
"I'm not a wishy-washy Tory..."

You seem to be unable to see the difference in defending his freedom to express his views and not actually sharing them. Just as I defend the right for radical islamic preachers to preach their racist stuff.

Ah that old chestnut. It's always a handy fall back for when you run out of real arguments. Point out where I said he can't express his views. Go on.
It's obviously bad? From who's viewpoint? Not from his. He thinks his views are self evidently correct, you think they are self evidently wrong.

He is perfectly entitled to his views, and as long as he does not incite hatred or violence, perfectly entitled to shout them from the rooftops. And it does NOT make him an idiot. It makes him someone who's views you do not share. Nothing more.


From the point of view of anyone with any decency who realises we no longer have 'the colonies', if you like. He is perfectly entitled to his views, but they still make him an idiot.

Both you and Jo seem keen to make this some kind of freedom of speech issue, presumably because neither of you really comprehends why what was said is offensive. It's very sad to see people sticking up for racism and before the inevitable response to that, remember that no one has said he shouldn't express what ever views he wants to. Personally I'm glad he said it, another UKIP moron bites the dust.
Some Tories see themselves as libertarians because they would like to be free to go around making even more money due to less regulation, I guess.

He wants to stop people doing what they want but wants to be allowed to do what he want. Seems a bit of an idiot.
His kind of libertarian wants to have the liberty to go to live in Spain because Britain's gone to the dogs, it's full of foreigners and when you walk down the street you hear every language except English. His kind of libertarian doesn't see the irony in that statement.
Being a huge-mega Feynman fan, I know this Greg. It's what is known as a "joke".
a "joke"


At 6.46pm tonight you waded in to what was a good threat and insulted my intelligence to the extent I decided to flounce.

At 10.16pm tonight you said this -

auric isn't a cock, in my experience he regularly makes useful contributions to lots of threads and has a track record of avoiding confrontation, which I admire as I routinely fail in that virtue, as I have since I was a boy :)

At 10.49pm tonight you come in with a rather nasty cartoon designed to be confrontational -- you are not coming across as a nice person at all.


At 6.46pm tonight you waded in to what was a good threat and insulted my intelligence to the extent I decided to flounce.

At 10.16pm tonight you said this -

auric isn't a cock, in my experience he regularly makes useful contributions to lots of threads and has a track record of avoiding confrontation, which I admire as I routinely fail in that virtue, as I have since I was a boy :)

At 10.49pm tonight you come in with a rather nasty cartoon designed to be confrontational -- you are not coming across as a nice person at all.

Mick, I care not what you think, but do continue to act as a 10 year old.
Mick, I care not what you think, but do continue to act as a 10 year old.

Ok you can get the last word in - you like that, but the reality is that you like being confrontational. If pointing that out or walking away from it is acting like a 10 year old, you would be well advised to act like an 8 year old.

Please feel free to come back with a quip, you have my word, I will not respond.
Um, OK Greg.

I did in fact wholeheartedly believe that Feynman was god's instrument in the invention of the atom bomb, and it was only when you cleverly pointed out that Feynman subsequently regretted his involvement in it, that I decided to try to pretend the whole thing was a joke.

God Greg. You are just so brilliantly great.
Ok you can get the last word in - you like that, but the reality is that you like being confrontational. If pointing that out or walking away from it is acting like a 10 year old, you would be well advised to act like an 8 year old.

Please feel free to come back with a quip, you have my word, I will not respond.
Mick, if you're going to do this at all then do it properly.

I suggest you dig a little deeper into the various threads that you are stalking and scrutinise the order of events. If you're honest with yourself and can avoid your evident bias you'll see a theme emerge where I simply respond in kind. I never start a fight.

My response to James was benign and simply to point out the difference between a joke and a "joke".

Now by all means continue to poke the bear and run away.
Um, OK Greg.

I did in fact wholeheartedly believe that Feynman was god's instrument in the invention of the atom bomb, and it was only when you cleverly pointed out that Feynman subsequently regretted his involvement in it, that I decided to try to pretend the whole thing was a joke.

God Greg. You are just so brilliantly great.
James, you're over egging it. Hitch is probably looking down from heaven sitting at the right hand of the baby Jesus shaking his head (<- joke, you see the intense irony in that image?)
Hipsters live in Hoxton/Shoreditch and wouldn't be seen dead with Lentils or The Guardian.

Islington is full of middle class Boden wearing types who are more interested in Otto Lenghi and artisnal bread than wholefood (which is more Hackey). Assuming we are talking about the tiny bit of N1 around Upper St. and not the majority of it which is failing schools and social problems.
It changes, dunnit? This week's trendy is next week's wealthy and dull, and the grubby bits seem to get ever further out or south. I remember when I was a student in the 80s, North Kensington and to a lesser extent West Ken were dirt cheap. NK in particular was grim, streets of blokes glaring at me as I cycled past and Capris up on blocks on every other corner. These days you have to work in telly to get a 1 bed flat there.
"Harold "Tanky"Challenor was a self-appointed scourge of Soho, and in fairness, that is what his superiors wanted from him. His eccentricities - such as standing on a table in the charge room singing a popular song of the time, Bongo bongo bongo, I don't want to leave the Congo, walking home from West End Central to Surrey every night, and his calling anyone and everyone Me ol' darlin' "

