
Multi-function 2017/2018 football thread

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Your persistent use of the term ‘bin dippers’ is both highly original and unquestionably hilarious. You clearly are a King of Comedy. Well done you. Keep up the good work.
Your persistent use of the term ‘bin dippers’ is both highly original and unquestionably hilarious. You clearly are a King of Comedy. Well done you. Keep up the good work.

And his attempts to belittle Celtic and Scottish football are a scream as well. Every time I read one I'm convulsed with laughter for days on end.
And his attempts to belittle Celtic and Scottish football are a scream as well. Every time I read one I'm convulsed with laughter for days on end.

Celtic and their supporters/management etc do a fine job of belittling themselves without any help from me.
After all United have a fantastic defence, and what a keeper De Gea is, look at all those saves he makes, whereas City are poor defensively, and as for Ederson, well he's hardly been tested yet has he?


Bobkins whilst it is gracious of you to accept that the deGea save was good you still need to attend Specsavers on the hurry up as Inept Ederson has let in twice as many goals in the Premier League as our esteemed keeper this season.

I do however concede that our defence is a couple of defenders short of a picnic.
Celtic and their supporters/management etc do a fine job of belittling themselves without any help from me.

You might want to listen to some people who know football a lot more than you and then stop being such a carrot.

After Barcelona were beaten by Celtic at Parkhead Messi said;

“I’ve been fortunate to play in some great stadiums in Europe with Barcelona but none compare to Celtic.

“The atmosphere their fans create make it a very special European night of football.” Very little can top the big match atmosphere in Glasgow.

"I fell a bit in love with Celtic, because the atmosphere was amazing and the crowd was magnificent, the way they behaved with the Porto fans."

Jose Mourinho (June 2003)

"We [Man Utd] would love to have an atmosphere like that, but..." and then just cuts off. Says it all.

Alex Ferguson (2008
You might want to listen to some people who know football a lot more than you and then stop being such a carrot.

After Barcelona were beaten by Celtic at Parkhead Messi said;

Bobbins you are a Celtic fan and at every opportunity you post links that knock Rangers.

Ryan Giggs testimonial Celtic fans walking down Matt Busby Way chanting pro-IRA songs.

Neil Lennon the less said the better.

FYI I have no time for Rangers either but have a soft spot for Annan Athletic.

No issues with Scotland it's a beautiful country but somewhat wet!
Bobbins you are a Celtic fan and at every opportunity you post links that knock Rangers.

Ryan Giggs testimonial Celtic fans walking down Matt Busby Way chanting pro-IRA songs.

Neil Lennon the less said the better.

FYI I have no time for Rangers either but have a soft spot for Annan Athletic.

No issues with Scotland it's a beautiful country but somewhat wet!

Not every opportunity is taken to knock Ranjurs - I would be on here 24/7. In fact I have very little about them for a good while.

What pro IRA songs were they singing? People often think the Irish national anthem is pro IRA. Anyway Celtic fans have often put up banners in support of good causes, doubt you'll ever see that at Old Trafford. Maybe you're just sore about the way we played Utd off the park in the testimonial.

Do you know anything about N Lennon and the assaults and threats he has received? Tell me what crime has he committed apart sticking up for himself?

You seem to know more about Scottish weather than Scottish football, so stick to that and think twice about displaying your ignorance of the game up here.
You do not have to be an expert on football to know that Scottish football in general is at a very poor standard at all levels, I am also entitled to my opinion as you are yours.

Congratulations to Celtic for playing UTD off the pitch in a pre-season friendly many moons ago I must admit it brings it back to me now what with that great UTD past master Veron scoring a wonder goal in that game.
You do not have to be an expert on football to know that Scottish football in general is at a very poor standard at all levels, I am also entitled to my opinion as you are yours.

Nobody thinks Scottish football is a very high standard compared to most of Europe, it is not awash with cash like down south. We all know that and having to put up with your half arsed 'humourous' attempts at pointing this out is as tedious as it is unnecessary.

Given the background of the SPL and limited finances Celtic have not done too badly on the European stage and should be applauded for that.
Nobody thinks Scottish football is a very high standard compared to most of Europe, it is not awash with cash like down south. We all know that and having to put up with your half arsed 'humourous' attempts at pointing this out is as tedious as it is unnecessary.

Given the background of the SPL and limited finances Celtic have not done too badly on the European stage and should be applauded for that.

I am surprised that Celtic do not perform better financially as they put bums on seats are popular world wide and have a readily marketable shirt etc, but I suppose the lack of competition in the league that they play in means they struggle to attract top players yet I remember when top players preferred to go to Rangers than English teams.
I am surprised that Celtic do not perform better financially as they put bums on seats are popular world wide and have a readily marketable shirt etc, but I suppose the lack of competition in the league that they play in means they struggle to attract top players yet I remember when top players preferred to go to Rangers than English teams.

Those were the days of Ranger's EBTs and tax evasion, nothing to be proud of.
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