
MDAC first listen thread

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It is a digital pre-amplifier so effectively setting the volume to 0dB or switching the pre-amp off should be identical. You lose the mute button if you disable the pre-amp.

True - they are effectively the same.

Do we loose the Mute button in DAC mode? that's stupid, no reason to do that - we will correct that in the next software release.
John sent me the WAV file directly and this one plays on the Sonos. The first 2 times I tried it it passed the test and I thought great!! But since then I have not managed to get it to work. It fails immediately. I suspect there is something that happens only at the very start of a track but I can't figure out why it is not consistent. I will have to do some more testing.
John sent me the WAV file directly and this one plays on the Sonos. The first 2 times I tried it it passed the test and I thought great!! But since then I have not managed to get it to work. It fails immediately. I suspect there is something that happens only at the very start of a track but I can't figure out why it is not consistent. I will have to do some more testing.

Hi Jonathan,

That's a very real possibility; I’ll ask Dominik to comment.

I think it would a wise for us to add some kind of delay to the beginning of the test file (delaying the test's Trigger point), this will allow network devices to do "their thing" and get going (hopefully)...
John sent me the WAV file directly and this one plays on the Sonos. The first 2 times I tried it it passed the test and I thought great!! But since then I have not managed to get it to work. It fails immediately. I suspect there is something that happens only at the very start of a track but I can't figure out why it is not consistent. I will have to do some more testing.

My Squeezebox has a configurable delay (which they say is to cope with DACs that take time to startup). I have mine set to 0.25seconds. Does the Sonos have anything like that?

My Squeezebox has a configurable delay (which they say is to cope with DACs that take time to startup). I have mine set to 0.25seconds. Does the Sonos have anything like that?


I don't believe I have ever seen such a feature on the Sonos. I will double check but I fairly sure there isn't such an option.
Continuing my voyage of discovery, the tiny remote will without any configuration, change tracks on iTunes. So if there is a track you don't like, no need to get out your smart phone, just blip the tiny M-DAC remote and away you go.

Does life get any better?



Windows 7 64 bit professional, i5 processor, 8GB RAM, Dell SFF OptiPlex chassis, lossless files etc
I guess I could play it straight into the power amp by switching cables, but its a bit of a faff and bound to irritate me quite quickly.


Yep, just as it has done me (good though it is).
I'm gonna try connecting it to the analogue in of the CDQ later. Not ideal, but certainly more convenient for switching it in and out. Interested how it will sound....
Right, had my fun listening for the last 2 days. To give this a little context, I have a 8200CD (on sale on forum btw), and had a Young Dac side by side with the 8200CD. Admittedly I _really_ struggled to tell them apart, even when I fed the occasional HD audio through.

Queue the M-Dac. Bags more detail, more body, soundstage has improved too. Has anyone else noticed a lot more 'air' in voices and instruments too? OLED screen is a _massive_ improvement, and looks superb in Silver too.

John & Dom, I knew it would be better, but not this much better! Congrats guys, very impressed indeed.
So....I just cancelled my order for the MF M1 DAC A and pre-ordered the M-DAC from planetofsound...

I have gone over the M-DAC manual, does the M-DAC upsample to 24/192 like the MF does? Aside from the ESS Sabre, are there any additional notable features of the M-DAC over the M1 DAC A? Being that the two units are in the same price range, I need to be convinced that my decision to move to the Audiolabs DAC was the correct one! Volume control via remote would have sealed the deal, but alas...And which thread is the correct one to post questions about the M-DAC? Running direct from mobo via S/PDIF Toslink > M-DAC > ADAM ARTist Sub > ADAM ARTist 3...
I think it would a wise for us to add some kind of delay to the beginning of the test file (delaying the test's Trigger point), this will allow network devices to do "their thing" and get going (hopefully)...

Could you just add a few seconds of slience to the start of the test track? I assume the dac test triggers on seeing non slience (or can it lock onto the stream mid sequence?)

I think its reasonable to assume streaming devices and probably some pc playback software may fade in/out the audio even when the selected volume is set to 100% and the test should probably allow for this. I don't know anything of Sonos, but I know squeezebox has a fade in which will occur if you play/unpause the stream and a cross fade which can occur between tracks. These can all be disabled by setting the fixed volume setting. (There is also replay gain, but I assume no one will scan their flac test file to add replay gain tags as this will mess it up too!)
:) this is why I keep urging people to try the different filters - it will be very listener and system dependant.
I still prefer OT XD :)

Hi John,
I've only listened properly so far to the OT XD filter (which I noticed was the default), and in my system is does do an incredible job with most music. Having said that though, I have found that on certain tracks it gives me just a touch more bass than my room can handle, so reluctantly I might either have to find another filter or bung some more junk in the bass ports of my speakers :)

Edit: You know what, I think I might actually have been referring to DD not XD. doh! Need another listen..

We are just waiting upon feedback and comments from users and if there are any bugs & issues discovered.

I suspect this is my player rather than the MDAC, but for info I did initially have an incident playing my one and only 24/192Khz DVD-Audio disc. The MDAC would, for a split second, drop out. This was happening every 20-30 seconds. I'm using an Oppo BDP83 player which has a "Pure" setting that turns off all the video circuitry. When I switched to this setting the drops seemed to stop, and things remained stable even when I switched it off again.

Like I say, probably nothing for you to worry about, I'm only mentioning in case anyone else has experienced simlar, and because I don't recall ever getting this with the CDQ with the same player/disc. If I get a chance, I'll try later and let you know if I'm able to recreate it. My guess is that I won't be able to.

Other than that, absolutely loving the "un-clock-locked" sound from my SB3.

There is no need to leave audio equipment on 24/7 for the sake of sound quality. And anyone that reckons that something comes on-song after a couple of warm up (distancing myself from 'burn-in' here) is deluded IMO. I appreciate many think the equipment needs to warm up but just chuck it on half an hour before you want to use it.....

Hi Paul, I've always left my equipment turned on, but for a different reason: I figured that (rightly or wrongly), cutting down on the constant heating and cooling might extend its life. I'm no engineer though, so I'm happy to be told that this is complete pooh!
So....I just cancelled my order for the MF M1 DAC A and pre-ordered the M-DAC from planetofsound...

I have gone over the M-DAC manual, does the M-DAC upsample to 24/192 like the MF does? Aside from the ESS Sabre, are there any additional notable features of the M-DAC over the M1 DAC A? Being that the two units are in the same price range, I need to be convinced that my decision to move to the Audiolabs DAC was the correct one! Volume control via remote would have sealed the deal, but alas...And which thread is the correct one to post questions about the M-DAC? Running direct from mobo via S/PDIF Toslink > M-DAC > ADAM ARTist Sub > ADAM ARTist 3...

Can't you demo both before deciding?
anyone try runinng both the xlr and the rca outputs set to amp, other to sub? Any degradation of SQ? I know John was at one point concerned that it might degrade the SQ of the outputs.
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