
Innuos nextgen statement and synergistic research fuses

You don’t know how AC works, do you?

Don’t worry, it’s nothing to be ashamed of - many people don’t. You just might want to do a morsel of research before posting on a forum where one or two people are actual engineers and do know how AC works!
I rate this post 8/10 on the patronising score. A+ ;)
You've also already said that speaker positioning "is on the list" - do you think the fuse makes more difference than that then?
You've also already said that speaker positioning "is on the list" - do you think the fuse makes more difference than that then?

If the intention is to make the system sound as good as possible, then yes, fiddling around with fuses and other things before everything else is tweaked would be a waste of effort. However, if the intention is to learn/form an opinion, then diving in to the bits that you don't know enough about so as to be able to at least have an idea is worthy, especially if you are happy to learn that something doesn't matter.

How many people will tell you analog sounds better than digital, in the face of all evidence? Or that valves are better than transistors? Or that class A is 'smoother' than class AB/D/whatever?

There is no orthodoxy, pink fish is a broad church.

So to the OP, go and fiddle with your fuses! Just make sure you do so safely and don't cause any electrical fires or kill yourself ;)
If the intention is to make the system sound as good as possible, then yes, fiddling around with fuses and other things before everything else is tweaked would be a waste of effort. However, if the intention is to learn/form an opinion, then diving in to the bits that you don't know enough about so as to be able to at least have an idea is worthy, especially if you are happy to learn that something doesn't matter.

How many people will tell you analog sounds better than digital, in the face of all evidence? Or that valves are better than transistors? Or that class A is 'smoother' than class AB/D/whatever?

There is no orthodoxy, pink fish is a broad church.

So to the OP, go and fiddle with your fuses! Just make sure you do so safely and don't cause any electrical fires or kill yourself ;)
Thx for the balanced reply! :)
Has the OP put his "mod" suggestion to Sean Jacobs, designer of the NG power supplies? Would be very interested to see his response to "modding" an item and also thereby invalidating the warranty on an expensive unit.
How about the designer of PS Audio amplifiers? "dramatic improvement"
To be serious, I always think peripherals - fuses, cables, cable lifters, Addis pads, streamers, are always worth either an unsighted test or at least a try for a few weeks then go back to what you had before.

I use 5 Sean Jacobs power supplies - he knows... but he might not say.

