
Naim Supernait 3 surgery

Checks if it's April 1st.... You can't have channel imbalance with dual pots! It's as accurate as you can set it.

Thank you for your usual high standard of pedantry.

If I have to turn the left volume control to 9 o'clock and the right volume control to 1 o'clock I would call that an imbalance. But then again I am not the greatest amplifier expert in Bedlington.
Thank you for your usual high standard of pedantry.

If I have to turn the left volume control to 9 o'clock and the right volume control to 1 o'clock I would call that an imbalance. But then again I am not the greatest amplifier expert in Bedlington.

It is not possible for pots to be that far out. The amp itself must have been faulty. You're obviously not the greatest amp expert in your own home:rolleyes:
kind of late raction but I hope at this time usless comments, on personal level like, you do not do anymore or do you still? I tell you secret, in hifi it is absolutely normal taht 5 amplifiers in raw do not meet your expactations, especialy after you read bunch of bullshiting comercial reviews
Kind of a late reaction indeed. This is, what, the second or third fake account you've created to support yourself now? Give it a rest.....

