
MDAC first listen (part XXIII)

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I removed a conditioner from my system. The MDAC sounds much better without it! I don't know why really, but I suggest at least to try. Put your amp and MDAC directly into same wall socket.

Well, there are presumably conditioners and conditioners. When I added mine to the system I got more detail. Presumably any power supply is doing some sort of conditioning, otherwise what's the point?

- Richard.
I had a power conditioner that improved my CDQ but sat on it a bit after the transformer upgrade.

I think this bit of the thread is drifting off topic. What I was wondering was whether a good power conditioner + the Audiolab power brick would be just as effective as the third party enhanced supply for the MDAC if you've got the fusion upgrade. [I know that the MPAX is in the pipeline eventually, BTW]

- Richard.
As I see it, ITM discussion here is without exception of people who are on the current batch of upgraders.
Those are deciding now what/where/when to buy resistors to send to John for the upgrade, is that right?

Is there already anything to do for the rest of us who come later on the upgrade list?

For decision what upgrade path to go, I'd really like to hear something about the comparison between the 3 options (?) L2 with "normal" cheap resistors, L2 with Toy and L2 with Fusion option. All that compared to L1 Mdac please :) and with percentages of improvement ;). So please Jiri, go for it! We all can't wait I think. (Personally, the full Fusion seems really a bit too much, I would hope that the lesser options are not so bad, too - considering the normal L1 MDac is quite nice already!)
As I see it, ITM discussion here is without exception of people who are on the current batch of upgraders.
Those are deciding now what/where/when to buy resistors to send to John for the upgrade, is that right?

Is there already anything to do for the rest of us who come later on the upgrade list?

For decision what upgrade path to go, I'd really like to hear something about the comparison between the 3 options (?) L2 with "normal" cheap resistors, L2 with Toy and L2 with Fusion option. All that compared to L1 Mdac please :) and with percentages of improvement ;). So please Jiri, go for it! We all can't wait I think. (Personally, the full Fusion seems really a bit too much, I would hope that the lesser options are not so bad, too - considering the normal L1 MDac is quite nice already!)

I believe we get comparison soon, as John is having listening session with Jiri this weekend.
As I see it, ITM discussion here is without exception of people who are on the current batch of upgraders.
Those are deciding now what/where/when to buy resistors to send to John for the upgrade, is that right?

Is there already anything to do for the rest of us who come later on the upgrade list?

For decision what upgrade path to go, I'd really like to hear something about the comparison between the 3 options (?) L2 with "normal" cheap resistors, L2 with Toy and L2 with Fusion option. All that compared to L1 Mdac please :) and with percentages of improvement ;). So please Jiri, go for it! We all can't wait I think. (Personally, the full Fusion seems really a bit too much, I would hope that the lesser options are not so bad, too - considering the normal L1 MDac is quite nice already!)

There was a Sovereign upgrade which could be regarded as L1. Probably you mean the standard MDAC versus L2 versus L2 + Toy versus L2 + Fusion. There is also the question of whether the metal cover collapses the sound stage to be resolved.

Hopefully the testing will go well this weekend.
As I see it, ITM discussion here is without exception of people who are on the current batch of upgraders.
Those are deciding now what/where/when to buy resistors to send to John for the upgrade, is that right?

Is there already anything to do for the rest of us who come later on the upgrade list?

For decision what upgrade path to go, I'd really like to hear something about the comparison between the 3 options (?) L2 with "normal" cheap resistors, L2 with Toy and L2 with Fusion option. All that compared to L1 Mdac please :) and with percentages of improvement ;). So please Jiri, go for it! We all can't wait I think. (Personally, the full Fusion seems really a bit too much, I would hope that the lesser options are not so bad, too - considering the normal L1 MDac is quite nice already!)
I'm not sure what John arranges for me, whether all possible variants will be present and how the comparison will be done, but I'll try to be as accurate as possible and give an honest feedback. Tomorrow, CEST time.

As I see it, ITM discussion here is without exception of people who are on the current batch of upgraders.
Those are deciding now what/where/when to buy resistors to send to John for the upgrade, is that right?

Is there already anything to do for the rest of us who come later on the upgrade list?

For decision what upgrade path to go, I'd really like to hear something about the comparison between the 3 options (?) L2 with "normal" cheap resistors, L2 with Toy and L2 with Fusion option. All that compared to L1 Mdac please :) and with percentages of improvement ;). So please Jiri, go for it! We all can't wait I think. (Personally, the full Fusion seems really a bit too much, I would hope that the lesser options are not so bad, too - considering the normal L1 MDac is quite nice already!)

