

Not at the start. The racists joined in later.

Yup indeed- this is exactly what I mean by the far right hijacking/ spoiling the party.

Even Sleaford Mods I fear are at the moment vulnerable of being hijacked, here in UK only to our shame, by one branch of these cnuts- the football Oiks, unfortunately.
There's no need to worry.

"People in the scene think they have some idea about what Conservative Military Image as a band stand for but none of them ever actually get to know them or listen to them. Adam elaborated on the songs meaning, “A lot of people see me and say, ‘Oh, you fit into this, this and this stereotype. Somehow we also get grouped with racist skinheads, or they’ll think, ‘Oh, you’re one of us’ and we ****ing are not. We hate them.” No Echo

And here's a fan with a CMI t-shirt...

Thank you, though I'm not sure that just because a black guy wears one of their shirts it means they aren't x, y or z (people are weird and wear weird shirts sometimes), but if nothing else I preferred the music in that vid :)

In my own defence, I did listen to them and look them up, and for people who profess to hate racist skin heads the band definitely put a lot of effort into cultivating an aesthetic that looks indistinguishable from them to the untrained eye (e.g. mine, apparently). If that's just as some kind of ironic provocation, I'm afraid I missed the hints.

Maybe I'm just sensitive to it all after a band got kicked off a festival earlier today which I'll be attending, apparently for being supporters of the far right, but I certainly wasn't aware of that about them, and there's been no statement that I can see. So I suppose it's just on my mind today.
Musically, I find CMI has a whiff of the new Australian punk scene. Not surprising as CMI cite Rose Tattoo and AC/DC as influences. And that's understandably also very much the case in some of the Aussie bands.

COFFIN are a good example. It's punk, but with strong hard rock/metal influences. Top stuff.

Aha yes- I was thinking of the Aussie mullet wearing trailor trash punk thing too. Very basic guitar playing which just doesn't seem to matter that it's basic, somehow. Interesting scene.

With the other band I'm reminded of an outdoor free Fugazi DC show, & a fugazi indoor one too with crowd intermingling & no colour BS bare white ceilings lights.
Ooh I like Coffin, missed that. Spot on Aussie no bllx metalpunk. I actually quite liked that JudasP too..never in my life would I have thought I'd say that. But shady-squawker's head's on the wrong way up, needs the beard hair ontop.

So Iron Monkey have a new album out on the 5th.
I wasn't too impressed with their last album 9-13 but this is sounding better to my ears. I'll be buying it regardless.

Here's a taster...
Anyone for a spot of Sludge Metal?

I've just found this charming lot called Neurosis. Like diving into the dark ages with distortion & lots of dark sh1t goings on. Dip in @ 5:00 mins if impatient, & the last 1 minute is especially good I think. Apparently from quite a lauded album too.

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This one's a peach. On Relapse Records like Deek's monkey one above, so some will prolly know of this lot.

Man that riff kicking in @ 4:35.. awesome.

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I know their early punk stuff Pain Of Mind but never seriously listened to them, I don't own any of their albums.

Check out Eyehategod and Noothgrush too.

I quite like the new Iron Monkey but it's still not as good as their first 2 albums. I just bought the download.
Anyone for a spot of Sludge Metal?

I've just found this charming lot called Neurosis. Like diving into the dark ages with distortion & lots of dark sh1t goings on. Dip in @ 5:00 mins if impatient, & the last 1 minute is especially good I think. Apparently from quite a lauded album too.

Seen them live. It may not surprise you to know that they were very loud.

Also saw Marduk play last week. Enjoyed that too.
Anyone for a spot of Sludge Metal?

I've just found this charming lot called Neurosis. Like diving into the dark ages with distortion & lots of dark sh1t goings on. Dip in @ 5:00 mins if impatient, & the last 1 minute is especially good I think. Apparently from quite a lauded album too.


I think you would need to balance listening to that out with something a bit lighter. Perhaps some Rainbow. That sort of thing.

Certainly I felt the need for some Rainbow afterwards...

@notaclue I like the two 'Woooows!' the man does, but I'm more impartial to Jeffrey/ Bungle & Co's Rainbow me.

I think the man in the Locust Star video ^ is so angry, because he burnt the sausages on his camp fire.


