
Munich show 9th to 12th May 2024

@TheFlash you're an absolute gent for coming to find me today and get me to where I needed to be - thank you very much! I hope we can find time for me to buy you a beer tomorrow.
‘twas my pleasure. I think it’s important you can relax into playing the role of the eccentric English inventor!
The show is massive and mad, isn’t it, but a good mad. What an experience.
I've got through about an 75 mins of that mega YouTube video. I applaud the guy who had the stamina to go through all the rooms like that. Some very interesting kit but the music being played in almost all rooms is for me, safe or dull or very dated. Even moderate systems would shine with these choices.
This was my first time at this show. My take aways at the moment are:

1) boy, humans are creative! The sheer variety and build quality of some of these products is awesome. Humans can build anything.
2) can a show be too big?...I think this was. The UK shows are more intimate in comparison and maybe I prefer that.
This was my first time at this show. My take aways at the moment are:

1) boy, humans are creative! The sheer variety and build quality of some of these products is awesome. Humans can build anything.
2) can a show be too big?...I think this was. The UK shows are more intimate in comparison and maybe I prefer that.
Agree about the size, it was huge.
I think my primary takeaway from this show is that it’s abundantly obvious that virtually no women are involved or consulted over the aesthetic design of any of the products on display here.
I’m not so sure about that. It was quite nice to see how many females where there both representing the companies and visiting. I thought it was a very diverse bunch.
I’m not so sure about that. It was quite nice to see how many females where there both representing the companies and visiting. I thought it was a very diverse bunch.
I agree with you. In my estimation far more women attended here than any UK show I've been to (and that's quite a few).
I agree with you. In my estimation far more women attended here than any UK show I've been to (and that's quite a few).
Yes, it’s good to see a wider range of attendees compared to U.K. shows, but there’s a difference between women being present, and women being involved.

The fact that women may be involved in the marketing, promotion and so on, doesn’t mean they had an opportunity to input to design decisions.

Big feature on the Show here - four and a half hours! Good sound from top quality microphones

Seems there are vey few planar speakers these days. Back in the day Quad, Magneplanar, Apogee and Martin Logan were big.
Is it me but about 1hr 31min in, when they are in the Dartzeel room, with the real saxophonist playing along to the recorded backing track, the sound is quite distorted/fuzzy. Is this cos the mic recording level is ok for the reproduced dynamic levels thrown out by the systems on show but couldn't handle the dynamic peaks of real life music ?
Is it me but about 1hr 31min in, when they are in the Dartzeel room, with the real saxophonist playing along to the recorded backing track, the sound is quite distorted/fuzzy. Is this cos the mic recording level is ok for the reproduced dynamic levels thrown out by the systems on show but couldn't handle the dynamic peaks of real life music ?

I saw a different clip from another channel and the sound was not distorting like that. Found it...

(Would love to hear some Stenheims one day, maybe next year)
Regardless of which gender designed it, most modern hifi is hideous - over the top, gaudy and huge. And stupid pricing to match...

The CH Precision/Vienna Acoustics/Grand Prix/SUPATRAC room, hosted by the lovely Maria of Vienna Acoustics was definitely not hideous, OTT, gaudy or huge. Instead it was elegant, understated and tidy. Ok, I admit that CH Precision is beyond my budget, but the beautiful minimalist speakers sounded wonderful and seem not-unreasonable at €15k. I could save up for a pair of those...


