
Multi-function 2017/2018 football thread Pt II

We all know football is more important than life and death, but murder is surely taking things a bit too far.

Laszlo (manager) told Dundee Utd's fan's internet forum: "With all respect to Mohsni, I want to kill him. Honestly, I want to kill him.

"It's so easy, you cannot lose a one-against-one situation and give a goal. And then after you are again struggling and you again (let someone) run behind.
Shanks continues to be an inspiration to anyone interested in football.

"The trouble with referees is that they know the rules, but they do not know the game."

“Of course I didn’t take my wife to see Rochdale as an anniversary present. It was her birthday. Would I have got married in the football season? Anyway, it was Rochdale reserves.”

"If you are first you are first. If you are second, you are nothing." Great man.

Are we seeing the best team ever to play in the EPL?

Not sure because neither of Chelsea or Man United have the squads of previous teams/years.

City have spent their money very well and have the best coach playing football that is easy on the eye.
Only time will tell... but I can guarantee that they are the most externally funded ever in the EPL.

Another utterly ignorant post.

Do you actually research football club funding or just come out with the first bilious thought in your head?

De Loitte who do an annual report into football club funding published these findings for 2017.

Top 5 Clubs In Terms Of Yearly Revenue In 2017 (Confirmed)
1 Manchester United €689m €137m €187.6m €363.9m
2 Real Madrid €620.2m €121.4m €202.7m €296.1m
3 FC Barcelona €620.1m €129m €227.7m €263.4m
4 FC Bayern Munich €592m €101.8m €147.6m €342.6m
5 Manchester City €524.9m €70.2m €215.8m €238.9m

For 2018 City will have overtaken Bayern Munich into 4th place.
Well they've spent close to £500M since Pep came on board in August 2016, not including salaries - few would despite that they have the deepest wallets in the EPL
The movement, to one touch football, the synchronicity from back to front was a delight to behold yesterday. The goal that started with the Ederson pass out to Sane was wonderful. Must be nice to be a Man City season ticket holder at the moment.
With the odd exception such as Leciester the PL consists of two leagues the top six who fight for European football as well as the title and the B league who compete with each other to escape the drop. So you have a team such as Southampton selling players to wealthy clubs who then get their ultimate "full price" by facing relegation .
I know that most top leagues work the same way but is the PL as good as we are told ?
I can't be arsed looking up who has spent the most because it all looks a lot from here. What's fair to say is that Man City have spent most wisely that's for sure. Not sure they are the best we've seen in EPL but they are right up there.
((sigh)) ... Bob, Bob, Bob. When you were happily singing 'feed the Goat and he will score', did you really believe that the likes of Pep would be managing City, or that the likes of Aguero, Jesus etc would have ever played for City?, or did you begin to dream that once the Arabs took over with limitless funds at your disposal? The teams that you mention above all have to comply with FFP on a financial grand scale, and no doubt eventually the book cookers at City will eventually fudge the numbers to prove that City can 'naturally' earn the numbers required to justify their spending like announcing a sell-out match, when there is a third of the stadium empty (as pointed out by Gary Neville live on tv), but in reality the money and the numbers go much further back than this season, don't they, fella? The teams you listed have worldwide support and financial clout built over years of success and loyal following. The one comparable to yourselves that are missing are PSG for the past year.
It started with paying stupid wages and contracts to mediocre players to get the ball rolling, which losses had to be swallowed to move on in later seasons. A normal club cannot sustain what 'you' are doing, Blackburn proved this, Leeds have proved this, and now 'as it would appear', even Chelsea are trying to cut their own cloth to suit and it's beginning to show.
Manchester City will win trophies, Pep will play wonderful football (that's why they pay him so much) , but would Pep have rushed to Main Rd to manage City and play Stockport on a cold November night in 1999... nah, I don't think so either. In fact, it wasn't that long ago when the sale of a certain Shaun Wright Phillips saved your club from financial ruin, and this 'fact' is well acknowledged behind the doors of City. So... am I filled with bile? ... perhaps, if your hollow future historical victories were genuinely remembered as anything but that, when your own supporters want to forget the past. am I ignorant?... I don't believe so, I comment on what I see, and from history. Bob, if tomorrow the Arabs walked away and took every penny with them, how long do you genuinely think that Manchester city would last financially?
Just remember though, there was a reason that FFP was brought into football, and it wasn't because of the behaviour or truth behind the funding of 4 of the 5 clubs that you so generously listed in your post above.
I think we are, and that from an Everton fan.
I think they are on their way, but they need to put a few trophies into the boardroom before anyone can be categorical. I've tipped them to win the CL and if the treble is lifted then they are in with a big shout.
The movement, to one touch football, the synchronicity from back to front was a delight to behold yesterday. The goal that started with the Ederson pass out to Sane was wonderful.
Unreal video game football that one. Sane's touches were sublime. For balance, De Gea's saves yesterday were top drawer. I was amused by Shearer's quip on Motd that he'd still score 20 plus in the City team.
Top win by The Toon. If only Gayle could shoot straight ...nevermind...almost there.
Great seat for Chelsea game against some other team, front row Upper East Stand. This is the game for 4th place. Be gentle with me if we lose

