
MDAC first listen thread

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Has any of this left you with the impression that the product is still very much a work in progress? I used to update my CAD software religiously only to find my company was spending huge man hours beta testing the product, all at my expense and the software developer's gain.

I'll get my coat.
You know what, I think I might actually have been referring to DD not XD. doh! Need another listen..

Yes, OT DD is really an odd filter - the reason we included it is due to its VERY different Bass - it’s a good filter for AV sound tracks!!! Its very different to OT and OT XD, in fact it looses a lot of what I like about the first two OT filters -but its interesting nether the less.

Has any of this left you with the impression that the product is still very much a work in progress? I used to update my CAD software religiously only to find my company was spending huge man hours beta testing the product, all at my expense and the software developer's gain.

I'll get my coat.

No, it's left me with the impression that the designers are willing to add whatever features customers request that are possible, despite the fact that most of the requests come from people who have spent their money already as opposed to future customers.
Has any of this left you with the impression that the product is still very much a work in progress? I used to update my CAD software religiously only to find my company was spending huge man hours beta testing the product, all at my expense and the software developer's gain.

I'll get my coat.

We’d rather look at in the sense that we are not perfect and are more then happy to implement users request on a proactive basis (on top of any bugs that might be discovered).

HiFi should be enjoyable and fun, we have a nice active group here, and if suggestions here help define and make a better product that we own and use - then I think it’s great!

Nothing wrong with "works in progress", any updates will be posted here for free, and everyone’s welcome to try them out :) Improvements for free - where's the harm? :D
I have gone over the M-DAC manual, does the M-DAC upsample to 24/192 like the MF does?

No the MDAC operates very differently; its modulator operates at 84MHz and with greater then 32 Bits internal data path.

Volume control via remote would have sealed the deal, but alas...

I'm not sure if your asking but you can control the MDAC's volume via the remote control.

And which thread is the correct one to post questions about the M-DAC?

You should try both DAC's in your system, I don't think Planet of Sound will have a problem selling the MDAC if you choose the MF.
I've never heard the Who sound so good . Amazing .

Luckily can dedicate tonight to music as my good lady is out .

Nice bottle of bordeaux - perfect.

Thanks for such a superb DAC John/Dominic :D
Thanks for the files ... And my Sonos fails also on both WAV or FLAC whether I press start test immediately or await trigger or 5 to 10 secs in.

Laptop passed test. But interestingly this is the one I'm having dropouts with every 40 secs or so Buffer Value indicator drops.

What's the Laptop, if the buffer level drops, then this is telling you that the PC is having a hard time keeping up with streaming the USB Data - if its an old machine or and ATOM based netbook then I've had USB dropouts this before - but if its a modern machine then somethings wrong...

When you say the bar drops - does it drop to near empty? of just wiggles a little bit more?

I've only ever seen the bar wiggling boring around the 50% mark...
Originally Posted by KeithL
Has any of this left you with the impression that the product is still very much a work in progress? I used to update my CAD software religiously only to find my company was spending huge man hours beta testing the product, all at my expense and the software developer's gain.

I'll get my coat.

Muppet !
Has anyone tried it with either a Squeeze Duet or Touch?

I've just recently inherited a SBT ;) works REALLY well, although I've not tested if its bit accurate, as I've no space on my laptop to install the SB network software - but I can try and replay the test files from a USB stick.
What's the Laptop, if the buffer level drops, then this is telling you that the PC is having a hard time keeping up with streaming the USB Data - if its an old machine or and ATOM based netbook then I've had USB dropouts this before - but if its a modern machine then somethings wrong...

When you say the bar drops - does it drop to near empty? of just wiggles a little bit more?

I've only ever seen the bar wiggling boring around the 50% mark...

When the sound drops it goes down to 25% on level indicator.

Its a about 7 years old I think.
Dell Inspiron 32 bit OS Windows 7 Professional replaced orig Vista
2gb Ram Intel Core 2Cpu T5500 @ 1.66 ghz

Physical memory is running @ a steady 41%

CPU occasionally on odd occasion goes to 20% just spotted it at 5% when dropped out , can't see it relating to issue
John, I doff my cap to you sire, it indeed sounds mighty good both as a dac and an in line jitter reducer for the av processor.
When the sound drops it goes down to 25% on level indicator.

Its a about 7 years old I think.
Dell Inspiron 32 bit OS Windows 7 Professional replaced orig Vista
2gb Ram Intel Core 2Cpu T5500 @ 1.66 ghz

Physical memory is running @ a steady 41%

CPU occasionally on odd occasion goes to 20% just spotted it at 5% when dropped out , can't see it relating to issue

Well the fact it is dropping by so much does indicate that the PC's having some kind of crisis with life...

Has anyone else seen the buffer drop as much during normal play – I’ve only seen it wiggling around the 50% mark.

If using Asio4all, have you confirmed that the sample Buffer is set to 2048?

You have a CDQ? - does it do the same?
Well the fact it is dropping by so much does indicate that the PC's having some kind of crisis with life...

Has anyone else seen the buffer drop as much during normal play – I’ve only seen it wiggling around the 50% mark.

If using Asio4all, have you confirmed that the sample Buffer is set to 2048?

You have a CDQ? - does it do the same?

I tried ASIO4All but could not set buffer output manually and it just failed when presented with 96/24 material , so I reverted to alternative WASAPI

Cannot get it stable with anything other than buffer level of minimum of 50. Sorry when I say stable it plays a track dropping out a few times

Sonos has no problems via coax
Not sure whether to toy around with a MAC mini or go for a dedicated player if laptop is not upto the job or wait for your streamer to come to market.

Have you checked this out the PK90

You cannot go wrong with a MAC Mini...

After using the Squeezebox Touch, I'm not sure about us wasting time developing a streamer - rather design a retrofit PCB for the SBT to allow clock locking to the MDAC. We could offer an upgrade service or new "upgraded" units.

Only an idea ATM...

have a look at the at what processor time is being consumed in interrupts
- you can use Process Explorer from Sysinternals (now owned by MS) or I know there's other dedicated software)

Sometimes other drivers or anti virus software or windows updates can get in the way - and the limitation then is often disk access

I've ended up with an atom D510 mini itx motherboard in a tiny case & the (windows 7) operating system on an SSD to give me a silent machine with no problems with keeping my use o/p fed with data

sometimes you can be lucky with a lowly netbook
I have swapped the Brio-R out for my Bel Canto S300i and the problem is no longer audible. I guess this means that, while the MDAC passes through the noise, some amps can cope with or reject this better than others.

Hi 0rangutan,

Sorry for the delay in replying – needed time to search for links of the isolators.

Any noise issue will be system / grounding dependent - best avoid the issue altogether with the USB isolator:

Olimex USB isolator and usb adapter,

22 pounds delivered, payment by paypal.
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