
MDAC first listen (part XXIII)

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Thank you very much arthur and mbaudis, I think I will try Adams (I can buy them in shop offering one month to test and return if I not like them). There is now only problem which of them - A5X, Artis 5 or Artist 6. Hard to decide without to know how they differ sonically ... A5X looks as the same like Artist 5 (built-in USB DAC is irrelevant) but they can sound different (front basreflex and class D amplifier for woofer - is it better or worse ? hard to say). Artist 6 are more expensive, but they look elegant (and unstable, while so slim) and they have a bit more woofer area (2x4.5" is more then 1x5,5").
Anyone heard the new Naim NAP 100.
New power amp for around £650.
Competitor to the future MIMP?

I would expect the MIMP to be a lot better than a NAP100 and be competing with amps double its price given the difference in business models amongst other reasons.
Thank you very much arthur and mbaudis, I think I will try Adams (I can buy them in shop offering one month to test and return if I not like them). There is now only problem which of them - A5X, Artis 5 or Artist 6. Hard to decide without to know how they differ sonically ... A5X looks as the same like Artist 5 (built-in USB DAC is irrelevant) but they can sound different (front basreflex and class D amplifier for woofer - is it better or worse ? hard to say). Artist 6 are more expensive, but they look elegant (and unstable, while so slim) and they have a bit more woofer area (2x4.5" is more then 1x5,5").
Not heard the Artist 6s so cant comment, but the i preferred the Artist 5s to the A7Xs i had here briefly, the Artist 5s just sound 'right'.

To answer the question of JWs earlier in the thread about the SQ of the first MDAC i had that sounded 'constrained' and "what was the bass like, soft and indistinct?" The bass wasnt to bad but wasnt as quite as sonorous or detailed as other sabre Dac i had the EE Dac which came a bit before the first MDAC, later MDACs just seem subjectively better everywhere with regards to SQ than the first one.
I think I will wait and get my upgraded unit before I jump on anything. Any idea on what is the maximum recommended load that can be used with the MDAC? ~100 ohm?
You can't take the resistance as the only factor. The AKG K702 headphones are 62ohm, but it seems that almost nothing can drive them properly due to low sensitivity. :)
?? should I understand your note that those Adams are not so good ?

what would be your advise ? or are you just trolling ... ?


I'll let you know the verdict on the Adams when they arrive.

The theory leads me to believe they will be great value for the money, including 'super tweeters' 'tri- amping' and 'active croossovers' all for less than the RRP of my current amplifier alone.

Experience leads me to think that the world is 'finished' with snake oil and that my expectation may be disappointing. (as many CD's are).

Only time will tell...

Keep on rocking in the free world.

Valerie June-Pushin Against a Stone CD of the Month.;);) A voice the M-DAc was designed for.
Quite quiet here... I would expect some results from another fusion-ed unit John :p
Is everything alright? Or just too hot to work in lab? :)

/patient Jan
I would expect the MIMP to be a lot better than a NAP100 and be competing with amps double its price given the difference in business models amongst other reasons.

Yes, is should do, with all that experience.
But the Naim spec seems to be well thought through, almost like Johns work.
Yes, is should do, with all that experience.
But the Naim spec seems to be well thought through, almost like Johns work.

The difference is the Naim will be built in the UK and be sold through a network of dealers. The material cost of the amp will likely be not much more than a tenth of its retail price so there is little scope for using any exotic components. Iirc John himself said a few pages back that you need to spend over a grand to get a decent amp.
Anyone heard the new Naim NAP 100.
New power amp for around £650.
Competitor to the future MIMP?

The mimp's going to be a while, that must have a bearing on it.

But I'd also like to see the inside of a NAP. As Steven says its likely to be a bit basic for that price in a dealers perhaps.
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