IIRC there are about 10 L2 MDACs out there that have had favourable reviews. Toy and Fusion will be another couple of weeks to reach the same number (I gather, if all goes well)
Richard, filtering out mains nasties that you may or may not have will never be the same as improving then power supply inside a piece if kit, not unless you have horrendous mains.

I need a DC blocker for my poweramp, the Mdac on the same ring mains does not benefit.
There was a Sovereign upgrade which could be regarded as L1. Probably you mean the standard MDAC versus L2 versus L2 + Toy versus L2 + Fusion. There is also the question of whether the metal cover collapses the sound stage to be resolved.
Yes, that's what I meant. Metal Cover... O my!

I'm not sure what John arranges for me, whether all possible variants will be present and how the comparison will be done, but I'll try to be as accurate as possible and give an honest feedback.
Thanks a lot! I hope your ears will not start bleeding after all the listening... We appreciate the effort!
Hallo john
As you said, your bdac is "hitory".
So i will buy an mdac within the next weeks.
Please include me on your mdac upgrade list.
Which level i will decide, when you call me to send my box to your office. Ok?. I think that will be 2014.

Richard, filtering out mains nasties that you may or may not have will never be the same as improving then power supply inside a piece if kit, not unless you have horrendous mains.

I need a DC blocker for my poweramp, the Mdac on the same ring mains does not benefit.

OK. Thanks. FWIW I haven't experienced the negative effects of power filtering that some people report. And the resulting sound sounded better.

But I'm puzzled as to exactly what an enhanced power supply is contributing that the Audiolab block isn't. What kind of improvement is involved?

- Richard.
Hi John,

Would it be possible for you to check where I am on the full MDAC L2 upgrade list?

Will I get the Fusion upgrade with the full MDAC L2 upgrade?

Thank you.
John should "hire" a secretary/wiki page keeper to keep the info about upgrades up-to-date on some static place, for all these and future questions. Important information get buried quite fast in here. :)
It seems no one talk about new mdac with Toy/Fusion modification, will it be 850 euro + component price of Toy/Fusion, + 50 euro(Fusion)?

So a new Fusion mdac is 850 euro + 348 pound + 50 euro = appox. 1300 euro, excluding mail. :)
From my experience, equipment that put more design effort in power supply section is better than trying to fix the ac main by adding power conditional etc.

Simple reason, ac conditional can never restore back to the ac voltage if the main ac voltage drop. But a good design can ensure require dc needed for the circuit by designing a more tolerable input ac main power supply section.


OK. Thanks. FWIW I haven't experienced the negative effects of power filtering that some people report. And the resulting sound sounded better.

But I'm puzzled as to exactly what an enhanced power supply is contributing that the Audiolab block isn't. What kind of improvement is involved?

- Richard.
It seems no one talk about new mdac with Toy/Fusion modification, will it be 850 euro + component price of Toy/Fusion, + 50 euro(Fusion)?

So a new Fusion mdac is 850 euro + 348 pound + 50 euro = appox. 1300 euro, excluding mail. :)
Update is 350. Fusion parts another 350... The price of MDAC can't be 500 as told above. I have paid 800 for my dac alone bought from Finland. Or is there some miscalculation?
Update is 350. Fusion parts another 350... The price of MDAC can't be 500 as told above. I have paid 800 for my dac alone bought from Finland. Or is there some miscalculation?

Iirc, it is a 100 discount by John on new mdac bought this way from him. 800 is quite expensive indeed in Finland, mine is not much better, about 760 in HK with a lot for the outrageous rental for retailers here, though actually I could have bought it at around 680 if I had done more window shopping. :)
Iirc, it is a 100 discount by John on new mdac bought this way from him. 800 is quite expensive indeed in Finland, mine is not much better, about 760 in HK with a lot for the outrageous rental for retailers here, though actually I could have bought it at around 680 if I had done more window shopping. :)

Well, that is the problem with the MDAC. It costs approx. 750 EUR outside the UK, and currency exchange rate cannot account for the extra price. Has anyone paid less in those circumstances?
Well, that is the problem with the MDAC. It costs approx. 750 EUR outside the UK, and currency exchange rate cannot account for the extra price. Has anyone paid less in those circumstances?

I am in the Netherlands and bought my MDAC from a british shop. Shipping costs were very reasonable. This way it was a lot cheaper than buying local.
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