
Is everything OK with Stirling Broadcast?

The V3s sound leaner perhaps because they are less compressed and therefore more dynamic.

I found this with my Kef drived 11ohm LS3/5as, when I started using the premium Cicable external crossovers the transparency and resolution increased dramatically, and they were also less compressed sounding. The Cicables reduced the THD levels by 40 to 50dB over the original crossovers.

I had some Harbeth M30.1s at the time and my Cicabled LS3/5a were slightly better in all areas apart from the bass, but then the M30.1 cabinets were much bigger. They basically changed the LS3/5as from being a grade 2 monitor into a grade 1 (apart from the bass), which are suitable for critical listening.

The V3s compared to the V2s are slightly less of a contrast but transparency and resolution is certainly increased, detail is better, strings are more vibrant, etc.

But if the preceeding kit isn't passing on that transparency and detail then the difference won't be as noticable. Indeed this means that the V2s might be more suitable in situations where you want the LS3/5a sound but don't want to have to front it with expensive gear. I found that with my Cicabled pair - I then had to upgrade my preamps and CD players as I could hear how 'rough' they were.

The V3 crossovers have big, heavy inductors on, much more similar to the big crossovers in the LS3/6. The crossovers weigh 1.4kg each, I think the V2s must be 0.2kg each judging by the weight difference between the built speakers. V2s weigh about 4kg each, V3s weigh about 5.2kg each.

We are getting some more V3 crossovers built by Derek H in order to convert the V2s to V3s and the price is only a little less than the difference between the V2 and V3 pricing on the site.

I also have the Xtracable V2 external crossovers where the components are again slightly larger, but the inductor type is slightly different, being a ribbon type.

Here the difference to the V3 is marginal - slightly better in my testing but the fact that the crossover is in an external box and the cabinet volume is therefore slightly larger might have something to do with it as well. Plus the external crossovers use the older, more fragile, Scanspeak tweeter so that might also factor into the differences.

I was looking for some suitable enclosures to put the V3 crossovers in, as a possible user upgrade path, but I haven't found any yet. Paul Whatton did have a similar project on but I can't see it now.

