Convertible into a preamp to match NAP100, etc. This is what people have been waiting for Naim to do for the best part of two decades. So do it.

It would have been a fundamentally good idea to have launched the F4 Berlinetta Junior, perhaps manufactured in the Far East at a £7400 price point, 5 door hatch, etc, to counterbalance the F12 Berlinetta. Convertible into a camper, etc. This is what people have been waiting for Ferrari to do for the best part of two decades. So do it.

makes good sense to overwhelmingly kill the value of your brand with cheap tat. If you only have 400 to spend, there's a used Nait 5. If you must have half width, there's the Nait 2 - only they've gone well beyond 400 quid now....
So Naim have produced a humongously powerful & expensive pre/power combination, and apparently some of the usual suspects think this is politically incorrect! Jeez...get over it.

Why is this any kind of problem?

Why is this any kind of problem?


In, and of itself- it's not. Context being what it is, with regard to what it says about the wider world, it is. This being an internet hifi forum we don't have to concern ourselves with either context or the wider world...
This is Naim's Concorde moment, their Bugatti Veyron. It's an exercise in creating what is possible.

I would think that the 746w into 8 ohm 'statement' was the first thing written down on the back of a napkin when the idea was first mooted. Same with Bugatti when they decided they wanted to build a 1000hp super car.

They'll likely be built to order (as already suggested), have a long waiting list and they will certainly sell a few. The trickle-down to their existing ranges will be of benefit to many, many more people.

For example; Arcam released a £2,200 DAC in 2012. Amazing thing by all accounts but (relatively) very expensive for Arcam when you consider the costs of their previous DAC's over the years. The trickle-down from that 'statement' piece has appeared in the irDAC and that sounds amazing for £400 :) B&W also did something similar with their Nautilus a few years previous.

Embrace Naim for having the R&D budget and foresight to create something (potentially) truly special. We shall all benefit from its success and only Naim will suffer a little bit of tax write-off if it fails.
I think it is evidence of products aimed specifically at the top 1% or 0.1% who have done very nicely since the onset of the financial crisis in 2008.

That'd be the investment bankers who sold junk sub-prime products to an unsuspecting world, escaped prosecution because they worked for "too big to fail'' banks, got bailed out and paid themselves huge bonuses from the bailout money.

