
Munich show 9th to 12th May 2024

Monitor tweeter is tulip waveguide 33 mm dia magnesium/aluminium alloy, nitrile rubber surround edge-wound voicecoil. Same as its always been....unless I'm missing something.

:D I doubt you are missing anything! I asked was it a tulip waveguide and the guy said, no it was an all new design! Wouldn't surprise me if you come back and tell me everything inside is the same as the Legacies. They then went on to tell me that they are made in Hamilton Scotland.;)
I think my primary takeaway from this show is that it’s abundantly obvious that virtually no women are involved or consulted over the aesthetic design of any of the products on display here.
I have to agree. There was quite a lot of blingtastic "mine's bigger/sparklier/far-less-affordable than yours" macho aesthetic on show. 'Twas ever thus in my hifi show experience. There were also some lovely exceptions though; rarely gorgeous, just beautifully understated... you know, as if to say the music will speak for itself. Who knew?!
I’m not so sure about that. It was quite nice to see how many females where there both representing the companies and visiting. I thought it was a very diverse bunch.
I did notice this. Here in the UK, we are occasionally fortunate enough to see actual women at a hifi show, but in my experience the few are far more likely to be accompanying the hifi geek than to be the hifi geek. With notable exceptions, natch. Munich felt very different; strongly male-oriented but it did feel rather more inclusive.
It took me just the two trade days to visit the rooms I was interested in / curious about along with those playing music rather than demo tracks. I even wasted a part of the Friday afternoon going to the parallel show.
I felt there more "new brands" I'd never heard of than back in 2018 and 2019 this was particularly true of the parallel show. How many will actually still be around in five years? Not a large proportion, in my view.
Still quite a lot of rooms running vinyl (either as sole source or alongside digital).

A list of Shazams to explore
Roy Gregory demonstrating his six axis speaker placement method (Thursday) - I was centre front so got roped in at one stage
Talking to new (like TheFlash) and old acquaintances, meeting people behind some great products - CAD, Moon, Apertura (pity about their choice of amps, since I know they can do so much more), Chord Dave etc, Living Voice

Favorite rooms (all visited lire than once): Living Voice, CAD, Totaldac, Raidho

Pet hate - all those musically uninteresting / insipid but well recorded demo tracks
It was great to meet and chat with you @uncl_nigel. You can imagine how anxious I was about taking your top identification tips seriously and simply approaching any guy with a white stick... but I think my circling and badge-reading before speaking trick served me well! Glad you enjoyed your visit, and I agree about the music choices.
On the 'deadness and lack of life' thing, I point the finger of suspicion at streaming as much as excess mass.
Er, seriously? Yes, I have skin in the game but I also heard some great rooms exclusively using streaming, such as the Audia Flight room and the room CAD were sharing. Not show-off rooms, real music rooms, and (whether it's related or not), underpopulated/under-appreciated compared with some of the more blingtastic rooms. I'm bot at all sure blaming the source is right here.
Fitting nice surround and astronomic price on a cheap Chinese cable makes no millionare.
I used a similar phrase myself several times since the show. There were a good few cable wannabe millionaires who had gone to some effort to make their cables look "high end" but without a pedigree...? I did a couple of fairly swift tours of the ground floor across all 4 halls and couldn't help feeling sorry for them as I'm not sure I saw anyone pausing to engage in conversation. How dispiriting (and how much of a reality check) this must be!

I am not sure I really understood the point of the open plan ground floors at all if I'm honest; sure, you can show off your wares visually but that's it. If my budget was tight, I'd rather skiop the show completely than take a market stall...
There were a good few cable wannabe millionaires who had gone to some effort to make their cables look "high end" but without a pedigree.
A bit below the belt, I wonder if you’d say this face to face.

Without a doubt yes, many times I (and others) have asked for measurements or proof of his claims but not one single time has Nigel responded to those requests or any of my questions.

I challenge you to find any response or reply to my requests for evidence of his claims.

To me "pedigree" = proof
You do realise Nigel is a 6‘4’’ ex kick boxing champion ?

What has that got to do with anything? I said I would be happy to argue anything technical about his claims.

That is a rather pretty poor attempt at threatening violence towards to me, especially when you are throwing someone else into the ring.
I had similar reactions concerning that ground floor - no worthwhile demonstrations available and, on the trade days at least, little in the way of exhibitor-visitor interaction apart from slow trade in excessively priced re-isues of back catalogue and "audiophile" recordings. Even established brands like Supra, Cardas and HMS seemed to be"visitor-free".

That CAD room did indeed stand out for being, for want of a moe expressive word, musical. Scott and Isabel were also very pleasant and interesting to talk to.
Er, seriously? Yes, I have skin in the game but I also heard some great rooms exclusively using streaming, such as the Audia Flight room and the room CAD were sharing. Not show-off rooms, real music rooms, and (whether it's related or not), underpopulated/under-appreciated compared with some of the more blingtastic rooms. I'm bot at all sure blaming the source is right here.
OK, I should qualify the statement a bit. The rooms with good streaming, like CAD, had gone to some trouble to address noise, using solutions like yours, CAD, Aardvark, and similar. Many clearly hadn’t because the source was lifeless and devoid of colour, when compared to other sources. If you are showing your amps, or speakers, it seems silly to hobble them by using an inadequate source, but many did.
I had similar reactions concerning that ground floor - no worthwhile demonstrations available and, on the trade days at least, little in the way of exhibitor-visitor interaction apart from slow trade in excessively priced re-isues of back catalogue and "audiophile" recordings. Even established brands like Supra, Cardas and HMS seemed to be"visitor-free".

That CAD room did indeed stand out for being, for want of a moe expressive word, musical. Scott and Isabel were also very pleasant and interesting to talk to.
We didn't go to Munich this year but on the two previous occasions we have heard the CAD rooms we thought they sounded good, if memory serves they used standmounts, probably better in smaller uk show rooms.

Nigel (the Flash) isn't a bad bloke is he. 😁
I had similar reactions concerning that ground floor - no worthwhile demonstrations available and, on the trade days at least, little in the way of exhibitor-visitor interaction apart from slow trade in excessively priced re-isues of back catalogue and "audiophile" recordings. Even established brands like Supra, Cardas and HMS seemed to be"visitor-free".
Some stands on the ground floor do incorporate a listening room, and some of these sounded better than the big Atrium rooms, perhaps because they were a more manageable space. But I think a fair few of the exhibitors in that floor are there for brand visibility and networking with trade and press, rather than punters. A lot of distribution deals are done or renewed at events like this.
Just occasionally I risk clicking on the bit where it says “show ignored content” (I think it should be “show ignorant content”, probably a typo:)) to see if vacuous_tubes has had a better night’s sleep. I really shouldn’t bother.

Nigel is actually 5’10” and has a black belt in tae kwon do but he got that 20 years ago and his once decent headkicks would more likely be knee nibbles these days. Martial artists are of course trained to exercise self-discipline and only use their skills in self-defence. I’m not sure being savaged by a keyboard warrior would constitute sufficient reason.

