
Is everything OK with Stirling Broadcast?

Very sorry to hear of the current situation, as a long term fan of the LS3/5a V2's and V3's, and best wishes to Doug Stirling.
In my view the Stirlings are better than the more well known Falcon Ls3/5a's.
I hope the company survives in some form - it certainly deserves too !
How about a PFM 'workers co-operative' to take on the business !?!
Very sorry to hear of the current situation, as a long term fan of the LS3/5a V2's and V3's, and best wishes to Doug Stirling.
In my view the Stirlings are better than the more well known Falcon Ls3/5a's.
I hope the company survives in some form - it certainly deserves too !
How about a PFM 'workers co-operative' to take on the business !?!
I think he can't get the cabinets from the cabinet maker he was using before, who were UK based. And the SEAS driver supply I think also became problematic.

Other than that, it's feasible ! !
It's a real shame as I've just dug out my 11ohm Spendor and Rogers speakers for a giggle and there really is no comparison, the V3s as so much more open, less compressed and higher resolution - although my Cicabled 11ohm pair might still be better, apart from the bass (I blew a tweeter so have to get that replaced before I can compare - hence getting the other 11ohm LS3/5as out).

Just stumbled across this thread whilst googling.

Doug is wanting to retire and I am helping him with reviewing his stock levels and how to sell his remaining stock and how to deal with warranty issues in future. He has nearly 200 pairs of v2 and v3 loudspeakers left to sell, along with some SB88s and LS3/6s, and these will probably be sold via EBay in order to deal with international shipping, as Doug is a bit tired of the hassles he got from dealing with UPS, FedEx, etc, along with the Brexit issues.
Shortly an updated website will appear and this will be a sign that sales should appear on the EBay store shortly afterwards.
As a long time ls3/5a user and also Stirling LS3/5a user my chief concern is to get support issues sorted.
Prices will be attractive, especially for the V3 as this is likely to be the premium version of the LS3/5a in the market at the moment for performance - Graham Audios version might be similar (also a Derek Hughes design) but as the crossover on the V3 is too big to mount behind the tweeter I am guessing it might be better than the Graham one, plus the V3 (and V2) use 9mm walled cabinets instead of Grahams 12mm, and I heard Derek himself say that he thought the 9mm cabinets accounted for some of the improvement in my own pair of transplanted Roger’s 11ohm LS3/5as that used the premium Cicable crossovers.

Steve is his long term friend and neighbour so it will probably be me or Steve that is answering any emails, or Steve answering the phone.


And he has got more v2 in stock than V3s: 73 walnut, 47 cherry, 21 rosewood, 3 ash grey, 1 ebony, 1 Zebrano, 1 wild oak, and several pairs in a glossy piano black with rounded corners that look pretty fantastic…
US buyers will have to pay sales tax on ebay purchases, can be up to 10% on the purchase price and shipping cost depending on the state they live in. Best to sell direct.

Might be tempted by a rosewood pair.
US buyers will have to pay sales tax on ebay purchases, can be up to 10% on the purchase price and shipping cost depending on the state they live in. Best to sell direct.

Might be tempted by a rosewood pair.
Won’t the importing courier collect the tax and duty based on the declared value of the item anyway?

I think that’s what happens on imports to the UK?

The trouble is that Doug has been stiffed on a few shipments that have gone missing and he’s not got the compensation for, or it took a lot of effort to get it. At least one shipment was some LS3/6s which is still unresolved.

Plus if you don’t get all the paperwork exactly right things can get held up in customs for quite a time, and Doug was not great at organisation either !

Hence I was trying to use eBay Global shipping to simplify things and ensure it was eBay’s problem once it had left the UK. Plus Steve and I are doing all this for gratis so want to be spending as little time as possible on it!
ok, so I'll look at couriers some more. The problem with the big boxes, like the LS3/6, is they need to be 'fully armoured', which is a task and makes them pretty damn heavy as well.
Just wondering how they were packed for shipping when production was in full swing?

Can you also tell us what finishes are still available for the SB-88.
I sent an email yesterday to the Stirling email re v3's.

Sad to hear news but boy the timing - I was searching pfm for ls35a info yesterday as I'm looking to replace an ancient pair of mk 1 kans - this thread has likely/hopefully sealed the deal. Still sad to hear the circumstances, seemed like a labor of love.
Doug was telling my the story of how it started - he trained as a carpenter but then got into PAs, setting up things like Capital Radio Best Discos Out of Town and gigs for David Rodigan, and was basically passing the Rogers factory as it was being cleared out by some big bloke (imagine a night club bouncer) who was working for the receiver, and putting it all into containers. Doug had a look at the containers and basically offered to buy them from this big guy, then handed a wad of cash, then got a 7.5 tonne truck and collected the stuff.

If he had been a day or two later he would have missed the opportunity.

He kept the LS3/5a stuff and says that he skipped the rest (!) and then started building the speakers and selling them.

Sadly he wasn't driving a Reliant three wheeler at the time, more likely a Ford.

And the profits made went toward buying and modding cars like this - this one was sold to the company that lent it out for this video :

I love those I was passing a skip and then started a a business type stories !
I used to have a Mk 1 Escort in rally spec - would be worth a mint now !
I was watching an interview with Derek Hughes on You Tube today about how he'd 'tried to retire' after leaving Spendor and was than approached by 'a manufacturer' - presumably Doug Stirling, to work on BBC loudspeaker designs.
Since 2010 ish he has worked for Graham Audio on their BBC products.

I see Musical Fidelity and also Rogers are now also producing LS3/5a and LS5/9 type designs, along with Chinese cheap copies. A more competitive market place.
yes, I don't know where the LS5/9 came from but if you look on you csan see clone B110 sp1003s and T27s and I have a strong feeling that that is what these other LS3/5as are using.

Basically I think the best option is the Stirling, or maybe (hiss) Graham Audio versions, and if you want authenticity then you should look to Falcon as there are properly remanufacturing the drivers, not cloning them.

My 11 ohm Kef drivered LS3/5a is indeed fantastic, but it is hot-rodded with a thin wall cabinet and an external beast of a crossover. The V3 has the edge in many areas though, although I seem to remember liking the upper end of the Kef united version more - but I carelessly blew a tweeter on it some time ago and only this morning have repaired it with some closely matching drivers from a Spendor 11ohm LS3/5a I had, so haven't compared directly but will.
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I was watching an interview with Derek Hughes on You Tube today about how he'd 'tried to retire' after leaving Spendor and was than approached by 'a manufacturer' - presumably Doug Stirling, to work on BBC loudspeaker designs.
Since 2010 ish he has worked for Graham Audio on their BBC products.

I think it may have been Alan Shaw.
He wrote this at the HUG:

To get the facts straight, I have not 'owned' the Spendor company since 1992 (eighteen years ago) when the company was transferred to the ownership of Soundtracs PLC.

I then worked part time for Spendor for a few years, and also when the company was bought by Phillip Swift. I retired from the company entirely in 2002, after which I met up with Alan at a HiFi show & have subsequently assisted him in some aspects of design. At no time has my work for Spendor and Alan overlapped.

